Tuesday, March 25, 2008

February Aquisitions List

Acquisitions List

Chadwick Library

Iowa Wesleyan College

March 2008


#---Free Gov’t Doc.


Bloor, Michael. Keywords in qualitative methods : a vocabulary of research concepts. Sage Publicatoins, 2006. (Ref H62 .B5856 2006)

World Report 2007. Steven Stories Press, 2007. (Ref JC571 .H856 2007)

Kemp, Donna R. Mental health in America : a reference handbook. ABC-CLIO, 2007. (Ref RA790.6 .K4644 2007)

Peres, Michael R. (ed.). Focal encyclopedia of photography : digital imaging, theory and applications, history, and science. Focal Press/Elsevier, 2007. (Ref TR9 .F6 2007)


Birkerts, Sven. The Gutenberg elegies : the fate of reading in an electronic age. Faber & Faber, 2006. (Z1003 .B57 2006)


Harford, Tim. The logic of life : the rational economics of an irrational world. Random House, 2008. (HB74.P8 H375 2008)


Bauerlein, Mark. Negrophobia : a race riot in Atlanta, 1906. Encounter Books, 2001. (F294.A89 N423 2001)

Penn, Mark J. Microtrends : the small forces behind tomorrow’s big changes. Twelve, 2007. (HB3505 .P44 2007)

Jones, Adam. Genocide : a comprehensive introduction. Routledge, 2006. (HV6322.7 .J64 2006)



Meredith, Robyn. The elephant and the dragon : the rise of India and China and what it means for all of us. W.W. Norton, 2007. (HC435.3 .M47 2007)

Michalko, Michael. Thinkertoys : a handbook of creative-thinking techniques. Ten Speed Press, 2006. (HD53 .M53 2006)

Behar, Howard. It’s not about the coffee : leadership principles from a life at Starbucks. Portfolio Hardcover/Penguin, 2007. (HD57.7 .B444 2007)

Lesonsky, Rieva. Start your own business : the only startup book you’ll ever need. Entrepreneur Press, 2007. (HD62.5 .E559 2007)

Thomas, Dana. Deluxe : how luxury lost its luster. Penguin Press, 2007. (HD9999.L852 T46 2007)

Gillin, Paul. The new influencers : a marketer’s guide to the new social media. Quill Driver Books, 2007. (HF5415 .G5424 2007)

Scott, David Meerman. The new rules of marketing and PR : how to use news releases, blogs, podcasting, viral marketing, & online media to reach buyers directly. Wiley, 2007. (HF5415.1265 .S393 2007)

Godin, Seth. Meatball sundae : is your marketing out of sync? Portfolio Hardcover/Penguin, 2007. (HF5415.13.G564 2007)

Lencioni, Patrick M. The three signs of a miserable job : a fable for managers (and their employees). Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2007. (HF5549.5.J63 L46 2007)


Klinenberg, Eric. Fighting for air : the battle to control America’s media. Holt Paperbacks, 2008. (HE8689.8 .K625 2008)

Sanders, Barry. A is for ox : the collapse of literacy and the rise of violence in an electronic age. Vintage/Random, 1995. (P95 .S26 1995)


Hayes, Judi Slayden. In search of The Kite Runner. Chalice Press, 2007. (PS3608.0832 K583 2007)


Zukin, Cliff. A new engagement? : political participation, civic life, and the changing American citizen. Oxford University Press, 2006. (JK1764 .N488 2006)

Smith, Courtney B. Politics and process at the United Nations : the global dance. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2006. (JZ4984.5 .S65 2006)


Lapchick, Richard E. (ed.). New game plan for college sports. Praeger, 2006. (GV351 .N48 2006)


Johnson, Mark. The meaning of the body : aesthetics of human understanding. University of Chicago Press, 2007. (B105.M4 J65 2007)

Zack, Naomi (ed.). Women of color and philosophy : a critical reader. Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. (B105.W6 W64 2000)

Silverman, Hugh J, (ed.). Cultural semiosis : tracing the signifier. Routledge, 1998. (B840 .C85 1998)

Sheppard, Darren (ed.). On Jean-Luc Nancy : the sense of philosophy. Routledge, 1997. (B2430.N363 J43 1997)

Jacquette, Dale. Pathways in philosophy : an introductory guide with readings. Oxford University Press, 2004. (BD21 .J327 2004)

Schmidt, Lawrence K. (ed.). The specter of relativism : truth, dialogue, and phronesis in philosophical hermeneutics. Northwestern University Press, 1995. (BD24 .S69 1995)

Vardy, Peter. The thinker’s guide to evil. O Books, 2003. (BJ1401 .V372 2003)

Prothero, Stephen. Religious literacy : what every American needs to know—and doesn’t. Harper, 2007. (BL42.5.U5 P76 2007)

Sharot, Stephen. A comparative sociology of world religions : virtuosos, priests, and popular religion. NYU Press, 2001. (BL60 .S529 2001)

Dashke, Dereck (ed.). New religious movements : a documentary reader. NYU Press, 2005. (BL2525 .N4865 2005)

Barrett, Paul M. American Islam : the struggle for the soul of religion. Picador/Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2008. (BP67.U6 B37 2008)

Fricker, Miranda (ed.). The Cambridge companion to feminism in philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2000. (HQ1154 .C25 2000)


Wexler, Bruce E. Brain and culture : neurobiology, ideology, and social change. MIT Press, 2006. (HM831 .W48 2006)

Agutter, Paul S. About life : concepts in modern biology. Springer, 2007. (QH331 .A344 2007)

Laubichler, Manfred D. (ed.). From embryology to evo-devo : a history of developmental evolution. MIT Press, 2007. (QH491 .F76 2007)

Caroll, Sean B. The making of the fittest : DNA and the ultimate forensic record of evolution. W.W. Norton, 2007. (QP624 .C37 2007)

Thomson, Jennifer A. Seeds for the future : the impact of genetically modified crops on the environment. Cornell University Press, 2007. (SB123.57 .T494 2007)


Presnell, Jenny L. The information-literate historian : a guide to research for history students. Oxford University Press, 2007. (D16.2 .P715 2007)

Cook, Douglas (ed.). Teaching information literacy skills to social sciences students and practitioners : a casebook of applications. ACRL, 2006. (ZA3075 .T43 2006)


Peres, Michael R. (ed.). Focal encyclopedia of photography : digital imaging, theory and applications, history, and science. Focal Press/Elsevier, 2007. (A-V CD Ref TR9 .F6 2007)

Emotion. Films Media Group, 2006. (A-V DVD BF692.2 .E4 2006)

Power and leadership. Films Media Group, 2006. (A-V DVD BF692.2 .P69 2006x)

Language. Films Media Group, 2006. (A-V VTC BF692.2 .W372 2006)

Game over : gender, race & violence in video games. Media Education Foundation, 2000. (A-V VTC GV1469.3 .G364 2000)

Toxic sludge is good for you : the public relations industry unspun. Media Education Foundation, 2002. (A-V VTC HD59.6.U6 T69 2002)

Richter, Robert. Hungry for profit. New Day, 2006. (A-V DVD HD9018.D44 H86 2006)

The overspent American : why we want what we don’t need. Media Education Foundation, 2003. (A-V VTC HF5415.33.U6 O92 2003)

Beyond good & evil : children, media & violent times. Media Education Foundation, 2003. (A-V VTC HQ784.M3 B49 2003x)

Reviving Ophelia : saving the selves of adolescent girls. Media Education Foundation Store, 2000. (A-V VTC HQ798 .R48 2000)

Spin the bottle : sex, lies, and alcohol. Media Education Foundation, 2004. (A-V VTC HV5135 .S64 2004)

Campbell, Michael. Rock and roll, an introduction. Sony Music Special Products, 1999. (A-V CD ML3534 .C26 1999)

Campbell, Michael. Rock and roll ; an introduction. Sony Music Special Products, 1999. A-V CD ML3534 .C26 1999.

Class dismissed : how tv frames the working class. Media Education Foundation, 2005. (A-V VTC P94.5.W68 C53 2005)

John Safran vs. God. Madman Television, 2004. (A-V DVD PN1992.77.S73 S24 2004)

Crude : the incredible journey of oil. ABC, 2007. (A-V DVD TN870 .C783 2007)

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