Monday, December 15, 2008

In the latest issue of NextSpace, a publication sent out by OCLC, there are a number of mind boggling statistics concerning the use of several social networking sites.

Check these out--something to think about

10 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute

278 photo uploads per second to Facebook

1,000,000 instant messages sent per second

2,000,000 e-mails sent per second

100,000,000,000 clicks per day on the Web

55,000,000,000,000 links between all Web pages

Monday, November 10, 2008

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
November 2008
#---Free Gov’t Doc.


APA. Graduate study in psychology, 2009. American Psychological Association, 2009. (Ref BF77 .G73 2009)

Knapp, Mark L. (ed.). Handbook of interpersonal communication. Sage Publications, 2002. (Ref BF637.C45 H287 2002)

Sider, Sandra. Handbook to life in Renaissance Europe. Oxford University Press, 2007. (Ref CB361 .S498 2007)

Downing, John D.H. (ed.). The SAGE handbook of media studies. Sage Publications, 2004. (Ref P90 .S18 2004)

Gudykunst, William B. (ed.). Handbook of international and intercultural communication. Sage Publications, 2002. (Ref P94.6 .H36 2002)

Dow, Bonnie J. (ed.). The SAGE handbook of gender and communication. Sage Publications, 2006. (Ref P96.S48 S34 2006)


*Simpson, William. The prince: the secret story of the world’s most intriguing royal, prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Regan/Harper Collins, 2006. (DS244.526.B55 S56 2006)

*Friedricks, William B. Investing in Iowa: the life and times of F. M. Hubbell. Iowan Books, 2007. (HC102.5.H877 F75 2007)


*Inclusive scholarship: developing Black studies in the United States: a 25th anniversary retrospective of Ford Foundation grant making, 1982-2007. Ford Foundation, 2007. (E184.7 .I53 2007)


Light, Steven Andrew. Indian gaming & tribal sovereignty: the casino compromise. University Press of Kansas, 2005. (E98.G18 L54 2005)


*DeVito, Joseph A. Brainstorms: how to think more creatively about communication. Harper Collins College Publishers, 1996. (BF441 .D49 1996)

*Scileppi, Patricia A. Values for interpersonal communication: how then shall we live? Star Publishing Company, 2005. (BF637.C45 S32 2005)

*Zelezny, John D. Communications law: liberties, restraints, and the modern media. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1993. (KF2750 .Z45 1993)

*Pearson, Judy C. Human communication. McGraw-Hill, 2003. (P90 .H745 2003)

*Scott, Michael D. Dimensions of communication: an introduction. Mayfield Publishing Company, 1997. (P90 .S3886 1997)

Cottle, Simon (ed.). Media organization and production. Sage Publications, 2003. (P96.E25 M426 2003)

*Beebe, Steven A. Public speaking: an audience-centered approach. Allyn & Bacon, 2003. (PN4121 .B385 2003)

*DeVito, Joseph A. The public speaking guide. Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. (PN4121 .D3893 1994)

*Lucas, Stephen E. The art of public speaking. McGraw-Hill, 1995. (PN4121 .L72 1995)

*Mandel, Steve. Effective presentation skills. Crisp Productions Inc, 1987. (PN4121 .M3194 1987)

*Daly, John A. Presentations in everyday life: strategies for effective speaking. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. (PN4129.15 .D35 2001)

*Lee, Charlotte I. Oral interpretation. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. (PN4145 .L35 2001)

Kern, Jonathan. Sound reporting: the NPR guide to audio journalism and production. University of Chicago Press, 2008. (PN4784.R2 K47 2008)


Dallas, Gregor. 1945: the war that never ended. Yale University Press, 2005. (D755.7 .D36 2005)

Browning, Christopher R. The origins of the final solution: the evolution of Nazi Jewish policy, September 1939-March 1942. University of Nebraska Press, 2004. (D804.3 .B773 2004)

Orlow, Dietrich. The Nazi party 1919-1945: a complete history. Enigma Books, 2008. (DD253.25 .O75 2008)

Brucia, Margaret A. To be a Roman: topics in Roman culture. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2007. (DG78 .B78 2007)

Goldsworthy, Adrian. Caesar: life of a colossus. Yale University Press, 2006. (DG261 .G584 2006)

*Larson, Chuck (ed.). Heroes among us: firsthand accounts of combat from America’s most decorated warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan. NAL Caliber, 2008. (DS79.76 .H46445 2008)

MacFarquhar, Roderick. Mao’s last revolution. Belknap Press, 2008. (DS778.7 .M33 2008)

Mayer, Henry. All on fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the abolition of slavery. W. W. Norton, 2008. (E449.G25 M39 2008)

Beatty, Jack. Age of betrayal: the triumph of money in America, 1865-1900. Vintage/Random House, 2008. (E661 .B37 2008)

Shlaes, Amity. The forgotten man: a new history of the Great Depression. Harper Perennial, 2008. (E806 .S52 2008)

*DeFrank, Thomas M. Write it when I’m gone: remarkable off-the-record conversations with Gerald R. Ford. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2007. (E866 .D43 2007)

Tooze, Adam. The wages of destruction: the making and breaking of the Nazi economy. Penguin, 2008. (HC286.4 .T66 2008)

Meyerson, Michael I. Liberty’s blueprint: how Madison and Hamilton wrote the Federalist papers, defined the Constitution, and made democracy safe for the world. Basic Books/Perseus, 2008. (KF4520 .M49 2008)


*Weiss, Piero. Music in the Western world: a history in documents. Schirmer Books/Macmillan, 1984. (ML160 .M865 1984)

*Vigeland, Carl A. In concert: onstage and offstage with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. University of Massachusetts Press, 1991. (ML1211.8.B72 B78 1991)

*Wilson-Dickson, Andrew. The story of Christian music: from Gregorian chant to Black gospel: an authoritative illustrated guide to all the major traditions of music for worship. Fortress Press, 1996. (ML3000 .W54 1996)

Sacks, Oliver. Musicophilia: tales of music and the brain. Vintage/Random House, 2008. (ML3830 .S13 2008)


*Guest, Ann Hutchinson. Your move. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2008. (GV452 .G83 2008)


*Brinkley, Douglas. Parish priest: Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism. William Morrow/Harper Collins, 2006. (BX4705.M194 B75 2006)

Geanakoplos, Deno John. Byzantium: church, society, and civilization seen through contemporary eyes. University of Chicago Press, 1986. (DF503 .B983 1986)


Roberts, Paul. The end of food. Houghton Mifflin, 2008. (HD9000.5 .R578 2008)


Schneider, Jennifer P. Living with chronic pain: the complete health guide to the causes and treatment of chronic pain. Healthy Living Books, 2004. (RB127 .S365 2004)


*Guest, Ann Hutchinson. Your move. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2008. (A-V CD GV452 .G83 2008)

*Kabul transit. Bullfrog Films, 2007. (A-V DVD DS375.K2 K33 2006 c.2-3)

Why ads work: the power of self-deception. Learningseed, 1996. (A-V DVD HF5822 .W49 1996)

Why you buy: 21st century advertising. Learningseed, 2002. (A-V DVD HF5822 .W5)
*Ben-Hur. MGM/UA, 1988. (A-V VHS PN1997 .B45 1988 pt.1-2)

*Do the right thing. Universal, 1998. (A-V DVD PN1997 .D52 1998)

*Leap of faith. Paramount Pictures, 2003. (A-V DVD PN1997 .L437 2003)

*Terms of endearment. Paramount Pictures, 2000. (A-V DVD PN1997.T47 T47 2000)

*Wall street. Twentieth-Century Fox, 2000. (A-V DVD PN1997 .W234 2000)


Kroski, Ellyssa. Web 2.0 for librarians and information professionals. Neal Schuman Publishers, 2008. (Z674.75.W67 K76 2008)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

September Acquisitions


Chadwick Library

Iowa Wesleyan College

October 2008


#---Free Gov’t Doc.


Mandel, David. Who’s who in the Jewish Bible. Jewish Publication Society of America, 2007. (Ref BS570.M36 2007)


Mann, Michael E. Dire predictions : understanding global warming. DK Adult, 2008. (QC981.8.G56 M35 2008)

Stein, Richard Joseph (ed.). Water Supply. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (TD355 .W385 2008)

McCaffrey, Paul (ed.). U.S. national debate topic 2008-2009 : alternative energy. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (TJ808 .U82 2008)


Hunter, Mary Stuart. Academic advising : new insights for teaching and learning in the first year. National Resource Center, 2007. (LB2343 .A294 2007)

*Everston, Carolyn M. Classroom management for elementary teachers. Pearson, 2009. (LB3013 .C5288 2009 C.1-2)

*Emmer, Edmund T. Classroom management for middle and high school teachers. Pearson, 2009. (LB3013 .C533 2009 C.1-2


Turner, Mark (ed.). The artful mind : cognitive science and the riddle of human creativity. Oxford University Press, 2006. (N71 .A762 2006)


Schlesinger, Robert. White House ghosts : presidents and their speechwriters. Simon & Schuster, 2008. (E176.1 .S345 2008)

Keen, Andrew. The cult of the amateur : how blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today’s user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values. Doubleday Business, 2007. (HM851 .K43 2007)

Gitelman, Lisa. Always already new : media, history, and the data of culture. MIT Press, 2006. (P90 .G4776 2006)

Brummett, Barry S. (ed.). Uncovering hidden rhetorics : social issues in disguise. Sage Publications, 2008. (P301.5.S63 U96 2008)


McCloud, Scott. Understanding comics : the invisible art. Harper Perennial, 1994. (PN6710 .M335 1994)

*Landolfi, Tommaso. Words in commotion and other stories. Viking, 1986. (PQ4827.A57 A24 1986)

*Kinnell, Galway. Selected poems. Houghton Mifflin, 1982. (PS3521.I582 A6 1982)

*Gurganus, Allan. White people. Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. (PS3557.U814 A6 1991)

*Harrison, Jim. Returning to earth. Grove Press, 2007. (PS3558.A67 R4 2007)

*Haruf, Kent. Plainsong. Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. (PS3558.A716 P58 1999)

*Haruf, Kent. The tie that binds : a novel. Vintage Books, 2000. (PS3558.A716 T5 2000)

*Jones, Thom. The pugilist at rest : stories. Little, Brown and Company, 1993. (PS3560.O546 1993)

*Mason, Bobbie Ann. Clear Springs : a memoir. Random House, 1999. (PS3563.A7877 Z77 1999)

Stover, Lois Thomas. Teaching the selected works of Katherine Paterson. Heinemann, 2007. (PS3566.A779 Z86 2007)

Crowe, Chris. Teaching the selected works of Mildred D. Taylor. Heinemann, 2007. (PS3570.A9463 Z65 2007)


Spiegelman, Art. Maus : a survivor’s tale. Pantheon, 1997. (DS135.P63 S68 1997)

*Hoffman, Eva. Lost in translation : a life in a new language. Penguin Books, 1990. (E184.J5 H63 1990)

*Wiencek, Henry. An imperfect god : George Washington, his slaves, and the creation of America. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. (E312.17 .W6 2003)

Mari, Christopher (ed.). The American presidency. H.W, Wilson, 2008. (JK516 .A86 2008)

*Habegger, Alfred. My wars are laid away in books : the life of Emily Dickinson. Random House, 2001. (PS1541.Z5 H32 2001)


Harold, Elliotte Rusty. Java network programming. O’Reilly Media, 2005. (QA76.625 .H367 2005)

Gamma Erich. Design patterns : elements of reusable object-oriented software. Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995. (QA76.64 .D47 1995)

Bloch, Joshua. Effective Java™ programming language guide. Prentice Hall, 2001. (QA76.73.J38 B57 2001 C.2)

Vieira, Robert. Beginning SQL server 2005 programming. Wiley, 2006. (QA76.9.C55 V54 2006)


Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. The black swan : the impact of the highly improbable. Random House, 2007. (Q375 .T35 2007)

Scott, Jacqueline (ed.). Critical affinities : Nietzsche and African American thought. State University of New York Press, 2006. (B3317 .C685 2006)

Grob, Leonard (ed.). Women’s and men’s liberation : testimonies of spirit. Greenwood Press, 1991. (BL625.7 .W65 1991)

*Robinson, Marilynne. The death of Adam : essays on modern thought. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. (E169.12 .R583 1998)

Lott, Tommy L. African-American philosophy : selected readings. Prentice Hall, 2002. (E184.6 .A335 2002)

Barboza, Steven (ed.). The African American book of values : classic moral stories. Doubleday, 1998. (E185.86 .B35 1998)

Pearsall, Marilyn (ed.). Women and values : readings in recent feminist philosophy. Wadsworth, 1993. (HQ1190 .W68 1993)

Souaiaia, Ahmed E. Contesting justice : women, Islam, law, and society. State University of New York Press, 2008. (KBP50 .S68 2008)


Weinberger, David. Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder. Holt Paperbacks, 2008. (HD30.2 .W4516 2008)


*Luther. MGM, 2004. (A-V DVD BR327 .L77 2004b)

*Paper Clips. Hart Sharp Video, 2006. (A-V DVD D804.33 .P37 2006)

*Amistad. DreamWorks, 2004. (A-V DVD E447 .A6 2004)

*Bowling for Columbine. MGM Home Entertainment, 2003. (A-V DVD HV7436 .B69 2003)

*Thank you for smoking. Twentieth Century Fox, 2006. (A-V DVD PN1995.9.C55 T4365 2006)

*Manderlay. IFC Films, 2005. (A-V DVD PN1995.9.M45 M36 2005)

*Nine lives. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. (A-V DVD PN1995.9.W6 N564 2006)

*Invincible. New Line Home Entertainment, 2003. (A-V DVD PN1997.2 .I68 2003)

*TransAmerica. Weinstein Company, 2006. (A-V DVD PN1997.2 .T73 2006b)

*Grizzly man. Lions Gate Entertainment, 2005. (A-V DVD QL737.C27 G7588 2005)

Friday, October 10, 2008

All this just in the first month of school

It's been awhile since I posted anything and part of that has to do with the intense schedule the library has been experiencing, coupled with learning various new software of both the major and minor variety (more about that later) and, oh yes, a vacation.

First things first--the librarians, Paula, Paula and Sherril have conducted nearly 40 information literacy sessions in just the month of September. Whew! Program areas that we have been collaborating with include: WES 100, Nursing, Philosophy, Business Administration, Psychology, History, and Religion and Forum. We have done a variety of presentations from tours to powerpoints to specifically targeted resources and stand-alone guides. If you have any assignments on the near horizon that we could assist your students with, please let us know!

Secondly, we have been "playing" with and learning our new databases from the Proquest family in the areas of Psychology, Nursing, and Religion. I recently gave four InfoLit sessions that demonstrated these databases and how to use them to our students. I'm happy to report that they have been well received and constituted over 20% of our total database use for the month of September. Not a bad first showing for our newbies!

Finally, some of you may be hearing inklings about new library software. Some of you may have already gotten a first hand look at this software. We're very excited about our new LibGuide software. Two guides have already been written and I invite you to take a look at them. You can find them here. Can't miss them--they're marked by the big purple boxes. Several more are forthcoming as is more information in a later blog.

Enjoy your fall break!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Quotable Facts about Academic Libraries

From the American Library's some interesting statistics about academic and public libraries. Statistics in purple give you an idea of where Chadwick Library fits in with the rest of the country.

Academic Libraries
  • Academic librarians answer 72.8 million reference questions each year--almost twice the attendance at college football games.
Chadwick Librarians responded to 4800 reference questions last year. This is a 22% increase from the previous year.

  • College libraries receive less than two cents of every dollar spent on higher education.
Chadwick Library 1.96% (2006-2007 figure) of IWC college educational and general fund. We spent approximately $310 per student (2006-2007 budget figure).

  • If the cost of People magazine had risen as fast as academic library periodicals since 1990, its subscription would cost about $150 per year.
The average cost of our academic paper subscriptions has risen approximately 10% each year.

  • The number of librarians per 1000 students enrolled in 2 and 4 year colleges and universities in the U.S. dropped from 2.4 in 2000 to less than .5 in 2004.
The number of Chadwick staff having direct interaction with students is .5 per 100 students. The number of librarians per student is .35 per 100 students.

Public Libraries

  • 63% of adults in the U.S. have public library cards.
A total of 711 people (students and faculty/staff) are registered Chadwick Library patrons. Over 80% of our campus constituency is a registered patron at Chadwick Library.
  • Americans go to school, public, and academic libraries more often than they go to the movies.
Attendance at Chadwick Library has set two consecutive all time attendance records. During the 2007-2008 academic year, 81,171 people visited the library. Seven months saw record breaking attendance and October 2007 saw 10,898 people visit the library which is the all-time record attendance for one month.

  • There are more public libraries than McDonald's in the U.S.--a total of 16,549, including branches
  • Americans check out an average of more than seven books a year.
At Chadwick Library, 98.7% of our registered patrons check out materials during the 2007-2008 academic year.
  • Americans spend nearly ten times as much money on home video games (9.9 billion) as they do on school library materials for their children (1 billion).
Excluding salaries and wages, Chadwick Library spends over 85% of the library budget on materials that directly focus on student academic needs.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Library Annual Report

One of my major summer projects is to write the annual report for the library. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting sections of the library annual report. Here's the first section which is the Executive Summary.

Click on the image to read the text in larger print.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Frame of Reference for our incoming First-Year Students

Along with the scholastic profile of our incoming first-year students, here’s a cultural profile: the Beloit College Mindset List for the Class of 2012:

Beloit’s list, published for the past 11 years by two professors, attempts to provide "observations that help to identify the experiences that have shaped the lives–and formed the mindset—of students starting their post-secondary education this fall."

Monday, June 23, 2008

May Acquisitions List


Chadwick Library

Iowa Wesleyan College

May 2008


#---Free Gov’t Doc.


*Obama, Barack. Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance. Three Rivers Press, 2004. (Ei85.97.O23 A3 2004)

*Bruni, Frank. Ambling into history: the unlikely odyssey of George W. Bush. HarperCollins, 2002. (E903.B78 2002b)


Tobolowsky, Barbara F. (ed.) Shedding light on sophomores: an exploration of the second college year. National Resource Center, 2007. (LA229.S49 2007)


*Senge, Peter. Schools that learn: a fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education. Doubleday, 2000. (LB2822.82 .S38 2000)

*Cress, Christine M. Learning through serving: a student guidebook for service-learning across the disciplines. Stylus, 2005. (LC220.5 .C72 2005)


*Cohen, Libby G. Assessment of children and youths with special needs. Allyn & Bacon, 2003. (BF722.C638 2003)

*Delisle, Jim. When gifted kids don’t have all the answers: how to meet their social and emotional needs. Free Spirit Publishing, 2002. (LC3993.2 .D36 2002)

*Weishaar, Mary Konya. Case studies in assessment of students with disabilities. Pearson, 2005. (LC4019 .W45 2005)


*Deans, Thomas. Writing and community action: a service-learning rhetoric and reader. Longman, 2003 (PE1127.S6 D43 2003)

*Ross, Carolyn. Writing for real: a handbook for writers in community service. Longman, 2003. (PE1479.S62 R67 2003)

*Gwamna, Olabisi. Dancing with shadows and other stories. Hamilton Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. (PR9387.9.G83 D36 2008)


*Erdrich, Louise. The Master Butchers Singing Club: a novel. Perennial/HarperCollins, 2004. (PS3555.R42 M37 2004)


*Wolff, Leon. Little brown brother: how the United States purchased and pacified the Philippine Islands at the century’s turn. History Book Club, 2006. (DS682.A1 W6 2006)

*Calloway, Colin G. The scratch of a pen: 1763 and the transformation of North America. Oxford University Press, 2006. (E46 .C35 2006)

*Troiani, Don. Don Troiani’s American battles: the art of the nation at war, 1754-1865. Stackpole Books, 2006. (qE181 .T85 2006)

*Schama, Simon. Rough Crossings: Britain, the slaves and the American Revolution. (E269.N3 S33 2006)

*Wood, Gordon S. Revolutionary characters: what made the founders different. Penguin Press, 2006. (E302.5 .W82 2006)

*Bordewich, Fergus M. Bound for Canaan: the underground railroad and the war for the soul of America. Amistad/HarperCollins, 2005. (E450 .B735 2005)

*Swanson, James L. Manhunt: the twelve day chase for Lincoln’s killer. William Morrow/HarperCollins, 2006. (E457.5 .S993 2006)

*Witness to the Civil War: first-hand accounts from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper. Collins/HarperCollins, 2006. (qE464 .W58 2006)

*Hanson, Kathleen S. (ed.) Turn backward, O time: the Civil War diary of Amanda Shelton. Edinborough Press, 2006. (E621 .S47 2006)

*Philbrick, Nathaniel. Mayflower: a story of courage, community, and war. Viking/Penguin, 2006. (F68 .P44 2006)

*Goetzmann, William H. Exploration and empire: the explorer and the scientist in the winning of the American West. History Book Club, 2006 (F591 .G62 2006)

*Faragher, John Mack. A great and noble scheme: the tragic story of the expulsion of the France Acadians from their American homeland. W.W. Norton, 2005. (F1038 .F37 2005)


*Sample, Tex. Powerful persuasion: multimedia witness in Christian Worship. Abingdon Press, 2005. (BV288 .S26 2005)


Seeger, Lara Vaccaro. First the egg. Roaring Brook Press, 2007. (Youth Lit CAL Se3fi)


*Kabul Transit. Bullfrog Films, 2006. (A-V DVD DS375.K2 K33 2006)

Best of 2007. Films Media Group, 2007. (A-V DVD HF6146.T42 F68 2007)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One for you sociologists, mathematician, philosophers and marketers

As I was working on collection development the other day, I came across this entry for a very unique and unusual book titled, "Indexed". Being a librarian and concerned with access, I must say that this piqued my interest. How could there be a book on indexing in the past tense? What kind of information would it hold? And, why would anyone buy it? Well, it turns out that
this isn't a book on indexing from a librarian's perspective, but one from a unique, creative and sometimes even thought provoking perspective.

The author, Jessica Hagy, thinks in a very visual manner. On her blog, (which BTW was named a 2007 Webby Awards nominee) she posts charts, graphs, and Venn diagrams drawn on index cards that provide observations on unusual connections in our culture.

Curious? Here's an example:

Those simple steps are never so simple:

Here's another....

Out with the old, in with the new

So, how does this tie in with student learning and information literacy?

During the first year English 101 program one of our information literacy sessions has a segment on the grammar and syntax of searching. This is more commonly known as Boolean logic which uses Venn diagrams and the connectors of and, or and not to represent search statements. This encourages the students to represent their searching in a graphic manner. So, when I explored this book and blogspot, my intention was to provide some interesting (and yes, entertaining) examples of Boolean logic that would help eliminate that glassy eyed look we get from students when we present this material.

I think it's especially interesting that this has applications to all sorts of discipline areas--philosophy, marketing, sociology, and math to name a few. Yes, I know, it's not a scholarly resource, but hey, it's summer!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

April Acquisitions List


Chadwick Library

Iowa Wesleyan College

April 2008


#---Free Gov’t Documents


Lecointre, Guillaume. The tree of life: a phylogentic classification. Belknap Press, 2006 (Ref QH83.L42513 2006)

*Vogt, Peter, Career wisdom for college students: insights you won’t get in class, on the Internet, or from your parents. Checkmark Books, 2007 (HF5381.V58 2007)


* Lerner, Barron H. When illness goes public: celebrity patients and how we look at medicine. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006 (R703.L47 2006)

Fitzgerald, Terence J. (ed.) Celebrity culture in the United States. H.W. Wilson, 2008 (E169.12.C39 2008)


Chong, Nilda. The Latino patient: a cultural guide for health care providers. Intercultural Press, 2002 (RA448.5.H57 C56 2002)

Long, Stephen Weber. Caring for people with challenging behaviors: essential skills and successful strategies in long-term care. Health Professions Press, 2005 (RC451.4.N87 L66 2005)

Innes, Anthea (ed.) Dementia care mapping: applications across cultures. Health Professions Press, 2003 (RC521.D4537 2003)

Odom-Forren, Jan. Practical guide to moderate sedation/analgesia. C.V. Mosby, 2005 (RD85.C64 O36 2005)

Hardin, Sonya R. (ed.) Synergy for clinical excellence: the AACN synergy model for patient care. Jones and Bartlett, 2005 (RT120.I5 S97 2005)


Moss, Pamela A. (ed.) Evidence and decision making. 2007 (LB5.N25 106th pt. 1)

Smolin, Louanne, (ed.) Information and communication technologies: considerations of current practice for teachers and teacher educators. 2007 (LB5.N25 106th pt. 2)

Boss, Suzie. Reinventing project-based learning: your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age. ISTE, 2007 (LB1027.43.B67 2007)

Watts, Margit Misangyi. College: we make the road by walking. Prentice Hall, 2007 (LC1011.W29 2007)

Tabors, Patton O. One child, two languages: a guide for early childhood educators of children learning English as a second language. Paul H. Brooks Publishing, 2008 (P118.2.T325 2008)


Horst, Heather A. The cell phone: an anthropology of communication. Berg Publishers, 2006 (HE9715.J25 H67 2006)

Bianchi, Suzanne M. Changing rhythms of American family life. Russell Sage Foundations Publications, 2007 (HQ536.B59 2007)

Delgado, Melvin. Social work with Latinos: a cultural assets paradigm. Oxford University Press, 2007 (HV3187.A2 D444 2007)


Foster, Hal. Art since 1900: modernism, antimodernism, post modernism. Thames & Hudson, 2004 (qN6490.A7186 2004)


*Fishback, Price V. Government & the American econmomy: a new history. University of Chicago Press, 2007 (HC103.G676 2007)

*Pomfret, Richard. The Central Asian economies since independence. Princeton University Press, 2006 (HC420.3.P654x 2006)

*Noland, Marcus. The Arab economies in a changing world. Institute of International Economics, 2007 (HC498.N56 2007)

*Moss, Todd J. African development: making sense of the issues and actors. Lynne Rienner, 2007 (HC800.M6775 2007)

*Sisodia, Rajendra S. Firms of endearment: how world-class companies profit from passion and purpose. Wharton School Publishing, 2007 (HD30.28.S478 2007)

NCEE. Tough choices or tough times: the report of the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce. Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2008 (HD5715.2.N32 2008)

*Lawler, Edward E. America at work: choices and challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006

(HD6957.U5 A485 2006)

Bragg, Steven M. Wiley GAAP policies and procedures. Wiley, 2007 (HF5616.U5 B7 2007)

Epstein, Barry J. Wiley GAAP 2008: interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles. Wiley, 2007 (HF5616.U5 W55)

*Stallings, Barbara. Finance for development: Latin America in comparative perspective. Brookings Institution Press, 2006 (HG185.L3 S83 2006)


*Wood, Edward W. Jr. Worshipping the myths of World War II: reflections on America’s dedication to war. Potomac Books, 2006 (D769.1.W66 2006)

*Vinen, Richard. The unfree French: life under the occupation. Yale University Press, 2006 (DC397.V56 2006)

*Moyar, Mark. Triumph forsaken: the Vietnam war, 1954-1965. Cambridge University Press, 2006 (DS557.7.M77 2006)

*Johnson, Robert David. Congress and the Cold War. Cambridge University Press, 2006 (E840.J635 2006)


Bentley, Jon. Programming Pearls. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000 (QA76.6.B454 2000)

Meyers, Scott. Effective C++: 55 specific ways to improve your programs and designs. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005 (QA76.73.C153 M48 2005)

Eckel, Bruce. Thinking in Java. Prentice Hall, 2006 (QA76.73.J38 E25 2006)


Brogan, Walter (ed.) American continental philosophy: a reader. Indiana University Press, 2000 (B935.A44 2000)

Flahault, Francois. Malice. Verso, 2003 (BJ1406.F5313 2003)

Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy. Failing America’s faithful: how today’s churches are mixing God with politics and losing their way. Warner BKS, 2007 (BR526.T72 2007)

Bremmer, Jan (ed.) The Apochrypal acts of Paul and Thecla. Kok Pharos Publishing House, 1996 (BS2880.P4 A66 1996)


Miller, Suzanne M. (ed.) Individuals, families, and the new era of genetics: biopsychosocial perspectives. W.W. Norton, 2006 (RB155.I525 2006)


Ward, Peter D. Under a green sky: global warming, the mass extinctions of the past, and what they can tell us about our future. Collins, 2008 (QE721.2.E97 W384 2008)


Levine, Ellen. Henry’s freedom box. Scholastic Press, 2007 (Youth Lit CAL L57he)

Selznick, Brian. The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures. Scholastic Press, 2007 (Youth Lit CAL Se4in)

Sis, Peter. The wall: growing up behind the Iron Curtain. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007 (Youth Lit CAL Si8wa)

Willems, Mo. Knuffle Bunny too: a case of mistaken identity. Hyperion, 2007 (Youth Lit CAL W66Ku)

Curtis, Christopher Paul. Elijah of Buxton. Scholastic Press, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW C94el

Schlitz, Laura Amy. Good masters! sweet ladies!: voices from a medieval village. Candlewick Press, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW Sch3go)

Schmidt, Gary D. The Wednesday wars. Clarion Books, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW Sch5we)

Woodson, Jacqueline. Feathers. Putnam Juvenile, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW W86fe)

Simon, Seymour. Bones: our skeletal system. HarperTrophy/Morrow, 1998 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5bo)

Simon, Seymour. The brain: our nervous system. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5br)

Simon, Seymour. Eyes and ears. HarperTrophy, 2003 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5ey)

Simon, Seymour. Guts: our digestive system. HarperCollins, 2005 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5gu)

Simon, Seymour. The heart: our circulatory system. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5he)

Simon, Seymour. Lungs: your respiratory system. HarperCollins, 2007 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5lu)

Simon, Seymour. Muscles: our muscular system. HarperTrophy 1998 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5mu)

Simon, Seymour. Earthquakes. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5ea)

Simon, Seymour. Hurricanes. HarperCollins, 2007 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5hu)

Simon, Seymour. Icebergs and glaciers. HarperTrophy, 1999 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5ic)

Simon, Seymour. Lightning. HarperCollins, 1997 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5li)

Simon, Seymour. Mountains. HarperTrophy, 1997 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5mo)

Simon, Seymour. Oceans. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5oc)

Simon, Seymour. Storms. HarperTrophy, 1992 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5st)

Simon, Seymour. Tornadoes. HarperTrophy, 1999 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5to)

Simon, Seymour. Weather. HarperCollins 2006, (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5we)

Simon, Seymour. Wildfires. HarperTrophy 1996, (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5wi)


Tabors, Patton O. One child, two languages: a guide for early childhood educators of children learning English as a second language. Paul H. Brooks Publishing, 2008 (A-V CD P118.2.T325 2008)

How They Sell. Films Media Group, 2004 (A-V DVD HF5415.2 .H695 2004)

Friday, April 18, 2008

What is Information Literacy Anyway?

It has been said that information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations. As defined by the American Libraries Association (ALA), information literacy is defines as the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand. The ALA has identified five standards for determining an "information literate" person. Each standard builds on and expands the previous one. The text below is from the ALAStandards: Step-by-Step document. It does a wonderful job of clearly articulating the intent of each standard.

Standard One seeks to focus on an information need, explore various options for meeting this need and requires a basic understanding of how information is generated, organized and disseminated. The student must be able to identify these questions:
What is it you want to know?
What kind of information do you need?
How much information do you need?

Standard Two builds on Standard One. It focuses on student's ability to access information in an effective and efficient manner, once they have clarified their need for information. It's probably the easiest to understand since it's all about getting at the information. The student must be able to answer these questions:
What is the best way to gather this information?
Am I using the best terms for this search?
Which search system or other resource will get me this information?

Standard Three is perhaps the most important as it stresses the need for all of us to evaluate information critically as we select and use it. This is especially important because of the amount and nature and formats of the information available. Students must develop abilities that critically analyze information. The student must be able to answer these questions:
Is this s credible source of information?
Is there another interpretation or point of view?
How does this new information change what I know?

Standard Four focuses on the various uses of information as we communicate with others. The student must be able to answer these questions:
What is the best method for presenting this information?
Will this image convey the message I want?
Are these quotes supportive of my ideas?

Finally, Standard Five outlines important aspects of legal and ethical issues surrounding the use of information. Besides focusing on the plagiarism issue, freedom of speech, privacy, intellectual property, fair use and other aspects fall into this category. The student must be able to answer these questions:
Can I make a copy of this material?
What are the issues surrounding censorship?
Are there college policies about information gathering, use or reproduction and dissemination

So, that's information literacy in a nutshell. As librarians, we integrate these standards into our class instruction. But, I think that you will agree that they are relevant far beyond the walls of academia.

April Acquisitions List

Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
April 2008

#---Free Gov’t Doc.


Education index. H.W. Wilson, 2007. (Index Z5813 .E23 v.57)

The world almanac and book of facts 2008. World Almanac Books, 2008. (Ref AY67.N5 W7 2008)

Current biography yearbook 2007. H.W. Wilson, 2007. (Ref CT100 .C8 2007)

Statistical abstract of the United States 2008. U.S. Census Bureau, 2007. (Ref HA202 .U5 2008)

The United States government manual 2007-2008. Office of the Federal Register, 2007. (Ref JK421 .A3 2007-2008)

Physicians’ desk reference 2008. Thomson Healthcare, 2007. (Ref RS75 .P5 2008)

Powers, Bethel Ann. Dictionary of nursing theory and research. Springer, 2006. (Ref RT81.5 .P69 2006)

*Consumer Reports buying guide 2008. Consumers Union, 2007. (Ref TX335.A1 B7 2008)


*Statistical match of the March 1996 Current Population Survey and the 1995 National Health Interview Survey. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2008. (RA407.3 .A302 no.144)

*Linkage of the National Health Interview Survey to air quality data. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2008. (RA407.3 .A302 no.145)

*Summary health statistics for U.S. children : National Health Interview Survey, 2006. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2007. (RA407.3 .A310 no.234)

*Summary health statistics for U.S. adults : National Health Interview Survey, 2006. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2007. (RA407.3 .A310 no.235)

*Summary health statistics for the U.S. population : National Health Interview Survey, 2006. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2008. (RA407.3 .A310 no.236)

*Electronic medical record use by office-based physicians and their practices : United States, 2006. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2007. (RA407.3 .U57c no.393)

*Health characteristics of the Asian adult population : United States, 2004-2006. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 2008. (RA407.3 .U57c no.394)


Glannon, Walter. Bioethics and the brain. Oxford University Press, 2007. (RC343 .G53 2007)

Pediatric clinics of North America. Saunders, 2007. (RJ23 .P4 v.54 no.4)

Pediatric clinics of North America. Saunders, 2007. (RJ23 .P4 v.54 no.5)

Pediatric clinics of North America. Saunders, 2007. (RJ23 .P4 v.54 no.6)

Pediatric clinics of North America. Saunders, 2008. (RJ23 .P4 v.55 no.1)

Nursing clinics of North America. Saunders, 2007. (RT1 .N77 v.42 no.3)

Nursing clinics of North America. Saunders, 2007. (RT1 .N77 v.42 no.4)

Nursing clinics of North America. Saunders, 2008. (RT1 .N77 v.43 no.1)

O’Lynn, Chad E. (ed.). Men in nursing : history, challenges, and opportunities. Springer, 2007. (RT41 .M46 2007)

Nelson, Sioban (ed.). The complexities of care : nursing reconsidered. ILR Press, 2006. (RT82 .C655 2006)


Noddings, Nel. Critical lessons : what our schools should teach. Cambridge University Press, 2007. (BF441 .N63 2007)

Urban, Wayne J. American education : a history. McGraw-Hill, 2004. (LA205 .U73 2004)

Hansen, David T. (ed). John Dewey and our educational prospect : a critical engagement with Dewey’s Democracy and Education. State University of New York Press, 2006. (LB875.D5 J627 2006)

Tomlinson, Carol Ann. Integrating differentiated instruction & understanding by design : connecting content and kids. ASCD, 2006. (LB1027.3 .T66 2006)

Hirsch, E.D. The knowledge deficit : closing the shocking education gap for American children. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. (LB1050 .H567 2006)

O’Connor, Rollanda E. Teaching word recognition : effective strategies for students with learning difficulties. Guilford Press, 2007. (LB1050.45 .O26 2007)

Stahl, Steven A. Teaching word meanings. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. (LB1574.5 .S72 2006)

Graham, Steve (ed). Best practices in writing instruction. Guilford Press, 2007. (LB1576 .B487 2007)

Douglas, Rowena (ed). Linking science & literacy in the K-8 classroom. NSTA, 2006. (LB1585.3 .L556 2006)

Marzano, Robert J. Classroom assessment & grading that work. ASCD, 2006. (LB3051 .M4573 2006)

Shapiro, H.Svi. Losing heart : the moral and spiritual miseducation of America’s children. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. (LC191.4 .S53 2006)

Nagin, Carl. Because writing matters : improving student writing in our schools. Jossey-Bass, 2006. (PE1405.U6 N38 2006)

Mickenberg, Julia L. Learning from the left : children’s literature, the Cold War, and radical politics in the United States. Oxford University Press, 2006. (PS228.P6 M53 2006)

Walter, Virginia A. War & peace : a guide to literature and new media : grades 4-8. Libraries Unlimited, 2007. (U21.2 .W3446 2007)

Gee, James Paul. What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. (GV1469.3 .G44 2007)


Annual review of psychology. Annual Reviews, 2008. (BF30 .A56 v.59)

Fawley-O’Dea, Mary Gail. Perversion of power : sexual abuse in the Catholic church. Vanderbilt University Press, 2007. (BX1912.9 .F74 2007)

Laungani, Pittu D. Understanding cross-cultural psychology : Eastern and Western perspectives. Sage Publications, 2007. (GN502 .L38 2007)

Hall, Stephen S. Size matters : how height affects the health, happiness, and success of boys—and the men they become. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. (QP84 .H35 2006)


Hanson, F. Allan. The trouble with culture : how computers are calming the culture wars. State University of New York Press, 2007. (HM851 .H35 2007)

Hertz, Rosanna. Single by chance : mothers by choice : how women are choosing parenthood without marriage and creating the new American family. Oxford University Press, 2006. (HQ536 .H48 2006)

West, Elliott (ed). Small worlds : children & adolescents in America, 1850-1950. University Press of Kansas, 1992. (HQ792.U5 S575 1992)

Goodwin, Marjorie Harness. The hidden life of girls : games of stance, status, and exclusion. Wiley-Blackwell, 2006. (HQ1229 .G67 2006)


Kemp, Martin. Seen/unseen : art, science, and intuition from Leonardo to the Hubble telescope. Oxford University Press, 2006. (N72.S3 K39 2006)

Jones, Carline A. (ed). Picturing science, producing art. Routledge, 1998. (N72.S3 P53 1998)

Smith, Pamela H. The body of the artisan : art and experience in the scientific revolution. University of Chicago Press, 2004. (N72.S3 S65 2004)

Rabkin, Nick (ed). Putting the arts in the picture : reframing education in the 21st century. Columbia College Chicago, 2004. (N87 .P88 2004)

Grau, Oliver. Virtual art : from illusion to immersion. MIT Press, 2003. (N7436.5 .G7313 2003)

Kemp, Martin. The science of art : optical themes in Western art from Brunelleschi to Seurat. Yale University Press, 1990. (qND1475 .K46 1990)

Stafford, Barbara Maria. Artful science : enlightenment, entertainment, and the eclipse of visual education. MIT Press, 1994. (QP495 .S73 1994)

Bunnell, Peter C. Inside the photograph : writings on twentieth-century photography. Aperture, 2006. (TR185 .B86 2006)

Leibovitz, Annie. A photographer’s life : 1990-2005. Random House, 2006. (qTR680 .L377 2006)

Hill, John T. Walker Evans : lyric documentary. Steidl, 2006. (TR820.5 .E895 2006)


*Buxton, Julia. The political economy of narcotics : production, consumption and global markets. Zed Books/Fernwood, 2006. (HV5801 .B85 2006)


Free speech yearbook 2005. National Communication Association. (K6 .R44 2005)


Shakespeare survey. Cambridge University Press, 2007. (PR2888 .C33 v.60)

Lyrical Iowa 2007. Iowa Poetry Association, 2007. (PS571.I8 I58 2007)


*van Genugten, Willem. The United Nations of the future : globalization with a human face. KIT Publishers, 2006. (JZ4995 .U55 2006)

*Rotberg, Robert I. (ed). Building a new Afghanistan. Brookings Institution Press, 2007. (DS371.4 .B83 2007)


Byers, William. How mathematicians think : using ambiguity, contradiction, and paradox to create mathematics. Princeton University Press, 2007. (BF456.N7 B94 2007)

Ekeland, Ivar. The best of all possible worlds : mathematics and destiny. University of Chicago Press, 2007. (Q172 .E36 2007)

Smed, Jouni. Algorithms and networking for computer games. Wiley, 2006. (QA76.76.C672 S62 2006)

Henshaw, John M. Does measurement measure up? : how numbers reveal and conceal the truth. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. (QA465 .H46 2006)

Langville, Amy N. Googles Page Rank and beyond : the science of search engine rankings. Princeton University Press, 2006. (TK5105.885.G66 L36 2006)


*Nasr, Vali. The Shia revival : how conflicts within Islam will shape the future. W.W. Norton, 2007. (BP194.185 .N37 2007)

deSilva, David A. Introducing the Apocrypha : message, context, and significance. Baker Academic, 2004. (BS1700 .D44 2004)

Harrington, Daniel J. Invitation to the Apocrypha. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1999. (BS1700 .H37 1999)

Metzger, Bruce M. An introduction to the Apocrypha. Oxford University Press, 1977. (BS1700 .M4 1977)

Wake, William. Acts of Paul and Thecla. Kessinger Publishing, 2005. (BS2880.P4 B66 2005)


Russey, William E. How to write a successful science thesis : the concise guide for students. Wiley-VCH, 2006. (LB2369 .R86 2006)

Maugeri, Leonardo. The age of oil : the mythology, history, and future of the world’s most controversial resource. Praeger Publishers, 2006. (TN870 .M339 2006)

Kruger, Paul. Alternative energy resources : the quest for sustainable energy. Wiley, 2006. (TJ808 .K78 2006)


Weisman, Alan. The world without us. Thomas Dunne Books, 2007. (GF75 .W455 2007)

Koslow, Tony. The silent deep : the discovery, ecology and conservation of the deep sea. University of Chicago Press, 2007. (QH541.5.D35 K67 2007)

Linden, David J. The accidental mind. Belknap Press, 2007. (QP376 .L577 2007)


Greenberg, Arthur. The art of chemistry : myths, medicines, and materials. Wiley-Interscience, 2003. (qQD11 .G735 2003)

Greenberg, Arthur. A chemical history tour : picturing chemistry from alchemy to modern molecular science. Wiley-Interscience, 2000. (qQD11 .G74 2000)

Scerri, Eric R. The periodic table : its story and its significance. Oxford University Press, 2007. (QD467 .S345 2007)


Cobblestone : The many faces of George Washington : farmer, commander, parent, president. Carus Publishing Co., 2007. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.28:8)

Cobblestone : Our Constitution : the road to a more perfect union. Carus Publishing Co., 2007. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.28:9)

Cobblestone : Into the West. Carus Publishing Co., 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.29:1)

Cobblestone : Art and the Civil War. Carus Publishing Co., 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.29:2)

Cobblestone : Tough times : surviving the Great Depression. Carus Publishing Co., 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.29:3)


Gore, Al. An inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Paramount, 2006. (A-V DVD QC981.8.G56 I53 2006)