Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
July 2010
*….gifts government document
Reference, Index, Etc.:
*Yenne, Bill. The encyclopedia of North American Indian tribes: a comprehensive study of tribes from the Abitibi to the Zuni. Arch Cape Press, 1986. (Ref E76.2 .446 1986)
General Interest:
*Valentine, Eric. Rapiers: an illustrated reference guide to the rapiers of the 16th and 17th centuries, with their companions. Arms and Armour Press, 1968. (U850 .V3)
*Glasser, William. The quality school teacher: specific suggestions for teachers who are trying to implement the lead-management ideas of the quality school in their classrooms. Harper Perennial/Harper Collins, 1993. (LB1025.3 .G52 1993)
*Grossman, Herbert. Gender issues in education. Allyn and Bacon, 1994. (LC212.92 .G76 1994)
*Kilpatrick, William K. Why Johnny can’t tell right from wrong. Simon and Schuster/Touchstone, 1993. (LC311 .K55 1993)
*Kirschenbaum, Howard. 100 ways to enhance values and morality in schools and youth settings. Allyn and Bacon, 1995. (LC311 .K57 1995)
*Lickona, Thomas. Educating for character: how our schools can teach respect and responsibility. Bantam Books, 1992. (LC268 .L475 1992)
*McCormick, Theresa M. Creating the nonsexist classroom: a multicultural approach. Teachers College Press, 1994. (LC212.82 .M33 1994)
*Smuin, Stephen K. Turn-ons!: 185 strategies for the secondary classroom. Fearon Teacher Aids, 1978. (HM66 .S63)
Sociology and Anthropology:
*Douglas, Susan J. Where the girls are: growing up female with the mass media. Random House/Time Books, 1995. (P94.5 .W652 U634 1995)
*Hall, Jacquelyn D. Revolt against chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the women’s campaign against lynching. Columbia University Press, 1993. (HV6457 .H34 1993)
Hall, Stuart. Culture, media, language: working papers in cultural studies, 1972-79. Routledge, 1992. (HM101 .C9 1992)
*Jackson, John G. Man, God, and civilization. Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press, 1990. (CB59 .J32 1990)
Negroponte, Nicholas. Being digital. Random House/Vintage, 1996. (TK5103.7 .N43 1996)
*Niebuhr, Reinhold. Moral man and immoral society: a study in ethics and politics. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001. (HM216 .N5 2001)
*Ware, Susan. Still missing: Amelia Earhart and the search for modern feminism. W.W. Norton, 1994. (TL540 .E3 W37 1994)
*Woloch, Nancy. Women and the American experience: a concise history. McGraw-Hill/Overture Books, 1996. (HQ1410 .W642 1996)
*Stewart, Hilary. Looking at Indian art of the Northwest Coast. University of Washington Press, 1979. (E78 .N78 S764)
Business Administration, Accounting, and Economics:
*Axtell, Roger E. Do’s and taboos around the world. Benjamin Book/John Wiley, 1993. (HF5387 .D66 1993)
*Dobson, John M. A history of American enterprise. Prentice Hall, 1988. (HF3021 .D6 1988)
*Hansen, George. To harass our people: the IRS and government abuse of power. Positive Publications, 1984. (HJ3252 .H36 1984)
Smith, Charles H. Weblogs and new media: marketing in crisis. Trewe Press, 2008. (HD30.37 .S65 2008)
English and Literature:
*Abdulla, Raficq. Words of paradise: selected poems of Rumi: new interpretations. Viking Studio/Penguin, 2000. (PK6480 .E5 A234 2000)
Angelou, Maya. Poems. Bantam, 1993. (PS3551 .N464 A6 1993)
*Beckham, Barry. My main mother. Signet/New American, 1971. (PS3552 .E28 M9 1971)
*Bloom, Harold. Hamlet: poem unlimited. Riverhead Books/Penguin, 2003. (PR2807 .B617 2003)
*Cahill, Tim. Road fever: a high-speed travelogue. Vintage Books/Random House, 1992. (PS3553 .A365 Z463 1992)
*Chekhov, Anton P. Anton Chekhov: plays and stories. International Collections Library, 1965. (PG3456 .A13 D85 1965)
*Decroux, Etienne. Words of mime. 1985. (PN2071 .G4 D4213 1985)
*De Larrabeiti, Michael. The Provencal tales. St. Martin’s Press, 1988. (GR162. P7 D4 1988)
*Giannetti, Louis. Flashback: a brief history of film. Prentice Hall, 1991. (PN1993.5 .A1 G54 1991)
*Hooper, A.G. Short stories from Southern Africa. Oxford University Press, 1963. (PR9880 .H6 1963)
*Mullane, Deirdre. Crossing the danger water: three hundred years of African-American writing. Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1993. (PS508 .N3 C73 1993)
*Murray, Alma. The journey. Scholastic Book Services, 1970. (PS508 .N3 M8)
*Solomon, Barbara H. Other voices, other vistas: short stories from Africa, China, India, Japan, and Latin America. Mentor/Penguin, 1992. (PN6014. O844 1992)
*Stevenson, Victor. Words, the evolution of Western languages. Methuen, 1983. (P541 .W67 1983)
*Wilde, Oscar. The fairy tales of Oscar Wilde. Hart, 1978. (PR5811 .F25 1978)
*Argueta, Manlio. One day of life. Vintage, 1983. (PQ7539.2 .A68 D513 1983)
*McCarthy, Cormac. Suttree. Vintage Books/Random House, 1986. (PS3563 .C337 S9 1986)
History and Political Science:
*Beekman, Allan. The Niihau incident: the true story of the Japanese fighter pilot who, after the Pearl Harbor attack, crash-landed on the Hawaiian island of Niihau and terrorized the residents. Heritage Press of Pacific, 1982. (UG626.2 .N57 B44 1982)
*Brokaw, Tom. The greatest generation speaks: letters and reflections. Random House, 1999. (D811 .A2 B747 1999)
*Burns, E. Bradford. Latin America: a concise interpretative history. Prentice Hall, 2002. (F1410 .B8 2002)
*Chasteen, John C. Born in blood and fire: a concise history of Latin America. W.W. Norton, 2001. (F1410 .C4397 2001)
*Comer, James P. Maggie’s American dream: the life and times of a Black family. Plume/Penguin, 1989. (E185.97 .C68 C66 1989)
*Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave. Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1993. (E449 .D749 1993)
*Durant, Will. The story of civilization. MJF Books, 1992. (CB53 .D85 1992 v.1-11)
*Edmunds, R. David. American Indian leaders: studies in diversity. University of Nebraska Press, 1980. (E89 .A48)
*Esper, George. The eyewitness history of the Vietnam War, 1961-1975. Ballantine Books, 1983. (qDS557.7 .E87 1983)
*Fonseca, Isabel. Bury me standing: the Gypsies and their journey. Vintage Books/Random House. 1996. (DX115 .F66 1996)
*Hexter, J.H. The traditions of the Western World. Rand McNally, 1968. (CB245 .T763 1968)
*Kennedy, Paul. The rise and fall of the great powers: economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000. Random House, 1987. (D210 .K46 1987)
*LaFeber, Walter. America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1984. Alfred A. Knopf, 1985. (E183.8 .S65 L34 1985)
*McCullough, David. Brave companions: portraits in history. Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 1992. (CT214 .M34 1992b)
*Newell, Nancy P. The struggle for Afghanistan. Cornell University Press, 1982. (DS371.2 .N48 1982)
*Percoco, James A. Divided we stand: teaching about conflict in U.S. history. Heinemann, 2001. (E175.8 .P46 2001)
*Pratt, John C. Vietnam voices: perspectives on the war years, 1941-1982. Penguin Books, 1984. (DS557.7 .V566 1984b)
*Satterfield, Archie. Chilkoot Pass, the most famous trail in the North. Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 1978. (F1095 .K5 S37 1978)
*Sumner, B.H. Tsardom and imperialism in the Far East and Middle East, 1880-1914. Archon Books, 1968. (DK68 .S8 1968)
*Taylor, J.M. Eva Peron, the myths of a woman. University of Chicago Press, 1979. (F2849 .P37 T39)
*Tula, Maria T. Hear my testimony: Maria Teresa Tula, human rights activist of El Salvador. South End Press, 1994. (JC599 .S22 T85 1994)
*Womack, John J. Zapata and the Mexican Revolution. Random House/Vintage, 1970. (F1234 .W8)
*Wilkinson, Charles F. Crossing the next meridian: land, water, and the future of the West. Island Press, 1992. (KF5505 .W55 1992)
*Wyant William K. Westward in Eden: the public lands and the conservation movement. University of California Press, 1982. (HD205 1982 .W9)
*Zinn, Howard. A people’s history of the United States: 1492-present. Perennial Classics/Harper Collins, 2001. (E178 .Z75 2001)
Religion and Philosophy:
*Book of confessions: study edition. Geneva Press, 1999. (BX8969.5 .B66 1999)
*Baldet, Jacques. Jesus the rabbi prophet: a new light on the Gospel message. Inner Traditions, 2005. (BS2415 .B32713 2005)
*Ehrman, Bart D. Christianity in late antiquity, 300-450 C.E.: a reader. Oxford University Press, 2004. (BR63 .C47 2004)
*Feather, Robert. The secret initiation of Jesus at Qumran: the Essene mysteries of John the Baptist. Bear and Company, 2005. (BM175 .E8 F36 2005)
*Freedman, David N. The Anchor Bible dictionary. Doubleday, 1992. (BS440 .A54 1992b v. 1-6)
*Gamble, Harry Y. The New Testament canon: it’s making and meaning. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2002. (BS2320 .G143 2002)
*Knight, Douglas A. The Hebrew Bible and its modern interpreters. Scholars Press, 1985. (BS1160 .H43 1985)
*Lamm, Maurice. Becoming a Jew. Jonathon David Publishers, 1991. (BM729 .P7 L26 1991)
*Lilly, John C. The center of the cyclone: an autobiography of inner space. Julian Press, 1985. (BF311 .L54 1985)
*Marty, Martin E. Politics, religion, and the common good: advancing a distinctly American conversation about religion’s role in our shared life. Jossey-Bass, 2000. (BL2525 .M375 2000)
*Mortimer, Edward. Faith and power: the politics of Islam. Random House/Vintage, 1982. (BP63 .A4 N425 1982b)
*Neusner, Jacob. Judaisms and their messiahs at the turn of the Christina era. Cambridge University Press, 1987. (BM615 .J84 1987)
*Pregeant, Russell. Engaging the New Testament: an interdisciplinary introduction. Fortress Press, 1997. (BS2330.2 .P69 1997)
*Roetzel, Calvin J. The letters of Paul: conversations in context. Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. (BS2650.2 .R63 1998)
*Schweitzer, Albert. The mysticism of Paul the Apostle. John Hopkins University Press, 1998. (BS2655 .M9 S43 1998)
*Shanks, Hershel. Understanding the Dead Sea scrolls: a reader from the Biblical archaeology review. Random House/Vintage, 1993. (BM487 .U49 1993)
*Wood, Joe. Malcolm X: in our own image. Doubleday/Anchor Books, 1994. (BP223 .Z8 L5763 1994)
*Teich, Albert H. Technology and the future. St. Martin’s Press, 1986. (T14.5 .T4416 1986)
Youth Literature:
*Civil rights: the African-American struggle for equality. Nextext/McDougal Littell, 2000. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) C49ci)
*The Vietnam War: a historical reader. Nextext/McDougal Littell, 2000. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) V67vi)
*Barnes, John. Tales of the Madman Underground: (an historical romance 1973). Viking/Penguin, 2009. (Youth Lit HS B26ta)
*Bartoletti, Susan C. The boy who dared. Scholastic Press, 2008. (Youth Lit HS B28bo)
*Bingham, Kelly. Shark girl. Candlewick Press, 2007. (Youth Lit HS B51sh)
*Bodeen, S.A. The compound. Square Fish/Macmillan, 2009. (Youth Lit HS B63co)
*Bray, Libba. Going bovine. Delacorte Press/Random House, 2009. (Youth Lit HS B73go)
*Caduto, Michael J. Keepers of the earth: Native American stories and environmental activities for children. Fulcrum Inc., 1989. (Youth Lit IND C11ke)
*Clare, Cassandra. City of bones. Simon Pulse/Simon and Schuster, 2008. (Youth Lit HS C54ci)
*Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire. Scholastic Press, 2009. (Youth Lit HS C69ca)
*Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games. Scholastic Press, 2008. (Youth Lit HS C69hu)
*Hiaasen, Carl. Scat. Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. (Youth Lit HS H52sc)
*Madigan, L.K. Flash burnout: a novel. Houghton Mifflin, 2009. (Youth Lit HS M26fa)
*Prineas, Sarah. Lost. Harper/Harper Collins, 2009. (Youth Lit HS P93ls)
*Prineas, Sarah. The magic thief. Harper Trophy/Harper Collins, 2009. (Youth Lit HS P93ma)
*Rapp, Adam. Punkzilla. Candlewick Press, 2009. (Youth Lit HS R18pu)
*Reed, Daniel. Deliver us from evil: a World War II novel. iUniverse Inc., 2006. (Youth Lit HS R25de)
*Sonnenblick, Jordan. Notes from the midnight driver. Scholastic Press, 2006. (Youth Lit HS So5no)
*Stanley, Jerry. Children of the Dust Bowl: the true story of the school at Weedpatch Camp. Crown Publishers, 1992. (Youth Lit HS St2ch)
*Stork, Francisco X. Marcelo in the real world. Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit HS St7ma)
*Strasser, Todd. Boot camp. Simon Pulse/Simon and Schuster, 2008. (Youth Lit HS St8bo)
*Yancey, Richard. The monstrumologist. Simon and Schuster, 2009. (Youth Lit HS Ya1mo)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
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