Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Library Exhibit! Chapel Renovation Project

Chadwick Library announces a new exhibit focused on the current chapel renovation project. Entitled, "Renovation is Revealing History", the exhibit will provide insight into the history of the building which is the heart of Iowa Wesleyan College’s liberal arts education. The exhibit, made possible with the invaluable assistance of Mike Morrissey, Physical Plant Director; his staff and the project contractor, will evolve and fluctuate as artifacts are retrieved from the building.

Built in 1893, at a cost of $45,000, and known originally as "University Chapel", the College Chapel and auditorium has served as a center for cultural events for many years. When it was originally erected, it was intended to provide space for the flourishment of the arts and sciences. Over the years, many different domains of the campus community were located in this space. These included the Art Department, Library, Business Office, President's Office, men's gymnasium, mail and printing offices, and most recently a student recreational facility and storage for the Mt. Pleasant Community Theatre.

Items currently on display include original bricks, flooring, other architectural elements, and scientific items unearthed during the demolition process. Photographs displayed will show how the building evolved from it's original construction through two remodeling efforts. Glimpses of current construction progress will also be included.

Our gratitude is expressed to Mike Morrissey, Physical Plant Director; his staff; and the contractors working on this project for their diligence and vision in preserving the past while building for the future.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Library adds CREDO Reference Databas
Rapid electronic convenience with accuracy and focus

Chadwick Library has recently added a new database to it's growing collection. CREDO Reference is a full-text cross disciplinary database loaded with nearly 300 respected reference books that cover nearly every major subject. Credo Reference offers a seamless interface and acts as a portal to a multitude of highly regarded reference resources that include images, video and audio clips, flash animations, maps and charts and illustrations. Credo is also available remotely to IWC students, faculty and staff.

One very unique feature is the concept map option. This visually represents a topic and it's related sub-topics as they relate to a variety of disciplines. This kind of map can assist students in narrowing or expanding their ideas for papers.

Take a look at Credo and try it out for yourself! You can access it here:
If you need assistance, please contact a reference librarian at X6318.