Friday, October 7, 2011

Think Different

Narrated by Steve Jobs in 1997, the "Think Different" commercial. Although it aired with Richard Dreyfus as the voiceover, I think Steve's is better. What an amazing impact he has had on the world.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Organization of Information

This video, by KU professor, Michael Wesch, explores the changes in the way we find, store, create, critique, and share information.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

June 2011 Acquisitions

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
June 2011
#----Free Gov’t Doc.
Hampton, Robert L. (ed.). Handbook of African American health. Guilford Press, 2010. (RA448.5 N4 H3634 2010)
Porter-O’Grady, Tim (ed.). Innovation leadership: creating the landscape of health care. Jones and Bartlett, 2010. (RA971. I475 2010)
Brown, Kathleen M. Quick reference to older adult and older adult forensics: a guide for nurses and other health care professionals. Springer Publishing, 2010. (RA1053.B76 2010)
Dasgupta, Amitava. Prescription or poison?: the benefits and dangers of herbal remedies. Hunter House, 2010. (RA1250. D37 2010)
D’Arcy, Yvonne. How to manage pain in the elderly. Sigma Theta Tau, 2010. (RB127 . D377 2010)
Williams, Jane (ed.). Acute stroke nursing. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. (RC388.5 .A288 2010)
Varcarolis, Elizabeth M. Manual of psychiatric nursing care planning: assessment guides, diagnoses, psychopharmacology. Saunders\Elsevier, 2011. (RC440 .v374 2011)
Power, G. Allen. Dementia beyond drugs: changing the culture of care. Health Professions Press, 2010. (RC521 .P693 2010)
Martin, Gary A. (ed.). Palliative care for Alzheimer’s and dementia: guidelines and standards for evidence based care. Springer Publishing 2011. (RC522 .P35 2011)
Clark, David A. Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders: science and practice. Guildford Press, 2010. (RC531 .C535 2010)
Foreman, Marquis D. (ed.). Critical care nursing of older adults: best practice. Springer Publishing, 2010. (RC954 .C75 2010)
Holleran, Renee S. (ed.). ASTNA patient transport: principles and practice. Mosby\ Elsevier, 2010. (RC1097 .F55 2010)
London, Marcia L.. Maternal & child nursing care. Pearson, 2011. (qRG951 .M3145 2011)
Gardner, Sandra L. (ed.) Merenstein and Gardner’s handbook of neonatal intensive care. Mosby\Elsevier, 2011. (RJ253.5 .H36 2011)
Tappero, Ellen P. (ed.). Physical assessment of the newborn : a comprehensive approach to the art of physical examination. NICU Ink Book Publisher, 2009. (RJ255.5 .P435 2009)
D’Antonio, Patricia. American nursing : a history of knowledge, authority, and the meaning of work. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. (RT4 .D357 2010)
Saver, Cynthia. Anatomy of writing for publication for nurses. Sigma Theta Tau, 2011. (RT24 .S28 2011)
Donahue, M. Patricia. Nursing, the finest art : an illustrated history. Mosby\Elsevier, 2011. (qRT31 .D66 2011)
Cowen, Perle Slavik (ed.). Current issues in nursing. Mosby\Elsevier, 2011. (RT63. .C87 2011)
Benner, Patricia. Educating nurses : a call for radical transformation. Jossey-Bass, 2010. (RT73 .E38 2010)
Mastrian, Kathleen G. Integrating technology in nursing education : tools for the knowledge era. Jones & Bartlett, 2011. (RT73.5 .I58 2011)
Polit, Denise F. Statistics and data analysis for nursing research. Pearson, 2010. (RT81.5 .P62 2010)
Auerhahn, Carolyn (ed.). Integrating gerontological content into advanced practice nursing education. Springer Publishing, 2010. (RT82.8 .I557 2010)
Danna, Denise. Nursing in the storm : voices from Hurricane Katrina. Springer Publishing, 2010. (RT108 .D36 2010)
Streiner, David (ed.). When research goes off the rails : why it happens and what you can do about it. Guilford Press, 2010. (BF76.5 .W475 2010)
*Goodman, Robin F. The day our world changed : art of 9/11. Harry N. Abrams, 2002. (qHV6432.7 .G66 2002)
*Leibovitz, Annie. Olympic portraits. Bullfinch Press/ Little Brown and Co., 1996. (qGV722 1996 .L45 1996)
*Janson, H.W. History of art. Harry N. Abrams/Prentice Hall, 1986. (qN5300 .J3 1986b)
*Hamilton, George Heard. 19th and 20th century art : painting, sculpture, architecture. Prentice Hall/ Harry N. Abrams. (qN6450 .H29 1972b)
*Conklin, Jo-Ann (ed.). The Louise Noun collection : art by women. University of Iowa Museum of Art, 1990. (qN6487 .I59 U555 1990)
*O’Keefe, Georgia. Georgia O’Keefe : the New York years. Alfred A Knopf, 1991. (qN6537 .O39 A4 1991)
*Prather, Maria. Unrepentant ego : the self-portraits of Lucas Samaras. Whitney Museum of American Art, 2003. (qN6537 .S3 A4 2003)
*Hartt, Frederick. History of Italian Renaissance art : painting, sculpture, architecture. Prentice-Hall/ Harry N. Abrams, 1979. (qN6915 .H37 1979)
*Frazier, Nancy. Georgia O’Keefe. Crescent Books, 1990. (qND237.O5 F7 1990)
*Montgomery, Elizabeth. Georgia O’Keefe. Dorset Press, 1992. (qND237.05 M66 1992X)
*Impressionist &post-impressionist masterpieces : the Courtauld collection. Yale University Press, 1987. (ND547.5 I4 C67 1987)
*Parmelin, Helene. Picasso : women, Cannes and Mougins, 1954-1963. Editions Cercle D’Art/Harry N. Abrams, 1967. (qND553 .P5 P3163)
*Negri, Renata. Toulouse Lautrec. Avenel Books, 1979. (qND553 .T7 N3713 1979)
*Tenneson, Joyce. Illuminations. Bullfinch Press/Little Brown and Co., 1997. (qTR654 .I44397 1997)
Jazwiec, Liz. Eat that cookie : make workplace positively pay off …for individuals, teams, and organizations. Fire Starter Publishing, 2009. (HF5549.5 .M63 J39 2009)
Karolides, Nicholas J. 120 banned books : censorship histories of world literature. Checkmark Books\Infobase, 2005. (Z658 .U5 K35 2005)
*A day in the life of America. Collins Publishers, 1986. (qE169. Z82 D38 1986)
*Smolan, Rick. Iowa 24/7 : 24 hours, 7 days : extraordinary images of one week in Iowa. DK Publishing, 2004. (qF622 .I56 2004)
*Sherman, David E. (ed.). The best of life. Time-Life Books, 1973. (qPN4900 .L55 B4)
*Wings of an artist : children’s book illustrators talk about their art. Harry N. Abrams, 1999. (Youth Lit ART W72wi)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

December Acquisitions

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
December 2010
* --- Gifts
#--- Free Gov’t Doc.

Business Administration, Accounting & Economics

*Tullier, Michelle. The unofficial guide to acing the interview. Wiley Publishing, 1999. (HF5549.5. I6 T85 1999b)


*Welty (ed.), Eurdora. The Norton book of friendship. W.W. Norton, 1991. (PN6071. F7 N58 1991)
*Stevenson, Robert Louis. Strange case of Dr,. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Heritage Press, 1952. (PR5485. A1 1952b)
*Lamb, Wally. Couldn’t keep it to myself: testimonies from our imprisoned sisters. Regan Books/Harper Collins, 2003. (PS548. C8 C68 2003)
*Ignatow, David. Shadowing the ground. University Press of New England, 1991. (PS3517. G53 S5 1991)
*Nemerov, Howard. The collected poems of Howard Nemerov. University of Chicago Press, 1977. (PS3527 E5 A17 1977)
*Bell, Marvin. A Marvin Bell reader: selected poetry and prose. Middlebury College Press/ Univ Press of New England, 1994. (PS3552. E52 A6 1994)
*Shomer, Enid. Imaginary men. University of Iowa Press, 1993. (PS3569. H5783 I4 1993)
*Stern, Gerald. Leaving another kingdom: selected poems. Perennial Library/Harper & Row, 1990. (PS3569 T3888 A6 1990)
*Strand, Mark. Selected poems. Atheneum, 1980. (PS3569. T69 A17 1980)
*Waller, Robert James. Just beyond the firelight: stories and essays. Iowa State University Press, 1989. (PS3573. A4347 J8)
*Warsaw, Irene. Warily we roll along. Goldne Quill Press, 1979. (PS3573. A78 W6)


*Grisham, John. Bleachers. Doubleday, 2003. (PS3557. R5355 B58 2003)
*Grisham, John. The king of torts. Doubleday, 2003. (PS3557. R5355 K55 2003b)
*Sparks, Nicholas. The notebook. Warner Books/Time Warner, 1996. (PS3569. P363 N68 1996)


*Greene, Bob. Once upon a town: the miracle of the North Platte Canteen. William Morrow/Harper Collins, 2002. (D769.85 N2 N248 2002)
*LeBor, Adam. Seduced by Hitler: the choices of a nation and the ethics of survival. Barnes & Noble Books, 2005. (DD256.7 L43 2005)
*Ravina, Mark. The last samurai: the life and battles of Saigo Takamori. John Wiley & Sons, 2004. (DS881.5 S2 R35 2004)
*Connerly, Ward. Creating equal: my fight against race preferences. Encounter Books, 2000. (E185.97 C74 2000)
*Mollenhoff, Clark R. Despoilers of democracy: the real story of what Washington propagandists, arrogant bureaucrats, mismanagers, influence peddlers, and outright corrupters are doing to our federal government. Doubleday, 1965. (E839.5 M6 c.2)


*Gallwey, Timothy. Inner skiing. Random House, 1977. (GV854.9 P75 G34)
*Sampson, Curt. Hogan. Rutledge Hill Press, 1996. (GV964. H6 S25 1996)
*Resnick (ed.), J.P. The little treasury of golf. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 1996. (GV967. L46 1996)


*Carter, Mildred. Body reflexology: healing at your fingertips. Prentice Hall/Parker, 1994. (RM723. R43 C37 1994).
*Trudeau, Kevin. Natural cures “they” don’t want you to know about. Alliance Publishing Group, 2004. (RZ440. T785 2004b)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

November Acquisitions List

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
November 2010
* --- Gifts
#--- Free Gov’t Doc.


*One hundred saints: their lives and likenesses drawn from Butler’s “Lives of the saints” and great works of Western art. Bulfinch Press/AOL Time Warner, 1993. (REF BX4655.2 .A16)
*Bowersock (ed.), G. W. Late antiquity: a guide to the postclassical world. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1999. (REF DE5 .L29 1999)
*Burke, David. Street Spanish slang dictionary & thesaurus. John Wiley, 1999. (REF PC4961 .B875 1999)
*Opie (ed.), Iona. The Oxford dictionary of nursery rhymes. Oxford University Press, 1997. (REF PZ8.3 .O985 1997)
*Bynum (ed.), W. F. Oxford dictionary of scientific quotations. Oxford University Press, 2006. (REF Q173 .O915 2006)


*Blum, Ralph. The book of runes: a handbook for the use of an ancient oracle: the Viking runes. St. Marine’s Press, 1982. (PD2013 .B48 1982)
*Howard, Michael. The runes: and other magical alphabets. Samuel Weiser, 1978. (PD2014 .H68)
*Johnson, Samuel. Johnson on the English language. Yale University Press, 2005. (PE1611 .J64 2005)
*Moretti (ed.), Frank. The novel (v.2). Princeton University Press, 2006. (PN3321 .R66 2006 v.2)
*Stubbs, John. John Donne: the reformed soul. W.W. Norton, 2007. (PR2248 .S78 2007)
*West, David. Shakespeare’s sonnets. Duckworth Overlook, 2007. (PR2848 .A2 W47 2007)
*Asimov, Isaac. Asimov’s guide to Shakespeare. Avenel Books, 1978. (PR2976 .A73 1978)
*Thomas, Abigail. A three dog life. Harcourt, 2006. (PS3570 .H53 Z46 2006)


*Apollonius of Rhodes. Jason and the golden fleece: (the argonautica). Oxford University Press, 1995. (PA3872 .E5 1995)
*Tatar (ed.), Maria. The annotated classic fairy tales. W.W. Norton, 2002. (PN6071 .F15 A66 2002)
*Perrault, Charles. The fairy tales of Charles Perrault. Folio Society, 1998. (PQ1877 .A24 1998)
*Hearn (ed.), Michael Patrick. The Victorian fairy tale book. Pantheon Books, 1990. (PR1309 .F26 V48 1990)
*Grimm, Jacob. Grimm’s complete fairy tales. Barnes & Noble Books, 1993. (PZ8 .G882 Gr 1993)


*French (ed.), Laurence. The Cherokee perspective: written by eastern Cherokees. Appalachian Consortium Press, 1981. (E99 .C5 C435)
*Johnson, Charles. Africans in America: America’s journey through slavery. Harvest/Harcourt Brace, 1999. (E441 .J65 1999)
*Dalby, Andrew. The classical cookbook. J. Paul Getty Museum, 1996. (TX723.5 .G8 D24 1996)


*Wise, Michael O. The Dead Sea Scrolls: a new translation. HarperSan Francisco/HarperCollins, 2005. (BM487 .A3 2005)
*Blackburn, Bonnie. The Oxford companion to the year. Oxford University Press, 1999. (CE11 .B58 1999)


Calaprice, Alice. The Einstein almanac. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (QC16 .E5 C35 2005)


*Schnur, Steven. Autumn: an alphabet acrostic. Clarion Books, 1997. (Youth Lit ALPH Sch5au)
*McCartney, Paul. High in the clouds. Dutton Children’s Books/Penguin, 2005. (Youth Lit AN M12hi)
*Puttock, Simon. Yours truly, Louisa. HarperCollins, 2009. (Youth Lit AN P98yo)
*Marcovitz, Hal. Hispanic celebrities in America. Mason Crest Publishers, 2010. (Youth Lit BIO A2his)
*Robberect, Thierry. Sarah’s little ghosts. Clarion Books, 2007. (Youth Lit CON R53sa)
*Slayton, Fran Cannon. When the whistle blows. Scholastic, 2010. (Youth Lit FICT SL1wh)
*Talbott, Hudson. O’Sullivan stew: a tale cooked up in Ireland. Puffin Books/Penguin, 2001. (Youth Lit FICT T14os)
*Andersen, Hans Christian. The emperor’s new clothes. Parragon Publishing, 2006. (Youth Lit FOLK An2em)
*Asbjornsens, Peter Christen. East ‘o the sun and west o’the moon and other Norwegian fairy tales. Dover Publications, 2001. (Youth Lit FOLK As1ea 2001)
*Madonna. The adventures of Abdi. Callaway, 2004. (Youth Lit FOLK M26ad)
Uribe, Veronica. Little book of fables. Groundwook Books, 2004. (Youth Lit FOLK Ur3Li)
*Goscinny, Rene. Falx aurea. Stuttgart, 1982. (Youth Lit GRA G69fa)
*Stone, Jon. Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. Random House/Children’s Television Workshop, 1981. (Youth Lit HOL C46st)
*Enderle, Judith Ross. Six creepy sheep. Scholastic, 1992. (Youth Lit HOL H14en)
*Lewis, Kevin. The runaway pumpkin. Orchard Books/Scholastic, 2003. (Youth Lit HOL H14Le)
*Goode, Diane. Thanksgiving is here! HarperCollins, 2003. (Youth Lit HOL T32go).
*Greene, Rhonda Gowler. The very first Thanksgiving Day. Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2002. (Youth Lit HOL T32gr)
*Wing, Natasha. The night before Thanksgiving. Grosset & Dunlap, 2001. (Youth Lit HOL T32wi)
*Prineas, Sarah. Found. Harper/HarperCollins, 2010. (Youth Lit HS P93fo)
Rawls, Wilson. Where the red fern grows: the story of two dogs and a boy. Yearling/Random, 1996. (Youth Lit HS R19wh 1996)
*Weyn, Suzanne. Distant waves: a novel of the Titanic. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit HS W54di)
*McDonald, Megan. Stink and the great Guinea Pig Express. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit HUM M14st)
*Brown, Peter. The curious garden. Little, Brown and Company, 2009. (Youth Lit N B81cu)
*Hall, Zoe. Fall leaves fall! Scholastic Press, 2000. (Youth Lit N H14fa)
*Stead, Rebecca. When you reach me. Wendy Lamb Bks/Random House, 2009. (Youth Lit NEW St3wh)
*Carlstrom, Nancy White. Thanksgiving Day at our house: Thanksgiving poems for the very young. Aladdin Paperbacks, 2002. (Youth Lit P 19th)
*Carlstrom, Nancy White. Who said boo?: Halloween poems for the very young. Scholastic, 2000. (Youth Lit P C19wh)
*Frank, John. A chill in the air: nature poems for fall and winter. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2003. (Youth Lit P F85ch)
*Lehman, Barbara. Rainstorm. Houghton Mifflin, 2007. (Youth Lit PIC L52ra)
*Hurwitz, Johanna. Fourth-grade fuss. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit SCH H93fo)
*McKissack, Patricia C. The home-run king. Scholastic, 2010. (Youth Lit SPO M19ho)

Monday, January 10, 2011

October Library Acquisitions

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
October 2010

* --- Gifts
#--- Free Gov’t Doc.


*Wilson, Ellen Judy. Encyclopedia of Enlightenment. Facts on File, 2004. (REF B802 .W48 2004)
*Bently (ed.), Peter. The dictionary of world myth. Facts on File, 1995. (REF BL303 .D46 1995)
*Mercatante, Anthony S. The Facts on File encyclopedia of world mythology and legend v.2. Facts on File NY, 2004. (REF BL303 .M45 2001 V.2)
*Jones, David M. The mythology of Americas: an illustrated encyclopedia of gods, spirits and sacred places of North America, Mesoamerica and South America. Lorenz Books, 2001. (REF E59 .R38 J66 2001)
*Levinson (ed.), David. Encyclopedia of world sport: from ancient times to the present. Oxford University Press, 1999. (REF GV567 E55 1999)
*Dunning, John. On the air: the encyclopedia of old-time radio. Oxford University Press, 1998. (REF PN1991.3 .U6 D8 1998)


CAAP Exam Team. CAAP secrets study guide: your key to exam success. Mometrix Media LLC, 2009. (LB1761.5 .C33 2009)


*Barry, John M. The great influenza: the epic story of the deadliest plaque in history. Viking/Penguin, 2004. (RC150.4 .B37 2004)


*Schama, Simon. The power of art. Ecco/HarperCollins, 2006. (N5300 .S24 2006)
*Nicholl, Charles. Leonardo da Vinci: flights of the mind. Viking/Penguin, 2004. (N6923 .L33 N52 2004)


*Sachs, Jeffrey D. The end of poverty: economic possibilities for our time. Penguin Press, 2005. (HC59.72 .P6 S225 2005)


*Schmidt, Michael. The first poets: lives of the ancient Greek poets. Alfred A Knopf, 2005. (PA3064 .S36 2005)
*Burl, Aubrey. Catullus: a poet in the Rome of Julius Caesar. Carroll & Graf, 2004. (PA6276 .B87 2004)
*Truss, Lynne. Eats, shoots, & leaves: the zero tolerance approach to punctuation. Gotham Books/Penguin, 2004. (PE1450 .T75 2004)
*Hughs, Ted. Selected translations. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. (PN6101 .S447 2007)
*Reynolds, Barbara. Dante: the poet, the political thinker, the man. Shoemaker & Hoard Emeryville, 2006. (PQ4335 .R49 2006)
*Petrarca, Francesco. The poetry of Petrarch. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004. (PQ4496 .E23 2004)
*Epstein (ed.), Joseph. Literary genius: 25 classic writers who define English & American literature. Paul Dry Books Philadelphia, 2007. (PR105 .L56 2007)
*Lynch, Jack. Becoming Shakespeare: the unlikely afterlife that turned a provincial playwright into the bard. Walker & Co, 2007. (PR2965 .L96 2007)
*Blank, Paula. Shakespeare and the mismeasure of Renaissance man. Cornell University Press Ithaca, 2006. (PR3069 .M43 B57 2006)
*Sacks, Kenneth S. Understanding Emerson: “the American scholar” and his struggle for self-reliance. Princeton University Press, 2003. (PS1615 .A84 S23 2003)
*Shields, Charles J. Mockingbird: a portrait of Harper Lee. Henry Holt, 2006. (PS3562 .E353 Z87 2006)


*Bland, William D. The Little Alamo: the real story of Bradford’s Bandits at Dong Ha Air Base, Vietnam 1965-1996. Word Association Publishers Tarentum, 2006. (DS557.7 .B53 2006)
*Wilentz, Sean. The rise of American democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. W.W. Norton, 2005. (E302.1 .W55 2005)
*Isaacson, Walter. Benjamin Franklin: an American life. Simon & Schuster, 2003. (E302.6 .F8 I83 2003)
*Cunliffe, Barry. The extraordinary voyage of Pytheas the Greek. Walker & Co, 2002. (G88 .C86 2002)
*Berg, Jerome S. On the short waves, 1923-1945: broadcast listening in the pioneer days of radio. McFarland & Co. Jefferson, 1999. (TK6547 .B425 1999)
*Simmons, Amelia. The first American cookbook: a facsimile of “American Cookery,” 1796. Dover Publications, 1984. (TX703 .S5 1984b)
*Vehling, Joseph Dommers. Cookery and dining in Imperial Rome: a bibliography, critical review and translation of the ancient book known as Apicius de ne Coquinaria. Dover Publications, 1977. (TX713 .A713)
*Gozzini Giacosa, Ilaria. A taste of ancient Rome. University of Chicago Press Chicago, 1994. (TX725 .A1 G613 1994)


*Zeruneith, Keld. The wooden horse: the liberation of the western mind from Odysseus to Socrates. Overlook, 2007. (B181 .Z4713 2007)
*Reeve (ed.), C.D.C. Plato on love: Lysis, Symposium, Phaedrus, Alcibiades, with selections from Republic, Laws. Hackett Publishing, 2006. (B358 .R44 2006)
*Pejman, Louis P. Who are we?: theories of human nature. Oxford University Press, 2006. (BD450 .P5764 2006)
*Yourgrau, Palle. A world without time: the forgotten legacy of Godel and Einstein. Basic Books/Pereus Books, 2005. (BD638 .Y73 2005)
*Stenmark, Mikael. How to relate science and religion: a multidimensional model. William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2004. (BL240.3 .S744 2004)
*Cashford, Jules. The moon: myth and image. Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003. (BL325 .M56 C37 2003)
*Kohlenberger (ed.), John R. The parallel Apocrypha: Greek text, King James version, Douay Old Testament, the Holy Bible by Ronald Knox, Today’s English Version, New revised Standard Version, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible. Oxford University Press, 1997. (BS1692 1997)
*Richards, E.G. Mapping time: the calendar and its history. Oxford University Press, 1999. (CE11 .R5 1999)


*Angier, Natalie. The canon: a whirligig tour of the beautiful basics of science. Houghton Mifflin Boston, 2007. (Q162 .A59 2007)
*Mazur, Joseph. Euclid in the rainforest: discovering universal truth in logic and math. Pi Press, 2005. (QA9 .M3935 2005)
*O’Shea, Donal. The Poincare conjecture: in search of the shape of the universe. Walker & Co, 2007. (QA612 .O83 2007)


*Gould, Carol Grant. The remarkable life of William Beebe: explorer and naturalist. Island Press/Shearwater Books Washington 2004. (QL31 .B37 G68 2004)

*Bertulani, Carlos A. Nuclear physics in a nutshell. Princeton University Press Princeton, 2007. (QC776 .B466 2007)