Chadwick Library
April 2008
#---Free Gov’t Documents
Lecointre, Guillaume. The tree of life: a phylogentic classification. Belknap Press, 2006 (Ref QH83.L42513 2006)
*Vogt, Peter, Career wisdom for college students: insights you won’t get in class, on the Internet, or from your parents. Checkmark Books, 2007 (HF5381.V58 2007)
* Lerner, Barron H. When illness goes public: celebrity patients and how we look at medicine.
Fitzgerald, Terence J. (ed.) Celebrity culture in the
Chong, Nilda. The Latino patient: a cultural guide for health care providers. Intercultural Press, 2002 (RA448.5.H57 C56 2002)
Long, Stephen Weber. Caring for people with challenging behaviors: essential skills and successful strategies in long-term care. Health Professions Press, 2005 (RC451.4.N87 L66 2005)
Innes, Anthea (ed.) Dementia care mapping: applications across cultures. Health Professions Press, 2003 (RC521.D4537 2003)
Odom-Forren, Jan. Practical guide to moderate sedation/analgesia. C.V. Mosby, 2005 (RD85.C64 O36 2005)
Hardin, Sonya R. (ed.) Synergy for clinical excellence: the AACN synergy model for patient care. Jones and Bartlett, 2005 (RT120.I5 S97 2005)
Moss, Pamela A. (ed.) Evidence and decision making. 2007 (LB5.N25 106th pt. 1)
Smolin, Louanne, (ed.) Information and communication technologies: considerations of current practice for teachers and teacher educators. 2007 (LB5.N25 106th pt. 2)
Boss, Suzie. Reinventing project-based learning: your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age. ISTE, 2007 (LB1027.43.B67 2007)
Tabors, Patton O. One child, two languages: a guide for early childhood educators of children learning English as a second language. Paul H. Brooks Publishing, 2008 (P118.2.T325 2008)
Horst, Heather A. The cell phone: an anthropology of communication. Berg Publishers, 2006 (HE9715.J25 H67 2006)
Bianchi, Suzanne M. Changing rhythms of American family life. Russell Sage Foundations Publications, 2007 (HQ536.B59 2007)
Delgado, Melvin. Social work with Latinos: a cultural assets paradigm.
Foster, Hal. Art since 1900: modernism, antimodernism, post modernism. Thames & Hudson, 2004 (qN6490.A7186 2004)
*Fishback, Price V. Government & the American econmomy: a new history.
*Pomfret, Richard. The Central Asian economies since independence.
*Noland, Marcus. The Arab economies in a changing world.
*Moss, Todd J. African development: making sense of the issues and actors. Lynne Rienner, 2007 (HC800.M6775 2007)
*Sisodia, Rajendra S. Firms of endearment: how world-class companies profit from passion and purpose.
NCEE. Tough choices or tough times: the report of the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce. Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2008 (HD5715.2.N32 2008)
*Lawler, Edward E. America at work: choices and challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006
(HD6957.U5 A485 2006)
Bragg, Steven M. Wiley GAAP policies and procedures. Wiley, 2007 (HF5616.U5 B7 2007)
Epstein, Barry J. Wiley GAAP 2008: interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles. Wiley, 2007 (HF5616.U5 W55)
*Stallings, Barbara. Finance for development:
*Wood, Edward W. Jr. Worshipping the myths of World War II: reflections on
*Vinen, Richard. The unfree French: life under the occupation.
*Moyar, Mark. Triumph forsaken: the Vietnam war, 1954-1965.
*Johnson, Robert David. Congress and the Cold War.
Bentley, Jon. Programming Pearls. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2000 (QA76.6.B454 2000)
Meyers, Scott. Effective C++: 55 specific ways to improve your programs and designs. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005 (QA76.73.C153 M48 2005)
Eckel, Bruce. Thinking in Java. Prentice Hall, 2006 (QA76.73.J38 E25 2006)
Brogan, Walter (ed.) American continental philosophy: a reader.
Flahault, Francois. Malice. Verso, 2003 (BJ1406.F5313 2003)
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy. Failing
Bremmer, Jan (ed.) The Apochrypal acts of Paul and Thecla. Kok Pharos Publishing House, 1996 (BS2880.P4 A66 1996)
Miller, Suzanne M. (ed.) Individuals, families, and the new era of genetics: biopsychosocial perspectives. W.W. Norton, 2006 (RB155.I525 2006)
Ward, Peter D. Under a green sky: global warming, the mass extinctions of the past, and what they can tell us about our future. Collins, 2008 (QE721.2.E97 W384 2008)
Levine, Ellen. Henry’s freedom box. Scholastic Press, 2007 (Youth Lit
Selznick, Brian. The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures. Scholastic Press, 2007 (Youth Lit
Sis, Peter. The wall: growing up behind the Iron Curtain. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007 (Youth Lit
Curtis, Christopher Paul. Elijah of Buxton. Scholastic Press, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW C94el
Schlitz, Laura Amy. Good masters! sweet ladies!: voices from a medieval village. Candlewick Press, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW Sch3go)
Schmidt, Gary D. The Wednesday wars. Clarion Books, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW Sch5we)
Woodson, Jacqueline. Feathers. Putnam Juvenile, 2007 (Youth Lit NEW W86fe)
Simon, Seymour. Bones: our skeletal system. HarperTrophy/Morrow, 1998 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5bo)
Simon, Seymour. The brain: our nervous system. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5br)
Simon, Seymour. Eyes and ears. HarperTrophy, 2003 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5ey)
Simon, Seymour. Guts: our digestive system. HarperCollins, 2005 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5gu)
Simon, Seymour. The heart: our circulatory system. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5he)
Simon, Seymour. Lungs: your respiratory system. HarperCollins, 2007 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5lu)
Simon, Seymour. Muscles: our muscular system. HarperTrophy 1998 (Youth Lit SCI(B) Si5mu)
Simon, Seymour. Earthquakes. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5ea)
Simon, Seymour. Hurricanes. HarperCollins, 2007 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5hu)
Simon, Seymour. Icebergs and glaciers. HarperTrophy, 1999 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5ic)
Simon, Seymour. Lightning. HarperCollins, 1997 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5li)
Simon, Seymour. Mountains. HarperTrophy, 1997 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5mo)
Simon, Seymour. Oceans. HarperCollins, 2006 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5oc)
Simon, Seymour. Storms. HarperTrophy, 1992 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5st)
Simon, Seymour. Tornadoes. HarperTrophy, 1999 (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5to)
Simon, Seymour. Weather. HarperCollins 2006, (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5we)
Simon, Seymour. Wildfires. HarperTrophy 1996, (Youth Lit SCI(P) Si5wi)
Tabors, Patton O. One child, two languages: a guide for early childhood educators of children learning English as a second language. Paul H. Brooks Publishing, 2008 (A-V CD P118.2.T325 2008)
How They Sell. Films Media Group, 2004 (A-V DVD HF5415.2 .H695 2004)
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