Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Data

The past week I've been enmeshed in writing the disaster policy manual for Chadwick Library. It has been a very time consuming process, but that's a post for another day. But, the importance of doing this has been underscored by the latest world event, that of the swine flu that has recently grabbed the attention of the world headlines.

While participating in the listserv for the disaster preparedness forum, there has been much discussion pertaining to the rapid response and appropriate forms of communicating about swine flu.

I came across this very interesting map that shows where outbreaks of diseases exist. Its creators are affliated with Harvard, but uses sources from various national (CDC) and world (WHO)agencies. It also adds in other data sources such as Google News, and ProMed to add to the comprehensive view of the current state of global infectious diseases.

HealthMap provides a jumping-off point for real-time information on emerging infectious diseases and has particular interest for public health officials and international travelers.

Take a look:

Also interesting is the "Twitter" posts. Check them out at the top of the page.

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