Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Web sites of interest

Documenting the American South

Union of Concerned Scientist

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

July 2009 Acquisitions List

Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
July 2009
#---Free Gov’t Doc.
*Collier, Rebecca L. National Archives records relating to the Korean War. National Archives and Records Administration, 2003. (Ref CD3023 .A35 no.103)
*Wehrkamp, Tim. Records relating to American prisoners of war and missing-in-action personnel from the Korean War and during the Cold War era. National Archives and Records Administration, 1997. (Ref CD3023 .A35 1997 no.102)
The American marketplace: demographics and spending patterns. New Strategist, 2007. (Ref HA214 .A512 2007)

*Brown, Christy. My left foot. Mandarin, 1990. (PR6052 .R5894 B76 1990)
*Wood, Jonathan. The new VW Beetle: the creation of a twenty first century classic. Quadrillion Publishing, 1998. (TL215.V6 W663 1998)

*Henniger, Michael L. The teaching experience: an introduction to reflective practice. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2004. (LB1025.3 .H46 2004)
*Wood, Karlyn E. Interdisciplinary instruction: a practical guide for elementary and middle school teachers. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2005. (LB1570 .W644 2005)
*Brookhart, Susan M. Garding. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2004. (LB3060.37 .B76 2004)

*Monette , Paul. Becoming a man: half a life story. Harper, 1993. (HQ75.8.M64 A3 1993)
*Davenport, Gwen. Great love in legend and life. Franklin Watts, 1964. (HQ801.A2 D3)

*Wirtz, Rolf C. Art & architecture, Florence. Barnes & Noble, 2000. (N6921.F7 W5713 2000b)
*Robertson, Martin. The Parthenon frieze. Oxford University Press New York, 1975. (qNB91.A7 R62)
*Lendt, David L. Ding: the life of Jay Norwood Darling. Maecenas, 2001. (NC1429.D237 L46 2001)
*Cecil, David. Visionary and dreamer: two poetic painters: Samuel Palmer and Edward Burne-Jones. National Gallery of Art, 1970. (ND496 .C4 1970)
*Jullian, Philippe. Dreamers of decadence: symbolist painters of the 1890s. Praeger Publishers, 1971. (NX454 .J813)
*McLuhan, Marshall. Through the vanishing point: space in poetry and painting. Harper & Row, 1968. (NX650.S8 M32)

*Krugman, Paul. The conscience of a liberal. W.W. Norton, 2007. (HC110.I5 K74 2007)
*Pride, William M. Marketing: concepts and strategies. Houghton Mifflin, 2003. (qHF5415 .P658 2003)
*Levy, Leon. The mind of Wall Street. Public Affairs, 2002. (HG4910 .L463 2002)

*Toth, Elizabeth L. (ed.). Rhetorical and critical approaches to public relations. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992. (HM263 .R46 1992)
*Griffin, Em. A first look at communication theory. McGraw Hill, 2006. (P90 .G725 2006)
*Anderson, James A. Communication research: issues and methods. McGraw-Hill, 1987. (P91 .A54 1987)
*Bowers, John Waite. Communication research methods. Scott, Foresman and Company, 1984. (P91 .B7 1984)
*McLuhan, Marshall. Culture is our business. Ballantine Books, 1972. (P91 .M274 1972)
*McLuhan, Marshall. From cliché to archetype. Viking Press, 1970. (P91 .M276 1970)
*Medhurst, Martin J. (ed.). Rhetorical dimensions in media: a critical casebook. Kendall/Hunt, 1984. (P91 .R46 1984b)
*Christ, William G. (ed.). Media education assessment handbook. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997. (P91.3 .M386 1997)
*Steiner, George. Real presences. University of Chicago Press, 1991. (P106 .S773 1991)
*Jaffe, Ciella. Public speaking: concepts and skills for a diverse society. Thomson Wadsworth, 2007. (PN4129.15 .J35 2007)
*O’Hair, Dan. A speaker’s guidebook: text and reference. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2001. (PN4129.15 .O39 2001)
*Alterman, Eric. What liberal media? : the truth about bias and the news. Basic Books, 2003. (PN4784.O24 A44 2003)

*Martial. Selected epigrams. Indiana University Press, 1963. (PA6502 .H8)
*The metamorphoses of Ovid. Harcourt Brace & Co., 1993. (qPA6522.M2 M36 1993)
*Pushkin, Alexander. Eugene Onegin. Viking Press, 1978. (PG3347.E8 J6 1978)
*Liu, James J.Y. The poetry of Li Shang-yin : ninth-century baroque Chinese poet. University of Chicago Press, 1969. (PL2672 .L5)
*Quevedo, Francisco de. Visions. Southern Illinois University Press, 1963. (PQ6423 .E52 1963)
*Brotherston, Gordon. The emergence of the Latin American novel. Cambridge University Press, 1979. (PQ7082.N7 B66 1979)
*Borges, Jorge Luis. Selected poems, 1923-1967. Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence, 1972. (PQ7797.B635 A17 1972)
*Pequigney, Joseph. Such is my love: a study of Shakespeare’s sonnets. University of Chicago Press, 1985. (PR2848 .P46 1985)
*Schoenbaum, S. William Shakespeare: a documentary life. Oxford University Press, 1975. (qPR2893 .S3 1975b)
*Blake, William. The prophetic books of William Blake: Milton. A.H. Bulletin, 1907. (qPR4144 .M6 1907)
*Gardner, W.H. (ed.). The poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford University Press, 1967. (PR4803.H44 A17 1967)
*Hynes, Samuel (ed.). The complete short fiction of Joseph Conrad. Ecco Press, 1991. (PR6005.O4 A6 1991 v.1-4)
*Pritchett, V.S. Collected stories. Random House, 1982. (PR6031.R7 A15 1982)
*Parker, Hershel (ed.). Moby-Dick as doubloon: essays and extracts (1851- 1970). W.W. Norton, 1970. (PS2384.M62 P3)
*Whitman, Walt. Specimen days. David R. Godine, 1971. (qPS3220 .A1 1971)
*Dillard, Annie. The Annie Dillard library. Perennial Library/Harper & Row, 1989. (PS3554.I398 A5 1989 v.1-5)
*Arrow-Odd: a medieval novel. New York University Press, 1970. (PT7287.O7 E5)

*Mish, Charles C. (ed.). Short fiction of the seventeenth century. New York University Press, 1963. (PR1295 .M67 1963)
*Kiernan, Kathy (ed.). First fiction: an anthology of the first published stories by famous writers. Little, Brown and Co. 1994. (PS648.S5 F55 1994)
*Ghost and horror stories of Ambrose Bierce. Dover Publications, 1964. (PS1097 .A15 1964)
*Ashbery, John. Flow chart. Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. (PS3510.S475 F5 1991)
*Boyle, T. Coraghessan. Descent of man: stories. Atlantic Monthly Press/ Little, Brown and CO. 1979. (PS3552.O932 D4)
*Buckley, Christopher. Little green men. Random House, 1999. (PS3552.U3394 L58 1999)
*Wilson, August. The piano lesson. Dutton/ Penguin, 1990. (PS3573.I45677 P54 1990b)

*Reginbogin, Herbert R. Faces of neutrality: a comparative analysis of the neutrality of Switzerland and other neutral nations during WW II. LIT, 2009. (D754.S9 R44X 2009)
*Hunter, Kenneth E. The war against Germany: Europe and adjacent areas. Office of the Chief of Military History, 1951. (D769 .A533 v.5 pt.2)
*Ruppenthal, Roland G. Logistical support of the armies: volume II: September 1944- May 1945. (D769 .A533 v.3 pt.3 v.2)
*Williams, Mary H. Chronology, 1941- 1945. Office of the Chief of Military History, 1960. (D769 .A533 v.8 pt.5)
*Dore, Gustave. The rare and extraordinary history of holy Russia: with over 500 illustrations. Library Press, 1971. (qDK42 .D6913)
*Palmer, Monte. The politics of the Middle East. Thomson Wadsworth, 2001. (DS62.8 .P35 2001)
*Ayres, Thomas. That’s not in my American history book: a compilation of little-known events and forgotten heroes. Taylor Trade Publishing, 2000. (E178.6 .A96 2000)
*Thomas, Velma Maia. We shall not be moved: the passage from the great migration to the Million Man March. Crown Publishers, 2002. (Rare Book Coll. E185.6 .T48 2002)
*Branch, Taylor. Parting the waters: America in the King years, 1954-63. Simon and Schuster, 1988. (E186.61 .B7914 1988)
*Thomas, Velma Maia. Lest we forget: the passage from Africa to slavery and emancipation. Crown Publishers, 1997. (Rare Book Coll. E441 .T49 1997)
*Thomas, Velma Maia. Freedom’s children: the passage from emancipation into the twentieth century. Crown Publishers, 2000. (Rare Book Coll. E453 .T48 2000)
*Blumenthal, Sidney. The Clinton wars. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. (E885 .B58 2003)
*Looking back: abandoned towns of Henry County, Iowa. PrintGroup USA, 2004. (Iowa Coll. F627.H5 H4 2004)
*Bonansinga, Jay. The sinking of the Eastland: America’s forgotten tragedy. Citadel Press/ Kensington Publishing, 2005. (G530.E18 B66 2005)
*Hilton, George W. Eastland: legacy of the Titanic. Stanford University Press, 1995. (G530.E18 H55 1995)
*Hawkins, Gerald S. Beyond Stonehenge. Dorset Presses, 1989. (GN799.A8 H38)
*Gamble, Adam. A public betrayed: an inside look at Japanese media atrocities and their warnings to the West. Regency Publishing, 2004. (PN5417.O24 G36 2004)
*Bryce, Robert M. Cook & Peary: the polar controversy, resolved. Stackpole Books, 1997. (G635.C66 H86 1997)
*Ethell, Jeffrey L. The great book of World War II airplanes. Bonanza Books, 1984. (qUG1240 .G68 1984)
*Green, William. The warplanes of the Third Reich. Exeter Books, 1990. (qUG1245.G4 G73 1990a)

*Tukey, John W. Exploratory data analysis. Addison-Wesley, 1977. (HA29 .T783)
*Williams, Frederick. Reasoning with statistics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979. (HA29 .W525 1979)
Zike, Dinah. Dinah Zike’s Teaching mathematics with foldables. Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2003. (QA19.P34 Z54 2003)
*Baratta-Lorton, Mary. Mathematics their way: an activity-centered mathematics program for early childhood education (bk + blackline masters). Addison-Wesley, 1995. (QA135.5 .B28 1995b)
*Billstein, Rick. A problem solving approach to mathematics. Addison Wesley, 1997. (QA135.5 .B49 1997)
*Burns, Marilyn. About teaching mathematics: a K-8 resource. Math Solutions Publications, 2000. (QA135.5 .B83963 2000)
*Cathcart, W. George. Learning mathematics in elementary and middle schools. Merrill Prentice Hall, 2003. (QA135.6 .L43 2003)
*Sheffield, Linda Jensen. Teaching and learning mathematics: pre-kindergarten through middle school. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. (QA135.6 .S478 2005)

*Brand, Oscar. Songs of ’76: a folksinger’s history of the revolution. M. Evans & Company, 1972. (ML631.B7 S69 1972)
*Page, Tim (ed.). The Glenn Gould reader. Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. (ML60 .G68 1984)
*Forbes, Elliot (ed.). Thayer’s life of Beethoven. Princeton University Press, 1970. (ML410.B4 T33 1970)
*Kimball, Robert. The Gershwins. Athenenm, 1973. (qML410.G288 K55)
*Blaukopf, Gerta (ed.). Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss: correspondence 1888-1911. University of Chicago Press, 1984. (ML410.M23 A4713 1984)
Bailey, Wayne. The complete marching banding resource manual: techniques and materials for teaching, drill design, and music arranging. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. (MT733.4 .B35 2003)

*Budig, Gene A. The inside pitch… and more: baseball’s business and the public trust. West Virginia University Press, 2004. (GV880 .B83 2004)

*Appignanesi, Richard. Freud for beginners. Pantheon Books, 1989. (BF173.F85 A63c)
*Baudelaire, Charles. Artificial paradise: on hashish and wine as means of expanding individuality. Herder and Herder, 1971. (BF207 .B313)
*Scott, Walter. Demonology and witchcraft: letters addressed to J.G. Lockhart, Esq. Bell Publishing, 1970. (BF1531 .S3677 1970)
*Banner, William Augustus. Ethics: and introduction to moral philosophy. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1968. (BJ71 .B18)
*Mitchell, Stephen (ed.). The enlightened mind: an anthology of sacred prose. HarperCollins, 1991. (BL29 .E54 1991)
*Platt, Rutherford H. (ed.). The forgotten books of Eden. Bell Publishing, 1981. (BS1692 1981)
*The book of resolutions of the United Methodist Church, 1996. United Methodist Publishing House, 1996. (BX8381 .A58 1996)
*The book of discipline of the United Methodist Church. United Methodist Publishing House, 1992. (BX8388 .U55 1992)
*Nichols, Marianne. Man, myth, and monument. William Morrow, 1975. (DF220 .N45)
*Castaneda, Carlos. The fire from within. Pocket Books, 1985. (F1221.Y3 C3733 1985)
*Castaneda, Carlos. The power of silence: further lessons of don Juan. Pocket Books, 1988. (F1221.Y3 C3735 1988)
*Zangger, Eberhard. The flood from heaven: deciphering the Atlantis legend. William Morrow, 1992. (GN751 .Z36 1992)

Ansberry, Karen. More picture-perfect science lessons: using children’s books to guide inquiry, K-4. NSTA, 2007. (LB1585 .A57 2007)
*Shermer, Michael. Why people believe weird things: pseudoscience, superstitution, and other confusions of our time. MJF Books, 1997. (Q173 .S53 1997)
Konicek-Moran, Richard. Everyday science mysteries: stories for inquiry-based science teaching. NSTA, 2008. (Q175 .K663 2008)
Konicek-Moran, Richard. More everyday science mysteries: stories for inquiry-based science teaching. NSTA Press, 2009. (Q175 .K6634 2009)
Keeley, Page. Uncovering student ideas in science. NSTA, 2005. (Q181 .U438 2005 v.1-4)
NSTA. Atlas of science literacy. NSTA, 2001. (qQ183.3.A1 A788 2001 v.1-2)
Keeley, Page. Science curriculum topic study: bridging the gap between standards and practice. Corwin Press, 2005. (Q183.3.A1 K44 2005)

Robertson, William C. Chemistry basics. NSTA, 2007. (QD37 .R53 2007)

*Wolf, Fred Alan. Taking the quantum leap: the new physics for nonscientists. Harper & Row, 1981. (QC174.12 .W64 1981)

*Himes, Christine. Aging in stride: plan ahead, stay connected, keep moving. Caresource Healthcare Communications, 2004. (HQ1064.U5 H56 2004)

*Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Turnabout. Aladdin Paperbacks, 2002. (Youth Lit FAN H11tu)
*Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2003. (Youth Lit FAN R79he)
Luen Yang, Gene. American born Chinese. Square Fish, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA Ya1am)
Boyne, John. The boy in the striped pajamas: a fable. David Fickling Books, 2007. (Youth Lit HF B71bo)
Brashares, Ann. The sisterhood of the traveling pants. Dell Books for Young Readers, 2005. (Youth Lit HS B73si 2005)
Hopkins, Ellen. Burned. McElderry, 2007. (Youth Lit HS H77bu)
Marchetta, Melina. Jellicoe Road. HarperTeen, 2008. (Youth Lit HS M33je)
Picoult, Jodi. Nineteen minutes: a novel. Washington Square Press, 2008. (Youth Lit HS P58ni)
*Rinaldi, Ann. An acquaintance with darkness. Harcourt Brace & Co, 1999. (Youth Lit HS R47ac)
*Voigt, Cynthia. Seventeen against the dealer. Fawcett Juniper, 1990. (Youth Lit HS V87se)
Brooks, Bruce. The moves make the man: a novel. HarperCollins, 1996. (Youth Lit NEW B79mo 1996)
*Ryan-Herndon, Lisa L. Wild Amazon. Scholastic, 2008. (Youth Lit SCI(B) R95wi)
An, Na. A step from heaven. Speak/Penguin Putnam, 2002. (Youth Lit SOC N11st)

*The Bible on cassette (King James version). Hosanna, 1985. (A-V TAPE BS195 .N49 1985)
*Chariton Heston presents The Bible (Jesus of Nazareth). Goodtimes Home Video, 1993. (A-V VHS BS391.2 .H478 1993)
Blast: an explosive musical celebration. PBS, 2004. (A-V DVD M1500 .B6295 2004b)
*Old Testament. United American Video, 1988. (A-V VHS PN1997 .O452 1988)

*Hatfield, Mary M. Mathematics methods for elementary and middle school teachers. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. (A-V CD QA35.6 .M385 2005)
*The editorial cartoons of J.N. “Ding” Darling: the Cowles Collection, Drake University, 1912-1962. J.N. 1999. (E-M NC1429.D237 A56 1999)

Link to ACT readiness reports

During the faculty meeting on Monday, Sept. 14th, Dr. Dick Ferguson made reference to the ACT college readiness of high school seniors. This site contains the national and state by state college readiness reports.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

How have they grown up?

Frame of reference in popular culture of our new first year students.

Beloit College Mind List

Beloit’s list, published for the past 12 years by two professors, attempts to provide "observations that help to identify the experiences that have shaped the lives–and formed the mindset—of students starting their post-secondary education this fall."

ACT /SAT Conversion chart


Monday, August 3, 2009

June Acquisitions

Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
June 2009
#---Free Gov’t Doc.

*Burns, George. Gracie: a love story. G.P. Putnam, 1988. (PN2287 .A485 B87 1988)

*Home care of the hospice patient: an information/ instructional booklet for caregivers in the home. 1986. (R726.8 .H65 1986)
*Halverson-Bender, Kimberly. Excelling in the externship: a preparation guide for medical assisting and allied health. Prentice Hall, 2010. (R847 .H35 2010)
*Magee, Mike. Home-centered health care: the populist transformation of the American health care system. Spencer Books, 2007. (RA645.35 .H66 2007)
*Corbett, Jane Vincent. Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures: with nursing diagnoses. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. (RT48.5 .C67 2008)

*McCutcheon, Lynn E. Celebrity worshippers: inside the minds of stargazers. PublishAmerica, 2004. (BJ1470.5 .C 2004)

*McCormack, Mark H. Staying street smart in the Internet age: what hasn’t changed about the way we do business. Viking/ Penguin, 2000. (HD30.37 .M388 2000)
*Potter-Efron, Ronald T. Work rage: preventing anger and resolving conflict on the job. Barnes & Noble, 2000. (HD42 .P67 2000)

*Stettner, Morey. The art of winning conversation: proven communication techniques for personal and professional success. MJF Books, 1995. (PN6162 .S74 1995)

*Andrian, Gustave W. (ed.). Modern Spanish prose: with a selection of poetry. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. (PC4117 .A735 2007)
*Whitney, John O. Power plays: Shakespeare’s lessons in leadership and management. Simon & Schuster, 2000. (PR3069 .M27 W47 2000)
*Wordsworth, William. Selected poems. Gramercy Books, 1993. (PR5852 1993)

*Stoker, Bram. Dracula. Barnes & Noble, 1992. (PR6037 .T617 D7 1992)

*Robertson, Pat. The new world order. Word Publishing, 1991. (D860 .R64 1991)
*Coufoudakis, Van. International aggression and violations of human rights: the case of Turkey in Cyprus. Univ. of Minnesota, 2008. (DS54.9 .C683 2008)
*Martin, Ann M. A dog’s life: the autobiography of a stray. Scholastic, 2005. (Youth Lit AN M36do)
*Carman, Patrick. The dark hills divide. Scholastic, 2005. (Youth Lit FAN C21da)
*Johnson, Angela. Lily Brown’s paintings. Orchard/ Scholastic, 2008. (Youth Lit FAN J63li)
*Long, Melinda. Pirates don’t change diapers. Scholastic, 2008. (Youth Lit FAN L85pi)
*Joy, N. The secret Olivia told me. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit FR J84se)
*Kadohata, Cynthia. Cracker! : the best dog in Vietnam. Aladdin Paperbacks, 2008. (Youth Lit HF K11cr)
*Brashares, Ann. The sisterhood of the traveling pants. Delacorte Press, 2004. (Youth Lit HS B73si)
*Hautman, Pete. Invisible. Simon Pulse, 2006. (Youth Lit HS H29in)
*Wolfson, Jill. What I call life. Square Fish, 2008. (Youth Lit HS W83wh)
*Friend, Catherine. The perfect nest. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit Hum F91pe)
*Larson, Kirby. Hattie Big Sky. Delacorte Press, 2007. (Youth Lit NEW L32ha 2007)
*A day on the prairie. Scholastic, 2008. (Youth Lit SCI L62da)

Saab, A. Joan. For the millions: American art and culture between the wars. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. (N6512 .S213 2004)

*Ehrlich, Ann. Medical terminology for health professions. Delmar Cenage Learning, 2009. (A-V CD Ref R123 .E47 2009)
*Deglin, Judith Hopper. Davis’s drug guide for nurses. F.A. Davis, 2009. (A-V CD Ref RM301.12 .D44 2009)
*Springhouse nurse’s drug guide 2008. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. (A-V CD RM301.12 .S737 2008)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

May 2009 Acquisitions

Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
May 2009
#---Free Gov’t Doc.

Dorling, Daniel. The atlas of the real world: mapping the way we live. Thames & Hudson, 2008. (Ref G1021 .D586 2008)

Feinstein, Sheryl (ed.). The Praeger handbook of learning and the brain. Greenwood Pr. CT, 2006. (Ref LB1060 .P683 2006eb)

*Evans, Margaret Carpenter. Rosemond Tuve: a life of the mind. Peter E. Randall, Portsmouth, NH, 2004. (PR55.T8 E936 2004)

*McCreary, Donna D. Lincoln’s table: Victorian recipes from Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois to the White House. Guild Press of Indiana, Zionsville, IN, 2000. (TX715 .M474314 2000)

Kidwell, Claudia B. Cutting a fashionable fit: dressmakers’ drafting systems in the United States. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1979. (TT520 .K4)

*Luetke-Stahlman, Barbara. Deaf students can be great readers! : articles on reading and deafness and an annotated bibliography of related research. Modern Signs Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2004. (HV2469.R4 L84 2004)

*Wilcox, Laura (ed.). Meeting the challenge: America’s independent colleges and universities since 1956: essays. Council of Independent Colleges, 2006. (qLB2328.52 .U6 M44 2006)

*Jones, Vernon F. Comprehensive classroom management: creating communities of support and solving problems. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 2001. (LB3013 .J66 2001)

Tannenbaum, Sally Cahill (ed.). Research, advocacy, and political engagement: multidisciplinary perspectives through service learning. Stylus Publishing, Sterling, VA, 2008. (LC221.2.C2 R47 2008)

*Friend, Marilyn. Special education: contemporary perspectives for school professionals. Pearson, Boston, 2005. (qLC3981 .F75 2005)

*Friend, Marilyn. Special education: contemporary perspectives for school professionals. Pearson, Boston, 2006. (qLC3981 .F75 2006)

*Bender, William N. Learning disabilities: characteristics, identification, and teaching strategies. Pearson, Boston, 2008. (LC4705 .B46 2008)

*Bos, Candace S. Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems. Pearson, Boston, 2006. (LC4705 .B67 2006)

Fisch, Shalom M. (ed.). “G” is for growing: thirty years of research on children and Sesame Street. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. (LC6579.S47 G58 2001)

*Mather, Cotton. On witchcraft, being The wonders of the invisible world. Bell Publishing, NY, 1974. (BF1575 .M54)

Friedman, Thomas L. Hot, flat, and crowded: why we need a green revolution, and how it can renew America. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 2008. (GE197 .F75 2008b)

*Leyland, Winston (ed.). Gay roots: twenty years of gay sunshine: an anthology
of gay history, sex, politics, and culture. Gay Sunshine Press, San Francisco, 1991. (HQ76.2.U5 G395 1991)

*Vatsyayanna. The complete Kama Sutra: the first unabridged modern translation of the classic Indian text. Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, 1994. (HQ470.S3 V313 1994)

*Bendavid-Val, Leah. Stories on paper and glass: pioneering photography at National Geographic. National Geographic, Washington, D.C., 2001. (qTR653 .B46 2001)

Mills, Nicolaus. Winning the peace: the Marshall Plan and America’s coming of age as a superpower. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 2008. (HC240 .M637 2008)

Vernon, James. Hunger: a modern history. Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007. (HC260.P6 P47 2007)

Navarro, Peter. The coming China wars: where they will be fought and how they can be won. Financial Times, NJ, 2007. (HF1604 .N38 2007eb)

*Steiner, George. After Babel: aspects of language and translation. Oxford University Press, NY, 1992. (P306 .S66 1992)

*Muller, Gilbert H. The McGraw-Hill reader: issues across the disciplines. McGraw-Hill, NY, 2003. (PE1417 .M44 2003)

*Altick, Richard D. Browning’s Roman murder story: a reading of “The ring and the book.” University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1968. (PR4219 .A4)

*Butler, Samuel. The notebooks of Samuel Butler. Hogarth Press, London, 1985. (PR4349.B7 N6 1985)

*Lowell, Robert. Selected poems. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 1976. (PS3523.O89 A17 1976)

*Fecher, Charles A. (ed.). The diary of H. L. Mencken. Alfred A. Knopf, NY, 1989. (PS3525.E43 Z463 1989)

*Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethe’s selected works. Suhrkamp/Insel, Cambridge, MA, 1984. (PT2026.A1 C83 1983 v.1-3, 6-7, 9-10)

*The Arabian nights. W.W. Norton, NY, 1990. (PJ7715 .H33 1990)

*Amis, Kingsley. I want it now. Harcourt, Brace & World, NY, 1969. (PR6001 .M6 I2 1969)

*Davies, Robertson. The lyre of Orpheus. Viking/Penguin, NY, 1989. (PR9199.3.D3 L9 1989)

*Campbell, Bebe Moore. What you owe me. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, NY, 2001. (PS3553.A4395 W48 2001)

*Bleiler, E.F. (ed.). Five Victorian ghost novels. Dover Publications, NY, 1971. (PZ1.B58 Fi4)

*Andersen, H.C. The complete Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales. Avenel Books, NY, 1981. (PZ8.A54 1981d)

Levine, Allan. Fugitives of the forest: the heroic story of Jewish resistance and survival during the second World War. Lyons Press, Guilford, CT, 2009. (D810.J4 L45 2009)

*Norwich, John Julius. A history of Venice. Alfred A. Knoph, NY, 1982. (DG676 .N67 1982)

*Mahoney, John. Burning issues: understanding and misunderstanding the Middle East, a 40-year chronicle. Americans for Middle East Understanding, NY, 2007. (DS119.7 .B85 2007)

Guha, Ramachandra. India after Gandhi: the history of the world’s largest democracy. Harper Perennial, NY, 2008. (DS480.84 .G74 2008)

*Qizhi, Zhang. Traditional Chinese culture. Foreign Languages Press, 2004. (DS721 .Z497313 2004)

*Spence, Jonathan D. Emperor of China: self-portrait of K’ang-hsi. Vintage Books/Random House, NY, 1975. (DS754.4.C53 A33 1975)

*Jiangxi: cradle of Red China. Foreign Languages Press, 2006. (DS793.K4 J53 2006)

*Bierhorst, John (ed.). The red swan: myths and tales of the American Indians. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 1976. (E98.R3 R43 1976)

*Morgan, Gwenda. The debate on the American Revolution. Manchester University Press, 2007. (E209 .M66 2007)

Perlstein, Rick. Nixonland: the rise of a president and the fracturing of America. Scribner, NY, 2009. (E855 .P47 2009)

Holland, Matthew Scott. Bonds of affection: civic charity and the making of America—Winthrop, Jefferson, and Lincoln. Georgetown University Press, Washington D.C., 2007. (JK411 .H65 2007)

Hoffer, Peter Charles. The Supreme Court: an essential history. University Press of Kansas, 2007. (KF8742.Z9 H64 2007)

*Tavani, Herman T. Ethics and technology: ethical issues in an age of information and communication technology. John Wiley & Sons, 2007. (TK5105.5 .T385 2007)

*Coward, Noel. The lyrics of Noel Coward. Overlook Press, Woodstock, NY, 1983. (ML54.8.C69 L97 1983)

*Schmidt-Gorg, Joseph (ed.). Ludwig van Beethoven. Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft MBH Hamburg, 1970. (qML410.B43 S253 1970)

Thelin, John R. Games colleges play: scandal and reform in intercollegiate athletics Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996. (GV351 .T43 1996)

Xu, Guoqi. Olympic dreams: China and sports, 1895 – 2008. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008. (GV651 .X78 2008)

Jay, Kathryn. More than just a game: sports in American life since 1945. Columbia University Press, NY, 2004. (GV706.5 .J39 2004)

Farrey, Tom. Game on: the all-American race to make champions of our children. ESPN, 2008. (GV709.2 F373 2008)

*Seuss, Dr. Oh, the thinks you can think! Beginner Books/Random House, NY, 1975. (Youth Lit BEG Se8oh)

*Ryan, Pam Munoz. When Marian sang: the true recital of Marian Anderson: the voice of a century. Scholastic Press, NY, 2002. (Youth Lit BIO An2ry)

*Bitton-Jackson, Livia. I have lived a thousand years: growing up in the Holocaust. Scholastic, NY, 1998. (Youth Lit BIO B77bi)

*Garrett, Ruth Irene. Crossing over: one woman’s escape from Amish life. Harper San Francisco, 2003. (Youth Lit BIO G19ga)

*Busby, Peter. First to fly: how Wilbur & Orville Wright invented the airplane. Scholastic, 2003. (Youth Lit BIO W93bu)

*Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Weathervane Books, NY, 1978. (Youth Lit CL C23ai)

Henkes, Kevin. Sun & spoon. Harper Collins, 2007. (Youth Lit CON H38su)

*Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. Weathervane Books, NY, 1975. (Youth Lit FAN B27pe)

*DuPrau, Jeanne. The prophet of Yonwood. Randon House Children’s, NY, 2007. (Youth Lit FAN D92pr)

Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Found. Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing, NY, 2009. (Youth Lit FAN H11fo)

*Kehret, Peg. Horror at the haunted house. Minstrel Bks/Pocket Bks, NY, 1994. (Youth Lit FAN K26ho)

*Simonson, Louise. The true story of Wonder Woman. Western Publishing, NY, 1995. (Youth Lit FAN Si4tr)

*Mallett, David. Inch by inch: the garden song. Scholastic, 2001. (Youth Lit FICT M29in)

*Roosa, Karen. Beach day. Scholastic, 2002. (Youth Lit FICT R67be)

Haworth, Danette. Violet Raines almost got struck by lightning. Walker Books for Young Readers, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit FR H31vi)

*Hoffman, Alice. Indigo. Scholastic Signature, 2003. (Youth Lit FR H67in)

*Saunders, Susan. Riding school rivals: the story of a majestic Lipizzan horse and the girls who sight for the right to ride him. Scholastic, NY, 1997. (Youth Lit FR Sa8ri)

Trondheim, Lewis. Bourbon Island 1730. First Second, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit GRA T75bo)
*Chang, Ina. A separate battle: women and the Civil War. Scholastic, NY, 1994. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) C36se)

*Davis, Burke. Black heroes of the American revolution. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, 1991. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) D29bl)

*Zeinert, Karen. The Amistad slave revolt and American abolition. Linnet Books, 1997. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) Ze3am)

*Collier, James Lincoln. The clock. Bantam/Doubleday, NY, 1995. (Youth Lit HF C69cl)

*Davis, Ossie, Just like Martin. Puffin Books, NY, 1995. (Youth Lit HF D29ju)

*Duong, Thu Huong. Paradise of the blind. Penguin, 1994. (Youth Lit D92pa)

*George, Jean Craighead. Julie’s wolf pack. Scholastic, NY, 1998. (Youth Lit HS G29jl)

*Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Just Ella. Aladdin Paperbacks, NY, 2001. (Youth Lit HS H11ju 2001.)

Klages, Ellen. White sands, red menace. Viking Juvenile, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HS K66wh)

Mass, Wendy. Every soul a star. Little, Brown Young Readers, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HS M38ev)

Mass, Wendy. Heaven looks a lot like the mall. Little, Brown Young Readers, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HS M38he)

Myers, Walter Dean. Sunrise over Fallujah. Scholastic Press, NY, 2009. (Youth Lit HS M99su)

*Freedman, Russell. The life and death of Crazy Horse. Scholastic, NY, 1997. (Youth Lit IND F87li)

*Cleary, Brian P. Rhyme & punishment: adventures in wordplay. Scholastic, NY, 2007. (Youth Lit LANG C58rh)

*Cushman, Karen. The midwife’s apprentice. Harper/Trophy, NY, 1996. (Youth Lit NEW C95mi 1996)

*Gannett, Ruth Stiles. My father’s dragon (Newbery honor book, 1949). Scholastic. (Youth Lit NEW G15my 1990b)

*Lawson, Robert. Rabbit hill (Newbery Medal winner, 1945). Troll Associates, 1972. (Youth Lit NEW L44ra 1972)

*Lowry, Lois. The giver (Newbery Medal winner, 1994). Bantam Doubleday Dell, NY, 1994. (Youth Lit NEW L95gi)

Green, Dan. Biology. Kingfisher, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit SCI(B) G82bi)

Dutton, Donald G. The psychology of genocide, massacres, and extreme violence: why “normal” people come to commit atrocities. Praeger, CT, 2007. (E-Book HM1116 .D88 2007eb)

McShane, Marilyn D. (ed.). Youth violence and delinquency: monsters and myths. Praeger, CT, 2007. (E-Book HV9104 .Y6854 2007eb)

Plante, Thomas G. (ed.). Mental disorder of the new millennium. Praeger, CT, 2006. (E-Book RC454 .M462 2006eb)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Can't live without.....

Ever wonder how a wiki works? Or what an RSS feed is? Tried explaining the election of a president or the origins of World War Two to an eight year old? Check out this website: www.commoncraft.com and you will find simple videos that help explain a myriad of complicated topics.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

April Acquisitions List

Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
April 2009
#---Free Gov’t Doc.


Roth, John K. (ed.). Ethics. Salem Press, 2005. (Ref BJ63 .E54 2005eb)

*Stearns, Peter N. (ed.). The encyclopedia of world history: ancient, medieval, and modern, chronologically arranged. Houghton Mifflin Boston, MA, 2001. (A-V CD D21 .E578 2001)

Provenzo, Eugene (ed.). The encyclopedia of the social and cultural foundations of education. Sage, 2009. (Ref LB17 .E53 2009eb)

Gibaldi, Joseph (ed.). MLA Handbook for writers of research papers. Modern Language Association of America, NY, 2009. (Ref PE1478 .M57 2009 c.1-3)


Barlett, Peggy F. (ed.). Sustainability on campus: stories and strategies for change. MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 2004. (LB3223.3 .S89 2004)
Blewitt, John (ed.). The sustainability curriculum: the challenge for higher education. Earthscan Publications London, 2004. (GE70 .S875 2004)


Kotlikoff, Laurence J. The healthcare fix: universal insurance for all Americans. MIT Press Cambridge, MA, 2007. (RA412.2 .K48 2007)
Goodwin, Michele. Black markets: the supply and demand of body parts. Cambridge University Press, 2006. (RD120.7 .G44 2004)


Aleman, Ana Martines. Online social networking on campus: understanding what matters in student culture. Routledge, NY, 2009. (LA229 .M345 2009)
Kalantzis, Mary. New learning: elements of a science of education. Cambridge University Press, 2008. (LB1027.23 .K35 2008)
*Shaywitz, Sally. Overcoming dyslexia: a new and complete science- based program for reading problems at any level. Vintage/ Random, NY, 2005. (LB1050.5 .S42 2005)


Jackson, Maggie. Distracted: the erosion of attention and the coming Dark Age. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2008. (E149.12 .J24 2008)
Romero, Fernando. Hyperborder: the contemporary U. S. – Mexico border and its future. Princeton Architectural Press, NY, 2008. (F787 .R57 2008)
Wolf, Mark J. P. (ed.). The video game explosion: a history from PONG to PlayStation and beyond. Greenwood Press, Westport CT, 2008. (GV1469.34.S52 V52 2008)
Schuman, Howard. Method and meaning in polls and surveys. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008. (HN29 .S334 2008)
Thornton, Arland. Marriage and cohabitation. University of Chicago Press, 2007. (HQ534 .T455 2007)
Kirsh, Steven J. Children, adolescents, and media violence: a critical look at the research. SAGE Publications, Thousand Caka, CA, 2006. (HQ784.M3 K5477 2006)
England, Paula (ed.). Unmarried couples with children. Russell Sage Foundation Publications, NY, 2007. (HQ803.5 .U66 2007)
O’Brien, Martin. A crisis of waster? : understanding the rubbish society. Routledge, NY, 2008. (HT361 .O37 2008)
Jaeger, Paul T. Understanding disability: inclusion, access, diversity, and civil rights. Praeger, Westport, CT, 2005. (HV1553 .J34 2005)
Decker, Scott H. Drug smugglers on drug smuggling: lessons from the inside. Temple University Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2008. (HV5801 .D415 2008)
Fisman, Raymond. Economic gangsters: corruption, violence, and the poverty of nations. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008. (HV4748 .F57 2008)
Vanderbilt, Tom. Traffic: why we drive the way we do (and what it says about us). Knopf, NY, 2008. (TL152.5 .V36 2008)
Wessells, Michael. Child soldiers: from violence to protection. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2009. (UB416 .W47 2009)


Castronova, Edward. Synthetic worlds: the business and culture of online games. University of Chicago Press, 2006. (GV1469.15 .C394 2006)
Forstater, Mathew. Economics. Chicago Review Press, 2007. (HB75 .F67 2007)
Bowles, Paul. Capitalism. Longman, 2007. (HB501 .B7378 2007)
Baumohl, Bernard. The secrets of economic indicators: hidden clues to future economic trends and investment opportunities. Wharton School Publishing, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2008. (HB3730 .B38 2008)
Hine, Thomas. I want that! : how we all became shoppers. Harper Perennial, 2003. (HC79.C6 H56 2003)
Longworth, Richard C. Caught in the middle: American’s heartland in the age of globalism. Bloomsbury USA, NY, 2008. (HC107.A14 L66 2008)
Patnaik, Dev. Wired to care: how companies prosper when they create widespread empathy. FT Press, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2009. (HD58.9 .P38 2009)
Vietor, Richard H. K. How countries compete: strategy, structure, and government in the global economy. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2007. (HF1414 .V54 2007)
Levinson, Jay Conrad. Guerrilla marketing: easy and inexpensive strategies for making big profits from your small business. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2007. (HF5415 .L477 2007)
Fornell, Claes. The satisfied customer: winners and losers in the battle for buyer preference. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. (HF5415.335 .F67 2008)
Vedder, Richard. The Wal-Mart revolution: how big-box stores benefit consumers, workers, and the economy. AEI Press, Washington D. C. 2006. (HF5429.215.U6 V43 2006)
Carroll, Paul B. Billion-dollar lessons: what you can learn from the most inexcusable business failures of the last 25 years. Portfolio Hardcover, NY, 2008. (HG3761 .C37 2008)
Epping, Randy Charles. The 21st century economy: a beginner’s guide: with 101 easy-to-learn tools for surviving and thriving in the new global marketplace. Vintage\Random, NY, 2009. (HG3881 .E568 2009)
Tapscott, Don. Grown up digital: how the net generation is changing your world. McGraw-Hill, NY, 2009. (T14.5 .T355 2009)
Redman, Thomas C. Data driven: profiting from your most important business asset. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA, 2008. (T58.64 .R43 2008)
Ozersky, Josh. The hamburger: a history. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2008. (TX749.5.B43 O94 2008)


Cohen, Jeffrey E. The presidency in the era of 24-hour news. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NY, 2008. (JK516 .C5299 2008)
Crystal, David. Txtng: the Gr8 Db8. Oxford University Press, 2008. (TK5105.73 .C79 2008)


Lear, Linda. Beatrix Potter: a life in nature. St. Martin’s Griffin, NY, 2008. (PR6031.072 Z62 2008)


Waller, Maureen. London 1945: life in the debris of war. St. Marin’s Griffin, NY, 2004. (D760.8.L7 W35 2004)
Sebestyen, Victor. Twelve days: the story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Vintage\Radom, NY, 2007. (DB957.5.C49 S43 2007)
Siani-Davies, Peter. The Romanian revolution of December 1989. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2007. (DR269.5 .S55 2007)
Bard, Mitchell Geoffrey. 48 hours of Kristallnacht: night of destruction/ dawn of the Holocaust: an oral history. Lyons Press, Guiyard, CT, 2008. (DS134.255 .B37 2008)
Crews, Robert D. (ed.). The Taliban and the crisis of Afghanistan. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008. (DS371.3 .T354 2008)
Kang, David C. China rising: peace, power, and order in East Asia. Columbia University Press, NY, 2007. (DS518.15 K36 2007)
Ward, Andrew. The slaves’ war: the Civil War in the words of former slaves. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, 2008. (E464 .W29 2008)
Cohen, Adam. Nothing to fear: FDR’s inner circle and the hundred days that created modern America. Penguin Press HC, NY, 2009. (E806 .C5925 2009)
Dobbs, Michael. One minute to midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the brink of nuclear war. Knopf, NY, 2008. (E841 .D573 2008)
Egan, Timothy. The worst hard time: the untold story of those who survived the great American Dust Bowl. Mariner Books, Boston, 2006. (F595 .E38 2006)
Norton, Mary Beth. Liberty’s daughters: the revolutionary experience of American women, 1750-1800. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1996. (HQ1418 .N47 1996)
Berry, Mary Frances. And justice for all: the United States Commission on Civil Rights and the continuing struggle for freedom in America. Knopf, NY, 2009. (JC599.U5 B45 2009)
Rotter, Andrew J. Hiroshima: the world’s bomb. Oxford University Press, 2008. (QC773 .R67 2008)


Britten, Benjamin. War requiem, op.66. Boosey and Hawkes, 1997. (QM2010 .B838 op.66 1997)


Nicholson, Geoff. The lost art of walking: the history, science, philosophy and literature of pedestrianism. Riverhead Hardcover, NY, 2008. (GV199.5 .N534 2008)
Giulianotti, Richard. Football: a sociology of the global game. Polity, 1999. (GV943.9.S64 G576 1999)


Graver, Margaret R. Stoicism & emotion. University of Chicago Press, 2007. (B528 .G73 2007)
Blustein, Jeffrey. The moral demands of memory. Cambridge University Press, 2008. (BD181.7 .B58 2008)
Daston, Lorraine. Objectivity. Zone Books, NY, 2007. (BD220 .D37 2007)
Edwards, David. Artscience: creativity in the post- Google generation. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008. (BH301.C84 .E39 2008)
Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Experiments in ethics. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2008. (BJ37 .A67 2008)
Flescher, Andrew Michael. The altruistic species: scientific, philosophical, and religious perspectives of human benevolence. Templeton Foundation Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2007. (BJ1474 .F54 2007)


Morales, Yuyi. Just in case: a trickster tale and Spanish alphabet book. Roaring Brook Press, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit ALPH M79ju)
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. One boy. Roaring Brook Press, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit ALPH Se3on)
*O’Connor, Jane. Benny’s big bubble. Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1997. (Youth Lit BEG Oc5be)
*Wilhelm, Hans. I love snow! Scholastic, New York, 2007. (Youth Lit BEG W64i)
*Wurzburg, Robert. Who took the cake? Sterling Publishing, New York, 2006. (Youth Lit BEG W95wh)
Fleming, Candace. The Lincolns: a scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary. Schwartz & Wade, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit BIO A2li)
Frazee, Marla. A couple of boys have the best week ever. Harcourt Children’s Book, Orlando, FL, 2008. (Youth Lit CAL F86co)
Shulevitz, Uri. How I learned geography. Farrar Straus and Giroux, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit CAL Sh9ho)
Swanson, Susan Marie. The house in the night. Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, Boston, 2008. (Youth Lit CAL Sw2ho)
*Ferber, Brenda A. Julia’s kitchen. Farrar Straus Giroux, NY, 2006. (Youth Lit CON F37ju)
*Gravett, Emily. Little Mouse’s big book of fears. Simon & Schuster, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit CON G78l)
*Sticker time! Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit CON St5st)
Beddor, Frank. The Looking Glass Wars. Speak\Penguin, NY, 2007. (Youth Lit FAN B39lo)
*Dunbar, Fiona. The truth cookie. Orchard Books/Scholastic, NY, 2005. (Youth Lit FAN D91tr)
*Gutman, Dan. The homework machine. 2007. (Youth Lit FAN G98ho)
Hardinge, Frances. Well witched. Harper Collins, 2007. (Youth Lit FAN H21we)
Pfeffer, Susan Beth. Life as we knew it. Harcourt Paperbacks, 2008. (Youth Lit FAN P47li)
*Munsch, Robert N. The paper bag princess. Annick Press. (Youth Lit FOLK M92pa)
Gonzalez, Luciam. The storyteller’s candle/La velita de los cuentos. Children’s Book Press, San Fanccisco, CA, 2008. (Youth Lit FOR.LANG Sp2st)
*Giff, Patricia Reilly. Eleven. Wendy Lamb Books, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit FR G36el)
*Lin, Grace. The year of the dog: a novel. Little, Brown and Company, NY, 2007. (Youth Lit FR L63ye)
Tan, Shaun. The arrival. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2007. (Youth Lit GRA T15ar)
*Tamaki, Mariko. Skim. Croundwook Books, 2008. (Youth Lit GRA T15sk)
*Ganeu, Anita. Who hid inside a horse? : ancient times. Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit H G62wh)
*Platt, Richard. Pirate. DK Publishing, 1994. (Youth Lit H P69pi)
*Archambault, Alan. Billy Yank. Bellerophon Books, Santa Barabra, CA, 2000. (Youth Lit, H (U. S.) Ar2bi)
*Archambault, Alan. Black soldier in the Civil War. Bellerophon Books, Santa Barabra, CA, 1995. (Youth Lit H (U. S.) Ar2bl)
*Archambault, Alan. Civil War heroes. Bellerophon Books, Santa Barabra, CA, 2002. (Youth Lit H (U.S.) Ar2ci)
*Archambault, Alan. Johnny Reb. Bellerophon Books, Santa Barabra, CA, 2000. (Youth Lit H (U. S.) Ar2jo)
*Kirkland, Frazar. Women soldiers of the Union Army in the Civil War. Bellerophon Books, Santa Barabra, CA, 1998. (Youth Lit H (U. S.) K63wo)
Dowell, Frances O’Roark. Shooting the moon. Atheneum, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HF D75sh)
Moberg, Julia. Skies over Sweetwater: a novel. Keene Publishing, Waswick, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HF M71sk)
Peet, Mal. Tamar. Candlewick, Cambridge, MA, 2008. (Youth Lit HF P34ta)
Spillebeen, Geert. Kipling’s choice. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 2005. (Youth Lit HF Sp4ki)
Alexie, Sherman. The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian. Little, Brown Young Readers, NY, 2009. (Youth Lit HS Al2ab)
*Kinney, Jeff. Diary of a wimpy kid: Rodrick rules. Amulet Books, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HS K62di)
Kinney, Jeff. Dairy of a wimpy kid: the last straw. Amulet Books, NY, 2009. (Youth Lit HS K62dr)
Kreidler, Mark. Four days to glory: wrestling with the soul of the American heartland. Harper Paperbacks, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HS K87fo)
Mass, Wendy. Jeremy Fink and the meaning of life. Little, Brown Young Readers, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit HS M38je)
*Cleary, Beverly. Emily’s runaway imagination. Scholastic, NY, 2001. (Youth Lit HUM C58em)
*Through Indian eyes: the untold story of Native Americcan peoples. Reader’s Digest, Pleasantville, NY, 1995. (Youth Lit IND T41th)
*Schumacher, Julie. The chain letter. Scholastic, NY, 2007. (Youth Lit MYS Sch8ch)
*White, Ruth. Way Down Deep. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 2007. (Youth Lit MYS W58wa)
*Bedoyere, Camilla de la. Why why why can’t penguins fly. Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit N B39wh)
*Berger, Carin. The little yellow leaf. Greenwillow/ HarperCollins, 2008. (Youth Lit N B45li)
*Gans, Roma. How do birds find their way? HarperCollins, NY, 1996. (Youth Lit N G15ho)
*Ganeri, Anita. Which bug uses a torch? : creepy. crawlies. Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit N G58wh)
Appelt, Kathi. The underneath. Atheneum, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit NEW Ap4un)
Gaiman, Neil. The graveyard book. HarperCollins, NY, 2008. (Youth Lit NEW G12gr)
Law, Ingrid. Savvy. Dial, 2008. (Youth Lit NEW L41sa)
Woodson, Jacqueline. After Tupac & D Foster. Punnum Young Adult, 2008. (Youth Lit NEW W86af)
*Noyes, Alfred. The highwayman. Oxford University Press, 1999. (Youth Lit P N87hi)
*Who dances with dragons? : people and places. Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit PEOP W89wh)
*Lee, Suzy. Wave. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, CA, 2008. (Youth Lit PIC L51wa)
*Ciovacco, Justine. State-by-state atlas. DK Publishing, 2006. (Youth Lit Ref E161.3 .C56 2006)
*Steele, Philip. Scholastic atlas of the world. Scholastic Reference, 2001. (Youth Lit Ref G1021 .S687 2001)
*Bedoyere, Camilla de la. Why why why did dinosaurs lay eggs? Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI B39wh)
*Berger, Melvin. Do tornadoes really twist? : questions and answers about tornadoes and hurricanes. Scholastic Reference. (Youth Lit SCI B45do c.2)
*Berger, Melvin. Why do volcanoes blow their tops? : questions and answers about volcanoes and earthquakes. Scholastic Reference. (Youth Lit SCI B45wh c.2)
*Dixon, Dougal. Dinosaur. DK Publishing, NY, 2003. (Youth Lit SCI d64di)
*Dixon, Dougal. Dinosaur. DK Publishing, 2004. (Youth Lit SCI D64do)
*Phelan, Glen. An invisible force: the quest to define the laws of motion. National Geographic Society, 2006. (Youth Lit SCI P51in)
*Schatz, Dennis. Uncover a T. Rex. Books Are Fun, Fairfield, IA, 2002. (Youth Lit SCI Sch1un)
*Sovak, Jan. Dinosaur. Dover Publications, Mineola, NY, 2006. (A-V CD Youth Lit SCI So8di)
*Arnold, Tedd. Parts. Scholastic, NY, 1999. (Youth Lit SCI(B) Ar6pa)
*Bedoyere, Camilla de la. Why why why are orang-utans so hairy? Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(B) B39wh)
*Clarke, Barry. Amphibian. DK Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(B) C55am)
*Ganeri, Anita. Are my bones bendy? : human body. Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(B) G15ar)
*Ganeri, Anita. Who has a trumpet nose? : mammals. Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(B) G15wh)
*MacQuitty, Miranda. Shark. DK Publishing, 2004. (Youth Lit SCI(B) M24sh)
*Oxlade, Chris. Why why why does my heart begin to race? Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(B) Ox4wh)
*Farndon, John. Rock and mineral. DK Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(P) F23ro)
*Ganeri, Anita. Earth & space. Parragon Publishing, 2004. (Youth Lit SCI(P) G15ea)
*Ganeri, Anita. Do rivers ever end? : planet earth. Southwestern Company, Nashville, TN, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(P) G65do)
*Johnson, Jinny May. Kingfisher voyages: rain forest. Kingfisher, Boston, MA, 2006. (Youth Lit SCI(P) J63ki)
*MacQuitty, Miranda. Ocean. DK Publishing, 2004. (Youth Lit SCI(P) M24oc)
*Oxlade, Chris. Why why why do tornadoes spin? Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005. (Youth Lit SCI(P) Ox4wh)
*Savage, Stephen. Kingfisher voyages: oceans. Kingfisher, Boston, MA, 2006. (Youth Lit SCI(P) Sa9ki)
Menzel, Peter. What the world eats. Tricycle Press, Berkeley, CA, 2008. (Youth Lit SOC M52wh)
*Reibstein, Mark. Wabi Sabi. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, 2008. (Youth Lit SOC R27wa)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where in the world......is Mt. Pleasant?

From my colleague Lynn Ellsworth, a very well done e-hunt!


I thought you might be interested in this . . . .

My husband Tom’s 4th grade class participated in a “mystery class”, trying to figure out from clues about sunrise/sunset, latitude/longitude, continent, country, and state the location of ten sites around the world. The clues are spread over several months. Last year, his class participated, and this year, Tom applied for Mt. Pleasant to be one of the sites. We were selected! The process is complete now, and if you want to check out what they put on the web site about Mt. Pleasant, follow these instructions:
1. Google “journey to the north.”
2. Click on “Journey to the north: A global study of wildlife migration: Monarch Butterfly”
3. Click on the picture of the globe identified as “Sunlight and Mystery Class”
4. Click under the globe where it says “Meet the Class of 2009”
5. Click on: Turn Globe at the top of the screen to find the U.S. on the globe and mystery site #10—Mt. Pleasant
6. Click on “Mt. Pleasant.
7. You can read the entry and play the video. The kids narrate the video about Iowa Wesleyan history.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Data

The past week I've been enmeshed in writing the disaster policy manual for Chadwick Library. It has been a very time consuming process, but that's a post for another day. But, the importance of doing this has been underscored by the latest world event, that of the swine flu that has recently grabbed the attention of the world headlines.

While participating in the listserv for the disaster preparedness forum, there has been much discussion pertaining to the rapid response and appropriate forms of communicating about swine flu.

I came across this very interesting map that shows where outbreaks of diseases exist. Its creators are affliated with Harvard, but uses sources from various national (CDC) and world (WHO)agencies. It also adds in other data sources such as Google News, and ProMed to add to the comprehensive view of the current state of global infectious diseases.

HealthMap provides a jumping-off point for real-time information on emerging infectious diseases and has particular interest for public health officials and international travelers.

Take a look:

Also interesting is the "Twitter" posts. Check them out at the top of the page.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Business Website

Business Daily

One of the largest international news sites on the Internet.

Nursing and Health Websites--March

Recommended health and nursing websites from the March issue of Choice Reviews:

American Association of the History of Nursing

Contagion: Historical Views of Diseases and Epidemics


Genes and Disease

Smoking and Health Resource Library


Science Websites of Interest

Recommended Internet Resources from Choice Reviews (March)

Plant Evolution Timeline

The Chemistry of Amino Acids

Freshwater Ecoregions of the World

Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary

Online Resources for Writers

Another highly recommended website from Choice Reviews. This one focuses on writing resources.

Check it out here:


As I was perusing the latest issue of Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, the following website caught my eye and I wanted to share it with all of you. It's call UChannel and is academically oriented, offering, "lectures, open panel discussions, and presentations by experts from universities the world over--all touching on some aspect of public or international affairs." Lectures can be streamlined for immediate use or downloaded for later use. Permission is granted to the user to add these lectures to their course guides, sites or computer. It's even possible (in many instances) to download in MP3 format. Podcast and RSS subscription feeds are available. All UChannel participating universities are responsible for content. It received a highly recommended rating from Choice.

Here's the URL if you want to check it out:

Monday, March 23, 2009

February Aquisitions List

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
February 2009
#---Free Gov’t Doc.

Reference, Index, Etc.

Education index. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (Index Z5813.E23 v. 58)
The Americana annual. Grolier, 2008. (Ref AE5. E335 2008)
The world almanac and book of facts. World Almanac Books, 2009. (Ref AY67.N5 W7 2009)
Current biography yearbook. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (Ref CT100.C8 2008)
Statistical yearbook. United Nations, 2007. (Ref HA12.5.U63 2006)
Statistical abstract of the United States: 2009. U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2008. (Ref HA202.U5 2009)
Gottlieb, Richard (ed.). Sports market place directory 2008. Grey House Publishing, 2008. (Ref HD9992.U5 S667 2008)
The statesman’s yearbook: the politics, cultures and economies of the world. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. (Ref JA51.S7 2009)
The United States government manual 2008/2009. Office of the Federal Register, 2008. (Ref JK421.A3 2008-2009)
Federal criminal code and rules. Thomson West, 2008. (Ref KF9607.52.U55 2008)
Patterson’s American education. Educational Directories, 2009. (Ref L901.P3 2009)
Requirements for certification of teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators for elementary and secondary schools. University of Chicago Press, 2008. (Ref LB1771.W8 2008-2009)
Medical school admission requirements. Association of American Medical Colleges, 2008. (Ref R745.A8 2009-2010)
* Consumer Reports buying guide. Consumers Union, 2009. (Ref TX335.A1 B7 2009)

General Interest

* State of the world 2008. W.W. Norton, 2008. (HC59.B766 2008)
* State of the world 2009. W.W. Norton, 2009. (HC59.B766 2009)
Ruscio, John. Critical thinking in psychology: separating sense from nonsense. Wadsworth, 2006. (BF77.R87 2006)
Gladwell, Malcolm. Outliers: the story of success. Little, Brown and Company, 2008. (BF637.S8 G533 2008)
Sociology and Anthropology
Kolmar, Wendy K. Feminist theory: a reader. McGraw-Hill, 2005. (HQ1190.F4633 2005)
Warhol, Robyn R. Feminisms: an anthology of literary theory and criticism. Rutgers University Press, 1997. (PN98.W64 F366 1997)


La Grange, Ashley. Basic critical theory for photographers. Focal Press, 2005. (TR187.L34 2005)
Barrett, Terry. Criticizing photographs: an introduction to understanding images. McGraw Hill, 2006. (TR642. B365 2006)
Szarkowski, John. The photographer’s eye. Museum of Modern Art, 2007. (TR650.S92 2007)

Business Administration

Greenspan, Alan. The age of turbulence: adventures in a new world. Penguin, 2008. (HB119.G74 A3 2008)

Accounting and Economics

Occupational outlook handbook 2008-2009. U.S. Department of Labor, 2008. (HF5382.U5 2008-2009)
Harold, Christine. OurSpace: resisting the corporate control of culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2007. (P301.5.P67 H37 2007)
Carey, James W. Communication as culture: essays on media and society. Routledge, 2009. (P94.6.C372 2009)
Curry, Jennifer. Representative American speeches 2006-2007. H.W. Wilson, 2007. (PS668.B3 2006-2007)
Boucher, Brian. Representative American speeches 2007-2008. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (PS668.B3 2007-2008)
English and Literature
Weaver, Jace. American Indian literary nationalism. University of New Mexico Press, 2006. (PM157.W42 2006)
Scarry, Elaine. Dreaming by the book. Princeton University Press, 2001. (PN56.I45 S38 2001)
*Goscinny. Asterix at the Olympic games. Dargaud, 1972. (qPN6747.G6 A813 1972)
*Goscinny. Asterix in Spain. Dargaud, 1971. (qPN6747.G6 A8313 1971)
*Goscinny. Asterix the gladiator. Dargaud, 1969. (qPN6747.G6 A9413 1969)
Lyrical Iowa. Iowa Poetry Association, 2008. (PS571.I8 I58 2008)
Beidler, Peter G. A reader’s guide to the novels of Louise Erdrich. University of Missouri Press, 2006. (PS3555.R42 Z59 2006)
Silko, Leslie Marmon. Yellow woman. Rutgers University Press, 1993. (PS3569.I44 Y4 1993)

Mathematics and Computer Science

Cormen, Thomas H. Introduction to algorithms (book and CD ROM). MIT Press, 2001. (QA76.6.C662 2001)
Lippman, Stanley B. C++ primer. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005. (QA76.73.C153 L57697 2005)
Meyers, Scott. Effective STL: 50 specific ways to improve your use of the standard template library. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2001. (QA76.73.C153 M49 2001)
McConnell, Steve. Code complete. Microsoft Press, 2004. (QA76.76.D47 M39 2004)
Anderson, Ross J. Security engineering: a guide to building dependable distributed systems. Wiley, 2008. (QA76.9.A25 A54 2008)
Schneier, Bruce. Applied cryptography: protocols, algorithms, and source code in C. Wiley, 1996. (QA76.9.A25S35 1996)
Stamp, Mark. Information security: principles and practice. Wiley-Interscience, 2006. (QA76.9.A25 S69 2006)
Tidwell, Jenifer. Designing interfaces. O’Reilly Media, 2006. (QA76.9.U83 T55 2006)
Pickover, Clifford A. The Zen of magic- squares, circles, and stars: an exhibition of surprising structures across dimensions. Princeton University Press, 2003. (QA165.P53 2003)
Krug, Steve. Don’t make me think!: a common sense approach to web usability. New Riders Press, 2006. (TK5105.888.K78 2006)
Religion and Philosophy
Kahn, Paul W. Out of Eden: Adam and Eve and the problem of evil. Princeton University Press, 2007. (BJ1401.K34 2007)
Barber, Elizabeth Wayland. When they severed earth from sky: how the human mind shapes myth. Princeton University Press, 2006. (BL312.B37 2006)
Lopez, Donald S. Religions of Asia in practice: an anthology. Princeton University Press, 2002. (BL1015.R45 2002)


Emsley, John. Nature’s building blocks: an A-Z guide to the elements. Oxford University Press, 2003. (QD466.E52 2003)
Taraban, Roman. Creating effective undergraduate research programs in science: the transformation from student to scientist. Teachers College Press, 2008. (Q180.A1 C74 2008)

Youth Literature

Cobblestone: Get on the bus!: on the move for civil rights. Cobblestone Publishing, 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v. 29:4)
Cobblestone: Citizenship American-style. Cobblestone Publishing, 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.29:5)
Cobblestone: Office of the President. Cobblestone Publishing, 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.29:6)
Cobblestone: Hamilton vs. Jefferson: the rise of political parties. Cobblestone Publishing, 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v. 29:7)
Cobblestone: Lincoln: with malice toward none. Cobblestone Publishing, 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v. 29:8)
Cobblestone: Voices for peace. Cobblestone Publishing, 2008. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v.29:9)
Cobblestone: The West and the Civil War. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (Youth Lit MAG c63 v. 30:1)
Cobblestone: a fair to remember. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (Youth Lit MAG C63 v. 30:2)


Grant, Michael. Native Americans. Turner Home Entertainment, 1994. (A-V VHS E77.N34 1994 v. 1-6)
Ives, Stephen. The West. PBS, 2004. (A-V DVD F591.W44 2004)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Goodbye Printed Word?

If you've noticed lately, many popular magazines are getting thinner and thinner. And no, it isn't because this is a slow news time of year. The Washington Post recently announced that Feb. 15th would be the last print version of "Book World", its Sunday stand-alone book review section. After Feb 15th, book reviews will be found in space inside two other sections of the paper.

Book World was one of the last remaining stand-alone book review sections in the country, along with The New York Times Book Review. The Post’s move comes as the company, like most other newspaper businesses across the country, has been hobbled by a protracted downturn in advertising.

On the heels of that announcement came the announcement from U.S. News & World Report that it would go to a monthly publication with a theme to each issue. Over the past year, the library staff has watched it go from a weekly to bi-monthly to monthly publication. U.S. News cites growth in it's companion digital site as justification for downsizing the rate of publication for the print version.

In March, U.S. News will have a weekly electronic publication available at no extra charge to it's subscribers. Additionally, it is doubling the length of time left on subscriptions.

Here in the library we will establish a link to this online print version. Stay tuned for details about accessing the publication in this manner. Given the nature of our economy and the increased online use of computers by consumers, my guess is that we are likely to see similar responses by other publishers.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

In honor of
the Presidential Inauguration

of Barak Obama

Chadwick Library will be running video of today’s events

If you’re in the library or close to it, please feel free to join us in watching this historic occasion unfold throughout the day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

December Acquisitions List

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
December 2008

#--Free Gov’t Doc.

*The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in the authorized King James version. Consolidated Book, 1977. (Ref BS185 1977 .C5)

*Ceram, C.W. Archaeology of the cinema. Harcourt, Crace, & World, 1965. (Ref PN1993.5.A1 M383)

*Michael, Paul. The Academy Awards: a pictorial history. Bonanza, 1968. (Ref PN1993.5.U6 M5 1968)

*Patrick, Richard. All color book of Greek mythology. Octopus Books, 1972. (qBL782 .P3 1972)

*Patrick, Richard. All color book of Egyptian mythology. Octopus Books, 1972. (qBL2421.2 .P37 1972b)

*Christie, Anthony. Chinese mythology. Paul Hamlym, 1968. (qGR335 .C568)

*Davis, Jerry C. Miracle in the Ozarks: the inspiring story of faith, hope, and Hard Work U. College of the Ozarks, 2007. (LD4450 .D38 2007)

*Tammet, Daniel. Born on a blue day: inside the extraordinary mind of an autistic savant: a memoir. Free Press, 2007. (RC553.A88 T36 2007)

*Boutelle, Sara Holmes. Julia Morgan, architect. Abbeville Press, 1988. (qNA737.M68 B68 1988)

*Hale, Nathan Cabot. Exploring the roots of human emotion in sculpture. White Whale Press, 2007. (qNB1930 .H354 2007)

*Dore, Gustav. Dore’s illustrations for Rabelais: a selection of 252 illustrations. Dover, 1978. (qNC248.D6 A4 1978)

*Dore, Gustav. Dore’s illustrations for Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso”: a selection of 208 illustrations. Dover, 1980. (qNC980.5.D67 A4 1980)

*Rackham, Arthur. Rackham’s Color illustrations for Wagner’s “Ring”. Dover, 1979. (qND1942.R32 A4 1979)

*Oldfield, Barney. The Litton adventure that was: a tribute to the founder Charles B. “Tex” Thornton. Kinman-Oldfield Family Foundation, 2006. (HC102.5.T46 O43 2006)

*Nabokov, Vladimir. Lectures on Russian Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. (PG3012 .N3 1981)

*Kabuki: five classic plays. Harvard University Press, 1975. (PL782.E5 K3)

*Gates, Henry Louis. Colored people: a memoir. Alfred A. Knopf, 1994. (PS29.G28 A3 1994)

*Elie, Paul. The life you save may be your own: an American pilgrimage. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. (PS153.C3 E45 2003)

*Parini, Jay. Robert Frost: a life. Henry Holt, 1999. (PS3511.R94 Z868 1999)

*The complete plays of Charles Ludlam. Harper & Row, 1989. (PS3562.U258 A6 1989)

*Miller, Sue. The story of my father: a memoir. Afred A. Knopf, 2003. (PS3563.I421444 Z475 2003)

*Updike, John. Self-consciousness: memoirs. Alfred A. Knopf, 1989. (PS3571.P4 Z475 1989)

*Wolff, Geoffrey. The duke of deception: memories of my father. Vintage/Random House, 1990. (PS3573.O53 Z463 1990)

*Fetzer, John F. Romantic Orpheus: profiles of Clemens Brentano. University of California Press, 1974. (PT1825.Z5 F4)

*Vargas Llosa, Mario. The storyteller. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1989. (PQ8498.32.A65 H3413 1989)

*Byatt, A. S. Still life. Macmillan, 1991. (PR6052.Y2 S7 1991)

*Lansens, Lori. The girls: a novel. Little, Brown & Co, 2006. (PR9199.4.L36 G57 2006)

*Nabokiv, Vladimir. Strong opinions. Random House, 1990. (PS3527.A15 S7 1990)

*Desai, Kiran. The inheritance of loss. Grove Press, 2006. (PS3554.E82 I54 2006b)

*Englander, Nathan. For the relief of unbearable urges. Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. (PS35555.N424 F67 1999)

*Gilbert, David. The normals: a novel. Bloomsbury, 2004. (PS3557.I3383 N66 2004)

*Goodman, Allegra. Intuition: a novel. Dial Press, 2006. (PS3557.O5829 I58 2006)

*Guterson, David. East of the mountains. Harcourt, 2000. (PS3557.U846 E22 2000)

*Messud, Claire. The emperor’s children. Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. (PS3563 .E8134 E47

*O’Brien, Tim. July, July. Penguin Books, 2003. (PS3565.B75 J85 2003)

*Powers, Richard. The echo maker. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. (PS3566.O92 E27 2006)

*Roth, Philip. Everyman. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. (PS3568.O855 E94 2006)

*Salter, James. A sport and a pastime. North Point Press/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1985. (PS3569.A4622 S6 1985)

*Chayes, Sarah. The punishment of virtue: inside Afghanistan after the Taliban. Penguin Press, 2006. (DS371.4 .C43 2006)

*Bayrd, Edwin. Kyoto. Newsweek, 1974. (qDS897.K857 B39)

*Vandenberg, Philipp. The curse of the pharaohs. J.B. Lippincott, 1975. (DT61 .V3613 1975)

*Sheehan, Bernard W. Seeds of extinction: Jeffersonian philanthropy and the American Indian. W. W. Norton, 1974. (E93 .S54 1974)

*Meyer, Karl E. Teotihuacan. Newsweek, 1973. (qF1219 .M756 1973)

*Barthel, Manfred. The Jesuits: history & legend of the Society of Jesus. Wm. Morrow, 1984. (BX3706.2 .B3413 1984)

*Armstrong, Karen. The spiral staircase: my climb out of darkness. Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. (BX4668.3.A75 A3 2004)

Kaliski, Burton S. (ed.). Encyclopedia of business and finance. Macmillan Reference Books, 2007. (E-book Ref HF1001 .E466 2007eb)

World of sports science. (E-book Ref RC1206 .W67 2007eb)

Gale encyclopedia of children’s health: infancy through adolescence. 2005. (E-book Ref RJ26 .G35 2005eb)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Changes in the Basement

Over the winter break, Nadine and I worked on a major project in the basement to shift the curriculum library and reset the children's literature area in order to integrate the adolescent literature section.

The curriculum library is now located at the beginning the periodical section. It has had the shelves cleaned and disinfected and can now grow in the ample space it has been allocated. The shelving has also been adjusted to a more uniform configuration.

The collections comprising childrens literature and adolescent literature are in the process of being integrated/relabeled and a "new" collection title of YOUTH LITERATURE has been assigned. This new collection is moving into the space once shared by the childrens literature and will also have ample room to expand.

As one of the last phases of this project, labels will be placed on the shelving to assist students and faculty in finding materials.

Friday, January 9, 2009

See what can be done with statistics

The other night when I was working my night shift, Paula Sanders showed me this really cool site that makes use of statistics, computing and art.


Some representations of statistical data have animations. We were especially awed by the Walmart stores growth and the immigration to the United States over the past hundred years.

We marvelled at the interdisciplinary approach to data--using creativity and intelligence to represent the same statistic.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
November 2008

*------Gift(s)#------Free Gov’t DocReference, Index, ETC.

* Rav Shimon bar Yochai. The Zohar: Rav Shimon bar Yochai: from the book of Avraham with the Sulam commerntary by Rav Yehuda Ashlag. Kabbalah Centre International, 2003. (Ref BM525 .A52 B46 2003 v.1-23)
*Wheeler, Tom. American guitars: an illustrated history. Harper & Row, 1982. (Ref ML1015 .G9W5 1982)
*Rowse, A.L. The annotated Shakespeare: three volumes in one: the comedies, the histories, sonnets and other poems, the tragedies and romances. Greenwich House, 1988. (Ref PR2754 .R67 1988)
*Macaulay, David. The new way things work. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. (Ref T47 .M18 1998)
*Reid, William. Arms through the ages. Harper & Row, 1976. (Ref U800 .R43 1976b)
*Stone, George Cameron. A glossary of the construction, decoration and use of arms and armor in all countries and in all times, together with some closely related subjects. Jack Brussel, 1961. (Ref U800 .S8 1961)
*Wagner, Eduard. Cut and thrust weapons. Spring Books, 1967. (Ref U850.W33)

Sociology & Anthropology

Dundes, Alan. Interpreting folklore. Indiana University Press, 1980. (GR66 .D87)
Dundes, Alan. The meaning of folklore: the analytical essays of Alan Dundes. Utah State Press, 2007 (GR71 .D88 2007)
Von Franz, Marie-Lousie von. The feminine in fairy tales. Shambhala, 1993. (GR470 .F72 1993)
Von Franz, Marie-Lousie von. Archetypal patterns in fairy tales. Inner City Books, 1997. (GR550 .F69 1997)
Von Franz, Marie-Lousie von. The interpretation of fairy tales. Shambhala, 1996. (GR550 .F714 1996)
Von Franz, Marie-Lousie von. Shadow and evil in fairy tales. Shambhala, 1995. (GR550 .F72 1995)
Zipes, Jack. Fairy tale as myth/myth as fairy tale. University Press of Kentucky, 1994. (GR550 .Z56 1994)
Zipes, Jack. Why fairy tales stick: the evolution and relevance of a genre. Routledge, 2006. (PN3437 .Z58 2006)

*Gould, Philip. Cajun music and zydeco.Louisiana State University Press, 1992. (qML87 .G78 1992)
Religion & Philosophy

Meyer, Marvin W. Ancient Christian magic: Coptic texts of ritual power. Princeton University Press, 1999. (BF1591 .A48 1999)
Dundes, Alan. Fables of the ancients?: Folklore in the Qur’an. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. (BP130.58 .D86 2003)
Dundes, Alan. Holy writ as oral lit: the Bible as folklore. Rowman & Littlefield, 1999. (BS625 .D86 1999)
MacDonald, Dennis Ronald. The ledgend and the Apostle; the battle for Paul in story and canon. Westminister John Knox Press, 1983. (BS2880 .P4 M33 1983)


*Scientology: an overview. Goedon Era, 2008. (A-V DVD BP605.S2 S2 2008)
*Three came home. Miracle Pictures, 2002. (A-V DVD D805.B6 K43)
*Bonnie and Clyde. Warner Home Viedo, 1997. (A-V DVD PN1995.9 .G3 B6 1997)
*Jamaica Inn. Miracle Pictures, 2003. (A-V DVD PN1997 .J36 2003)
*The little princess. Good Times Home Video Corp, 2000. (A-V DVD PN1997 .L568 2000)
*Paint your wagon. Paramount, 2001. (A-V DVD PN1997 .P34 2001)
*Tootsie. Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, 2001. (A-V DVD PN1997 .T668 2001)
*To kill a mockingbird. Universal Studios, 2005. (A-V DVD PS3562 .E353 T62 2005)