Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
July 2010
*….gifts government document
Reference, Index, Etc.:
*Yenne, Bill. The encyclopedia of North American Indian tribes: a comprehensive study of tribes from the Abitibi to the Zuni. Arch Cape Press, 1986. (Ref E76.2 .446 1986)
General Interest:
*Valentine, Eric. Rapiers: an illustrated reference guide to the rapiers of the 16th and 17th centuries, with their companions. Arms and Armour Press, 1968. (U850 .V3)
*Glasser, William. The quality school teacher: specific suggestions for teachers who are trying to implement the lead-management ideas of the quality school in their classrooms. Harper Perennial/Harper Collins, 1993. (LB1025.3 .G52 1993)
*Grossman, Herbert. Gender issues in education. Allyn and Bacon, 1994. (LC212.92 .G76 1994)
*Kilpatrick, William K. Why Johnny can’t tell right from wrong. Simon and Schuster/Touchstone, 1993. (LC311 .K55 1993)
*Kirschenbaum, Howard. 100 ways to enhance values and morality in schools and youth settings. Allyn and Bacon, 1995. (LC311 .K57 1995)
*Lickona, Thomas. Educating for character: how our schools can teach respect and responsibility. Bantam Books, 1992. (LC268 .L475 1992)
*McCormick, Theresa M. Creating the nonsexist classroom: a multicultural approach. Teachers College Press, 1994. (LC212.82 .M33 1994)
*Smuin, Stephen K. Turn-ons!: 185 strategies for the secondary classroom. Fearon Teacher Aids, 1978. (HM66 .S63)
Sociology and Anthropology:
*Douglas, Susan J. Where the girls are: growing up female with the mass media. Random House/Time Books, 1995. (P94.5 .W652 U634 1995)
*Hall, Jacquelyn D. Revolt against chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the women’s campaign against lynching. Columbia University Press, 1993. (HV6457 .H34 1993)
Hall, Stuart. Culture, media, language: working papers in cultural studies, 1972-79. Routledge, 1992. (HM101 .C9 1992)
*Jackson, John G. Man, God, and civilization. Carol Publishing Group/Citadel Press, 1990. (CB59 .J32 1990)
Negroponte, Nicholas. Being digital. Random House/Vintage, 1996. (TK5103.7 .N43 1996)
*Niebuhr, Reinhold. Moral man and immoral society: a study in ethics and politics. Westminster John Knox Press, 2001. (HM216 .N5 2001)
*Ware, Susan. Still missing: Amelia Earhart and the search for modern feminism. W.W. Norton, 1994. (TL540 .E3 W37 1994)
*Woloch, Nancy. Women and the American experience: a concise history. McGraw-Hill/Overture Books, 1996. (HQ1410 .W642 1996)
*Stewart, Hilary. Looking at Indian art of the Northwest Coast. University of Washington Press, 1979. (E78 .N78 S764)
Business Administration, Accounting, and Economics:
*Axtell, Roger E. Do’s and taboos around the world. Benjamin Book/John Wiley, 1993. (HF5387 .D66 1993)
*Dobson, John M. A history of American enterprise. Prentice Hall, 1988. (HF3021 .D6 1988)
*Hansen, George. To harass our people: the IRS and government abuse of power. Positive Publications, 1984. (HJ3252 .H36 1984)
Smith, Charles H. Weblogs and new media: marketing in crisis. Trewe Press, 2008. (HD30.37 .S65 2008)
English and Literature:
*Abdulla, Raficq. Words of paradise: selected poems of Rumi: new interpretations. Viking Studio/Penguin, 2000. (PK6480 .E5 A234 2000)
Angelou, Maya. Poems. Bantam, 1993. (PS3551 .N464 A6 1993)
*Beckham, Barry. My main mother. Signet/New American, 1971. (PS3552 .E28 M9 1971)
*Bloom, Harold. Hamlet: poem unlimited. Riverhead Books/Penguin, 2003. (PR2807 .B617 2003)
*Cahill, Tim. Road fever: a high-speed travelogue. Vintage Books/Random House, 1992. (PS3553 .A365 Z463 1992)
*Chekhov, Anton P. Anton Chekhov: plays and stories. International Collections Library, 1965. (PG3456 .A13 D85 1965)
*Decroux, Etienne. Words of mime. 1985. (PN2071 .G4 D4213 1985)
*De Larrabeiti, Michael. The Provencal tales. St. Martin’s Press, 1988. (GR162. P7 D4 1988)
*Giannetti, Louis. Flashback: a brief history of film. Prentice Hall, 1991. (PN1993.5 .A1 G54 1991)
*Hooper, A.G. Short stories from Southern Africa. Oxford University Press, 1963. (PR9880 .H6 1963)
*Mullane, Deirdre. Crossing the danger water: three hundred years of African-American writing. Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1993. (PS508 .N3 C73 1993)
*Murray, Alma. The journey. Scholastic Book Services, 1970. (PS508 .N3 M8)
*Solomon, Barbara H. Other voices, other vistas: short stories from Africa, China, India, Japan, and Latin America. Mentor/Penguin, 1992. (PN6014. O844 1992)
*Stevenson, Victor. Words, the evolution of Western languages. Methuen, 1983. (P541 .W67 1983)
*Wilde, Oscar. The fairy tales of Oscar Wilde. Hart, 1978. (PR5811 .F25 1978)
*Argueta, Manlio. One day of life. Vintage, 1983. (PQ7539.2 .A68 D513 1983)
*McCarthy, Cormac. Suttree. Vintage Books/Random House, 1986. (PS3563 .C337 S9 1986)
History and Political Science:
*Beekman, Allan. The Niihau incident: the true story of the Japanese fighter pilot who, after the Pearl Harbor attack, crash-landed on the Hawaiian island of Niihau and terrorized the residents. Heritage Press of Pacific, 1982. (UG626.2 .N57 B44 1982)
*Brokaw, Tom. The greatest generation speaks: letters and reflections. Random House, 1999. (D811 .A2 B747 1999)
*Burns, E. Bradford. Latin America: a concise interpretative history. Prentice Hall, 2002. (F1410 .B8 2002)
*Chasteen, John C. Born in blood and fire: a concise history of Latin America. W.W. Norton, 2001. (F1410 .C4397 2001)
*Comer, James P. Maggie’s American dream: the life and times of a Black family. Plume/Penguin, 1989. (E185.97 .C68 C66 1989)
*Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave. Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 1993. (E449 .D749 1993)
*Durant, Will. The story of civilization. MJF Books, 1992. (CB53 .D85 1992 v.1-11)
*Edmunds, R. David. American Indian leaders: studies in diversity. University of Nebraska Press, 1980. (E89 .A48)
*Esper, George. The eyewitness history of the Vietnam War, 1961-1975. Ballantine Books, 1983. (qDS557.7 .E87 1983)
*Fonseca, Isabel. Bury me standing: the Gypsies and their journey. Vintage Books/Random House. 1996. (DX115 .F66 1996)
*Hexter, J.H. The traditions of the Western World. Rand McNally, 1968. (CB245 .T763 1968)
*Kennedy, Paul. The rise and fall of the great powers: economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000. Random House, 1987. (D210 .K46 1987)
*LaFeber, Walter. America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-1984. Alfred A. Knopf, 1985. (E183.8 .S65 L34 1985)
*McCullough, David. Brave companions: portraits in history. Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 1992. (CT214 .M34 1992b)
*Newell, Nancy P. The struggle for Afghanistan. Cornell University Press, 1982. (DS371.2 .N48 1982)
*Percoco, James A. Divided we stand: teaching about conflict in U.S. history. Heinemann, 2001. (E175.8 .P46 2001)
*Pratt, John C. Vietnam voices: perspectives on the war years, 1941-1982. Penguin Books, 1984. (DS557.7 .V566 1984b)
*Satterfield, Archie. Chilkoot Pass, the most famous trail in the North. Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 1978. (F1095 .K5 S37 1978)
*Sumner, B.H. Tsardom and imperialism in the Far East and Middle East, 1880-1914. Archon Books, 1968. (DK68 .S8 1968)
*Taylor, J.M. Eva Peron, the myths of a woman. University of Chicago Press, 1979. (F2849 .P37 T39)
*Tula, Maria T. Hear my testimony: Maria Teresa Tula, human rights activist of El Salvador. South End Press, 1994. (JC599 .S22 T85 1994)
*Womack, John J. Zapata and the Mexican Revolution. Random House/Vintage, 1970. (F1234 .W8)
*Wilkinson, Charles F. Crossing the next meridian: land, water, and the future of the West. Island Press, 1992. (KF5505 .W55 1992)
*Wyant William K. Westward in Eden: the public lands and the conservation movement. University of California Press, 1982. (HD205 1982 .W9)
*Zinn, Howard. A people’s history of the United States: 1492-present. Perennial Classics/Harper Collins, 2001. (E178 .Z75 2001)
Religion and Philosophy:
*Book of confessions: study edition. Geneva Press, 1999. (BX8969.5 .B66 1999)
*Baldet, Jacques. Jesus the rabbi prophet: a new light on the Gospel message. Inner Traditions, 2005. (BS2415 .B32713 2005)
*Ehrman, Bart D. Christianity in late antiquity, 300-450 C.E.: a reader. Oxford University Press, 2004. (BR63 .C47 2004)
*Feather, Robert. The secret initiation of Jesus at Qumran: the Essene mysteries of John the Baptist. Bear and Company, 2005. (BM175 .E8 F36 2005)
*Freedman, David N. The Anchor Bible dictionary. Doubleday, 1992. (BS440 .A54 1992b v. 1-6)
*Gamble, Harry Y. The New Testament canon: it’s making and meaning. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2002. (BS2320 .G143 2002)
*Knight, Douglas A. The Hebrew Bible and its modern interpreters. Scholars Press, 1985. (BS1160 .H43 1985)
*Lamm, Maurice. Becoming a Jew. Jonathon David Publishers, 1991. (BM729 .P7 L26 1991)
*Lilly, John C. The center of the cyclone: an autobiography of inner space. Julian Press, 1985. (BF311 .L54 1985)
*Marty, Martin E. Politics, religion, and the common good: advancing a distinctly American conversation about religion’s role in our shared life. Jossey-Bass, 2000. (BL2525 .M375 2000)
*Mortimer, Edward. Faith and power: the politics of Islam. Random House/Vintage, 1982. (BP63 .A4 N425 1982b)
*Neusner, Jacob. Judaisms and their messiahs at the turn of the Christina era. Cambridge University Press, 1987. (BM615 .J84 1987)
*Pregeant, Russell. Engaging the New Testament: an interdisciplinary introduction. Fortress Press, 1997. (BS2330.2 .P69 1997)
*Roetzel, Calvin J. The letters of Paul: conversations in context. Westminster John Knox Press, 1998. (BS2650.2 .R63 1998)
*Schweitzer, Albert. The mysticism of Paul the Apostle. John Hopkins University Press, 1998. (BS2655 .M9 S43 1998)
*Shanks, Hershel. Understanding the Dead Sea scrolls: a reader from the Biblical archaeology review. Random House/Vintage, 1993. (BM487 .U49 1993)
*Wood, Joe. Malcolm X: in our own image. Doubleday/Anchor Books, 1994. (BP223 .Z8 L5763 1994)
*Teich, Albert H. Technology and the future. St. Martin’s Press, 1986. (T14.5 .T4416 1986)
Youth Literature:
*Civil rights: the African-American struggle for equality. Nextext/McDougal Littell, 2000. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) C49ci)
*The Vietnam War: a historical reader. Nextext/McDougal Littell, 2000. (Youth Lit H(U.S.) V67vi)
*Barnes, John. Tales of the Madman Underground: (an historical romance 1973). Viking/Penguin, 2009. (Youth Lit HS B26ta)
*Bartoletti, Susan C. The boy who dared. Scholastic Press, 2008. (Youth Lit HS B28bo)
*Bingham, Kelly. Shark girl. Candlewick Press, 2007. (Youth Lit HS B51sh)
*Bodeen, S.A. The compound. Square Fish/Macmillan, 2009. (Youth Lit HS B63co)
*Bray, Libba. Going bovine. Delacorte Press/Random House, 2009. (Youth Lit HS B73go)
*Caduto, Michael J. Keepers of the earth: Native American stories and environmental activities for children. Fulcrum Inc., 1989. (Youth Lit IND C11ke)
*Clare, Cassandra. City of bones. Simon Pulse/Simon and Schuster, 2008. (Youth Lit HS C54ci)
*Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire. Scholastic Press, 2009. (Youth Lit HS C69ca)
*Collins, Suzanne. The hunger games. Scholastic Press, 2008. (Youth Lit HS C69hu)
*Hiaasen, Carl. Scat. Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. (Youth Lit HS H52sc)
*Madigan, L.K. Flash burnout: a novel. Houghton Mifflin, 2009. (Youth Lit HS M26fa)
*Prineas, Sarah. Lost. Harper/Harper Collins, 2009. (Youth Lit HS P93ls)
*Prineas, Sarah. The magic thief. Harper Trophy/Harper Collins, 2009. (Youth Lit HS P93ma)
*Rapp, Adam. Punkzilla. Candlewick Press, 2009. (Youth Lit HS R18pu)
*Reed, Daniel. Deliver us from evil: a World War II novel. iUniverse Inc., 2006. (Youth Lit HS R25de)
*Sonnenblick, Jordan. Notes from the midnight driver. Scholastic Press, 2006. (Youth Lit HS So5no)
*Stanley, Jerry. Children of the Dust Bowl: the true story of the school at Weedpatch Camp. Crown Publishers, 1992. (Youth Lit HS St2ch)
*Stork, Francisco X. Marcelo in the real world. Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit HS St7ma)
*Strasser, Todd. Boot camp. Simon Pulse/Simon and Schuster, 2008. (Youth Lit HS St8bo)
*Yancey, Richard. The monstrumologist. Simon and Schuster, 2009. (Youth Lit HS Ya1mo)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
February Acquisitions
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
February 2010
#---Free Gov’t Doc.
Berry, Barbara (ed). Education index : a cumulative author subject index to a selected list of educational periodicals, yearbooks, and monographs July 2008 to June 2009 (v. 59). H.W. Wilson, 2009. (Index Z5813 .E23 v.59)
The world almanac and book of facts 2010. World Almanac Books, 2010. (Ref AY67.N5 W7 2010)
Current biography yearbook 2009. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (Ref CT100 .C8 2009)
Statistical abstract of the United States : 2010. U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. (Ref HA202 .U5 2010)
The United States government manual 2009/2010. Office of the Federal Registrar, 2009. (Ref JK421 .A3 2009-2010)
Federal criminal code and rules 2009 (+ 2009 supplement). West/Thomson Reuters, 2009. (Ref KF9607.52 .U55 2009)
Kaye, Elizabeth A. (ed). Requirements for certification of teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators for elementary and secondary schools 2009-2010. University of Chicago Press, 2009. (Ref LB1771 .W8 2009-2010)
Physicians’ desk reference 2010. PDR Network, 2009. (Ref RS75 .P5 2010)
Consumer reports buying guide 2010. Consumers Union, 2010. (Ref TX335.AI B7 2010)
State of the world : Transforming cultures from consumerism to sustainability 2010. W.W. Norton, 2010. (HC59 .B766 2010)
Fiske, Susan T. (ed). Annual review of psychology. Annual Reviews, 2009. (BF30 .A56 v.60)
Stern, Shayla Thiel. Instant identity : adolescent girls and the world of instant messaging. Peter Lang Publishing, 2007. (HQ799.2.I5 S84 2007)
Guins, Raiford. Edited clean version : technology and the culture of control. University of Minnesota Press, 2009. (P96.C42 U655 2009)
Cass, John. Strategies and tools for corporate blogging. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. (HD30.37.C33 2007)
Shih, Clara. The Facebook era : tapping online social networks to build better products, reach new audiences, and sell more stuff. Prentice Hall, 2009. (HD30.37 .S49 2009)
Breakenridge, Deirdre. PR 2.0 : new media, new tools, new audiences. FT Press, 2008. (HD59 .B743 2008)
Solis, Brian. Putting the public back in public relations : how social media is reinventing the aging business of PR. FT Press, 2009. (HD59 .S65 2009)
Comm, Joel. Twitter power : how to dominate your market one tweet at a time. Wiley, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .C646 2009)
Holzner, Steve. Facebook marketing : leverage social media to grow your business. Que, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .H656 2009)
Micek, Deborah. Twitter revolution : how social media and mobile marketing is changing the way we do business & market online. Xeno Press, 2008. (HF5415.1265 .M53 2008)
Miller, Michael. Youtube for business : online video marketing for any business. Que, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .M556 2009)
Qualman, Erik. Socialnomics “ how social media transforms the way we live and do business. Wiley, 2009. (HF5415.1265.Q83 2009)
Scott, David Meerman. The new rules of marketing and PR : how to use news releases, blogs, podcasting, viral marketing, and online media to reach buyers directly. Wiley, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .S393 2009)
Berman, Margo. Street-smart advertising : how to win the battle of the buzz. Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. (HF5823 .B454 2007)
Tuten, Tracy L. Advertising 2.0 : social media marketing in a Web 2.0 world. Praeger, 2008. (HF6146.I58 T88 2008)
Jue, Arthur L. Social media at work “ how networking tools propel organizational performance. Jossey-Bass, 2010. (HM742.J84 2010)
Vermeiren, Jan. How to REALLY use LinkedIn: discover the true power of LinkedIn and how to leverage it for your business and career. BookSurge Publishing, 2009. (HM742 .V476 2009)
Lovink, Geert. Zero comments : blogging and critical internet culture. Routledge, 2008. (HM851 .L689 2008)
Brown, Rob. Public relations and the social web : how to use social media and Web 2.0 in communications. Kogan Page, 2009. (HM1221 .B765 2009)
Sterling, Christopher H. Sounds of change : a history of FM broadcasting in America. University of North Carolina Press, 2008. (PN1991.3.U6 S78 2008)
Flew, Terry. New Media : an introduction. Oxford University Press, 2008. (P96.T42 F58 2008)
Holland, Peter (ed). Shakespeare survey. Cambridge University Press, 2009. (PR2888 .C33 v.62)
Wilson, Lucille Morgan (ed). Lyrical Iowa 2009. Iowa Poetry Association, 2009. (PS571.I58 2009)
Sommer, Barbara W. The oral history manual. AltaMira Press, 2002. (qD16.14 .S69 2002)
Carnes, Jim. Us and them : a history of intolerance in America. Oxford University Press, 1996. (E184.A1 C335 1996)
Cobblestone : Women want the vote! Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:3)
Cobblestone : Journey to the North Pole. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:4)
Cobblestone : Twain’s world. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:5)
Cobblestone : American Inventions. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:6)
Cobblestone : Our national parks. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:7)
Cobblestone : Pilgrim’s rock : the new world. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:8)
Cobblestone : John Adams : join or die. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:9)
Cobblestone : 30 greatest Americans. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.31:1)
Cobblestone : Gettysburg : Civil War turning point. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.31:2)
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
February 2010
#---Free Gov’t Doc.
Berry, Barbara (ed). Education index : a cumulative author subject index to a selected list of educational periodicals, yearbooks, and monographs July 2008 to June 2009 (v. 59). H.W. Wilson, 2009. (Index Z5813 .E23 v.59)
The world almanac and book of facts 2010. World Almanac Books, 2010. (Ref AY67.N5 W7 2010)
Current biography yearbook 2009. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (Ref CT100 .C8 2009)
Statistical abstract of the United States : 2010. U.S. Census Bureau, 2010. (Ref HA202 .U5 2010)
The United States government manual 2009/2010. Office of the Federal Registrar, 2009. (Ref JK421 .A3 2009-2010)
Federal criminal code and rules 2009 (+ 2009 supplement). West/Thomson Reuters, 2009. (Ref KF9607.52 .U55 2009)
Kaye, Elizabeth A. (ed). Requirements for certification of teachers, counselors, librarians, administrators for elementary and secondary schools 2009-2010. University of Chicago Press, 2009. (Ref LB1771 .W8 2009-2010)
Physicians’ desk reference 2010. PDR Network, 2009. (Ref RS75 .P5 2010)
Consumer reports buying guide 2010. Consumers Union, 2010. (Ref TX335.AI B7 2010)
State of the world : Transforming cultures from consumerism to sustainability 2010. W.W. Norton, 2010. (HC59 .B766 2010)
Fiske, Susan T. (ed). Annual review of psychology. Annual Reviews, 2009. (BF30 .A56 v.60)
Stern, Shayla Thiel. Instant identity : adolescent girls and the world of instant messaging. Peter Lang Publishing, 2007. (HQ799.2.I5 S84 2007)
Guins, Raiford. Edited clean version : technology and the culture of control. University of Minnesota Press, 2009. (P96.C42 U655 2009)
Cass, John. Strategies and tools for corporate blogging. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. (HD30.37.C33 2007)
Shih, Clara. The Facebook era : tapping online social networks to build better products, reach new audiences, and sell more stuff. Prentice Hall, 2009. (HD30.37 .S49 2009)
Breakenridge, Deirdre. PR 2.0 : new media, new tools, new audiences. FT Press, 2008. (HD59 .B743 2008)
Solis, Brian. Putting the public back in public relations : how social media is reinventing the aging business of PR. FT Press, 2009. (HD59 .S65 2009)
Comm, Joel. Twitter power : how to dominate your market one tweet at a time. Wiley, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .C646 2009)
Holzner, Steve. Facebook marketing : leverage social media to grow your business. Que, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .H656 2009)
Micek, Deborah. Twitter revolution : how social media and mobile marketing is changing the way we do business & market online. Xeno Press, 2008. (HF5415.1265 .M53 2008)
Miller, Michael. Youtube for business : online video marketing for any business. Que, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .M556 2009)
Qualman, Erik. Socialnomics “ how social media transforms the way we live and do business. Wiley, 2009. (HF5415.1265.Q83 2009)
Scott, David Meerman. The new rules of marketing and PR : how to use news releases, blogs, podcasting, viral marketing, and online media to reach buyers directly. Wiley, 2009. (HF5415.1265 .S393 2009)
Berman, Margo. Street-smart advertising : how to win the battle of the buzz. Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. (HF5823 .B454 2007)
Tuten, Tracy L. Advertising 2.0 : social media marketing in a Web 2.0 world. Praeger, 2008. (HF6146.I58 T88 2008)
Jue, Arthur L. Social media at work “ how networking tools propel organizational performance. Jossey-Bass, 2010. (HM742.J84 2010)
Vermeiren, Jan. How to REALLY use LinkedIn: discover the true power of LinkedIn and how to leverage it for your business and career. BookSurge Publishing, 2009. (HM742 .V476 2009)
Lovink, Geert. Zero comments : blogging and critical internet culture. Routledge, 2008. (HM851 .L689 2008)
Brown, Rob. Public relations and the social web : how to use social media and Web 2.0 in communications. Kogan Page, 2009. (HM1221 .B765 2009)
Sterling, Christopher H. Sounds of change : a history of FM broadcasting in America. University of North Carolina Press, 2008. (PN1991.3.U6 S78 2008)
Flew, Terry. New Media : an introduction. Oxford University Press, 2008. (P96.T42 F58 2008)
Holland, Peter (ed). Shakespeare survey. Cambridge University Press, 2009. (PR2888 .C33 v.62)
Wilson, Lucille Morgan (ed). Lyrical Iowa 2009. Iowa Poetry Association, 2009. (PS571.I58 2009)
Sommer, Barbara W. The oral history manual. AltaMira Press, 2002. (qD16.14 .S69 2002)
Carnes, Jim. Us and them : a history of intolerance in America. Oxford University Press, 1996. (E184.A1 C335 1996)
Cobblestone : Women want the vote! Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:3)
Cobblestone : Journey to the North Pole. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:4)
Cobblestone : Twain’s world. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:5)
Cobblestone : American Inventions. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:6)
Cobblestone : Our national parks. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:7)
Cobblestone : Pilgrim’s rock : the new world. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:8)
Cobblestone : John Adams : join or die. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.30:9)
Cobblestone : 30 greatest Americans. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.31:1)
Cobblestone : Gettysburg : Civil War turning point. Cobblestone Publishing, 2009. (YouthLit MAG C63 v.31:2)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
January 2010 Acquisitions
Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
January 2010
#----Free Government Doc.
Reference, Index, Etc
* Attwater, Donald. The Avenel dictionary of saints. Avenel Books, 1981. (Ref BX4655.8 .A8 1981)
General Interest
*Lo, Kenneth H.C. Chinese vegetarian cooking. Pantheon Books/Random House, 1974. (TX837 .L55 1974)
Gift: Ghiberti, Lorenzo. Ghiberti’s bronze doors. Princeton University Press, 1971. (qNB1287 .F6 G38 1971)
Business Administration
Accounting and Economics
Li, Charlene. Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press, 2008. (HC79.155 .L48 2008)
Jilovec, Nahid. EDI, UCCnet & RFID: synchronizing the supply chain. 29th Street Press, 2004. (HD38.5 .I55 2004)
Austin, Robert D. The adventures of an IT leader. Harvard Business Press, 2009. (HD30.2 .A936 2009)
Carr, Nicholas G. Does IT matter? : information technology and the corrosion of competitive advantage. Harvard Business School Press, 2004. (HD30.2 .C366 2004)
Pfleging, Bill. The geek gap: why business and technology professionals don’t understand each other and why they need each other to survive. Prometheus Books, 2006. (HD30.2 .P487 2006)
Garland, Eric. Future, inc. : how businesses can anticipate and profit from what’s next. Amcom, 2007. (HD30.27.G37 2007)
Burke, Dan. Business @ the speed of stupid: how to avoid technology disasters in business. Perseus Publishing, 2002. (HD45 .B7995 2002)
Fingar, Peter. Dot. Cloud : the 21st century business platform built on cloud computing. Meghan-Kiffer Press, 2009. (HD45 .F56 2009)
Dixon, Nancy M. Common knowledge: how companies thrive by sharing what they know. Harvard Business School Press, 2000. (HD58.82 .D585 2000)
Diebold, John. Business decisions and technological change. Praeger Publishers, 1970. (HF5548.2 .D5) c.2
Keen, Peter G. W. Shaping the future: business design through information technologies. Harvard Business School Press, 1991. (HF5548.2 .K395 1991) c.2
Hassen, Robert. The information society. Polity Press, 2008. (HM851 .H378 2008)
Carr, Nicholas. The big switch: rewiring the world, from Edison to Google. W.W. Norton, 2009. (QA76.9 .C66 C38 2009)
Glen, Paul. Leading geeks : how to manage and lead people who deliver technology. Jossey-Bass, 2003. (T49.5 .G554 2003)
Khan, Khaled M. Managing corporate information systems evolution and maintenance. Idea Group Publishing, 2005. (T58.64 .M353 2005)
Redman, Thomas C. Data driven : profiting from your most important business asset. Harvard Business Press, 2008. (T58.64 .R43 2008) c.2
Greer, Melvin B. Jr. Software as Service inflection point :using Cloud computing to achieve business agility. iUniverse, Inc., 2009. (TK5105.8813 .G74 2009)
English & Literature
*Pepys, Samuel. The illustrated Pepys : extract from the Diary. University of California Press, 1978. (DA447 .P4 A4 1978)
*The poems of Hesiod. University of Oklahoma Press, 1983. (PA4010 .E5 T5 1983)
*Michelangelo, Buonarroti. The poetry of Michelangelo : an annotated translation. Yale University Press, 1991. (PQ4615 .B6 A265 1991)
*Young, Edward. Night thoughts or, the complaint and the consolation. Dover Publications, 1975. (qPR3782 .N5 1975)
*Berger, Thomas. Arthur Rex : a legendary novel. Delacorte Press/Seymouw Lawrence, 1978. (PS3552 .E719 A7)
*Green, Michelle. The dream at the end of the world : Paul Bowles and the literary renegades in Tangier. Harper Collins, 1992. (PS3552 .O874 Z65 1992)
*Lamb, Wally. I know this much is true. Regan Books/Harper Perennial, 1999. (PS3562 .A433 I3 1999)
*Mann, Thomas. Diaries, 1918-1939. Harry N. Abrams, 1982. (PT2625 .A44 Z46613 1982)
*Huygen, Wil. Gnomes. Harry N. Abrams, 1997. (qPT5881.I8 .U9 L4713)
History & Political Science
*Edwards, R.M. “Down the Tennessee,” : the Mexican War reminiscences of an East Tennessee Volunteer, which appeared in the Knoxville Tribune (newspaper between January 24th and March 17th, 1895, part 2 of each Sunday issue). Loftin and Company Printers, 1997. (E409.5 .T4 E23 1997)
*Meredith, Roy. Mathew Brady’s portrait of an era. W.W. Norton, 1982. (qE415.7 .M47 1982)
*Hemming, John. Machu Picchu. Newsweek, 1981. (qF3429.1 .M3 H45)
Religion & Philosophy
*Hill, Douglas. Magic and superstition. Paul Hamlyn, 1968. (qBF1775 .H5)
*Davidson, H.R. Ellis. Scandinavian Mythology. Hamlyn, 1969. (qBL860 .D384)
*MacCana Proinsias. Celtic mythology. Hamlyn, 1970. (qBL900 .M36)
*Gray, John. Near Eastern mythology. Hamlyn, 1969. (qBL1060 .G7)
*Lons, Veronica. Indian mythology. Hamlyn, 1967. (qBL2003 .I6)
*Hinnells, John R. Persian mythology. Hamlyn. 1973. (qBL2270 .H56)
*Parrinder, Geoffrey. African mythology, Hamlyn. 1967. (qBL2400 .P34)
*Cleary, Thomas. The essential Koran : the heart of Islam : an introductory selection of readings from the Qur’an. Harper San Francisco, 1993. (BP110 1993)
*Pamu, Amang Nopu. Dharma that every Buddist must follow. World Dharma Voice, 2001. (BQ4190 .P36 2001)
*Osborne, Harold. South America mythology. Hamlyn, 1968. (qF2230.1 R3 O8)
*Binder, Pearl. Magic symbols of the world. Hamlyn, 1972. (qGR600 .B5)
*The way things work book of nature: an illustrated encyclopedia of man & nature. Simon and Schuster, 1980. (QH541 .U4913)
Youth Literature
*Aylesworth, Jim. Old black fly. Henry Holt, 1995. (Youth Lit ALPH Ay4ol)
*Carter, David A. How many bugs in a box? : a pop-up counting book. Little Simon/Simon Schuster Children’s, 1988. (Youth Lit ALPH C24ho)
*Kasza, Keiko. The wolf’s chicken stew. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1987. (Youth Lit AN K15wo)
*Martin, Bill Jr. Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? Henry Holt, 1991. (Youth Lit AN M36po)
*Rylant, Cynthia. Little Whistle. Harcourt, 2001. (Youth Lit An R98li)
*Wells, Rosemary. McDuff goes to school. Hyperion Books for Children, 2001. (Youth Lit AN W64mc)
*Wilhelm, Hans. The royal raven. Scholastic, 1996. (Youth Lit AN W64ro)
*Parker, Jayne Hall. Sounds like fun. Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1962. (Youth Lit BEG P22so)
*Sailsbury, Kent. There’s a dragon in my wagon! McClanahan Book Co., 1998. (Youth Lit BEG Sq3th)
*Drachman, Eric. Leo the lightning bug. Kidwick Books, 2001. (Youth Lit CON D78le)
*Carter, David A. Bugs in space: a pop-up journey. Little Simon/Simon & Schister Children’s, 1997. (Youth Lit FAN C24bu)
*Wood, A.J. A night in the dinosaur graveyard. Templar, 1994. (Youth Lit FAN W85ni)
*Minarik, Else Holmelund. Little bear’s friend. Harper& Row, 1960. (Youth Lit FR M66li)
*Wolkstein, Diane. Step by step. Morrow Junior Books, 1994. (Youth Lit FR W83st)
*Abel, Jessica. Life sucks. First Second, 2008. (Youth Lit GRA Ab3li)
*Eisner, Will. A contract with God and other tenement stories. DC Comics, 2000. (Youth Lit GRA Ei8co)
*Folman, Ari. Waltz with Bashir: a Lebanon war story. Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA F72wa)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the banquet. Hodder & Stoughton, 1979. (Youth Lit GRA G69ba)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the big fight. Hodder & Stoughton, 1971. (Youth Lit GRA G69bi)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the cauldron. Hodder & Stoughton, 1976. (Youth Lit GRA G69ca)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and Cleopatra. Hodder & Stoughton, 1969. (Youth Lit GRA G69cl)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the Goths. Hodder & Stoughton, 1974. (Youth Lit GRA G69go)
*Goscinny, Rene. The twelve tasks of Asterix. Hodder & Stoughton, 1978. (Youth Lit GRA G69re)
*Guilbert, Emmanuel. The photographer. First Second, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA G94ph)
*Moore, Alan. Watchmen. DC Comics, 1987. (Youth Lit GRA M78wa)
*Sacco, Joe. Palestine.Fantagraphics Books, 2001. (Youth Lit GRA Sa1pa)
*Stolarz, Laurie Faria. Black is for beginnings. Flux, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA ST6bl)
*Yang, Gene Luen. The eternal smile : three stories. First Second, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA Ya1et)
*Oxenbury, Helen. The queen and Rosie Randall. William Morrow, 1979. (Youth Lit HUM Ox2qu)
*Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Aladdin Paperbacks, 1987. (Youth Lit Hum V81al)
*Blood, Charles L. The goat in the rug. Parents’ Magazine Press, 1976. (Youth Lit IND B62go)
*Most, Bernard. There’s an ant in Anthony. Mulberry Paperbacks, 1992. (Youth Lit LANG M85th)
*Carle, Eric. The very busy spider. Philomel Books 1984. (Youth Lit PIC C19vr)
*Martin, Bill Jr. Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? Henry Holt, 1992. (Youth Lit PIC M36br)
PBS. The 1930s. PBS, 2009. (A-V DVD E169.1 .A1132 2009 v.1-2)
PBS. The panic is on: the great American depression as seen by the common man. PBS/Shanachie Entertainment, 2009. (A-V DVD E801 .P36 2009)
*Drachman, Eric. Leo the lightning bug. Kidwick Books, 2001. (Youth Lit CON D78le)
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
January 2010
#----Free Government Doc.
Reference, Index, Etc
* Attwater, Donald. The Avenel dictionary of saints. Avenel Books, 1981. (Ref BX4655.8 .A8 1981)
General Interest
*Lo, Kenneth H.C. Chinese vegetarian cooking. Pantheon Books/Random House, 1974. (TX837 .L55 1974)
Gift: Ghiberti, Lorenzo. Ghiberti’s bronze doors. Princeton University Press, 1971. (qNB1287 .F6 G38 1971)
Business Administration
Accounting and Economics
Li, Charlene. Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press, 2008. (HC79.155 .L48 2008)
Jilovec, Nahid. EDI, UCCnet & RFID: synchronizing the supply chain. 29th Street Press, 2004. (HD38.5 .I55 2004)
Austin, Robert D. The adventures of an IT leader. Harvard Business Press, 2009. (HD30.2 .A936 2009)
Carr, Nicholas G. Does IT matter? : information technology and the corrosion of competitive advantage. Harvard Business School Press, 2004. (HD30.2 .C366 2004)
Pfleging, Bill. The geek gap: why business and technology professionals don’t understand each other and why they need each other to survive. Prometheus Books, 2006. (HD30.2 .P487 2006)
Garland, Eric. Future, inc. : how businesses can anticipate and profit from what’s next. Amcom, 2007. (HD30.27.G37 2007)
Burke, Dan. Business @ the speed of stupid: how to avoid technology disasters in business. Perseus Publishing, 2002. (HD45 .B7995 2002)
Fingar, Peter. Dot. Cloud : the 21st century business platform built on cloud computing. Meghan-Kiffer Press, 2009. (HD45 .F56 2009)
Dixon, Nancy M. Common knowledge: how companies thrive by sharing what they know. Harvard Business School Press, 2000. (HD58.82 .D585 2000)
Diebold, John. Business decisions and technological change. Praeger Publishers, 1970. (HF5548.2 .D5) c.2
Keen, Peter G. W. Shaping the future: business design through information technologies. Harvard Business School Press, 1991. (HF5548.2 .K395 1991) c.2
Hassen, Robert. The information society. Polity Press, 2008. (HM851 .H378 2008)
Carr, Nicholas. The big switch: rewiring the world, from Edison to Google. W.W. Norton, 2009. (QA76.9 .C66 C38 2009)
Glen, Paul. Leading geeks : how to manage and lead people who deliver technology. Jossey-Bass, 2003. (T49.5 .G554 2003)
Khan, Khaled M. Managing corporate information systems evolution and maintenance. Idea Group Publishing, 2005. (T58.64 .M353 2005)
Redman, Thomas C. Data driven : profiting from your most important business asset. Harvard Business Press, 2008. (T58.64 .R43 2008) c.2
Greer, Melvin B. Jr. Software as Service inflection point :using Cloud computing to achieve business agility. iUniverse, Inc., 2009. (TK5105.8813 .G74 2009)
English & Literature
*Pepys, Samuel. The illustrated Pepys : extract from the Diary. University of California Press, 1978. (DA447 .P4 A4 1978)
*The poems of Hesiod. University of Oklahoma Press, 1983. (PA4010 .E5 T5 1983)
*Michelangelo, Buonarroti. The poetry of Michelangelo : an annotated translation. Yale University Press, 1991. (PQ4615 .B6 A265 1991)
*Young, Edward. Night thoughts or, the complaint and the consolation. Dover Publications, 1975. (qPR3782 .N5 1975)
*Berger, Thomas. Arthur Rex : a legendary novel. Delacorte Press/Seymouw Lawrence, 1978. (PS3552 .E719 A7)
*Green, Michelle. The dream at the end of the world : Paul Bowles and the literary renegades in Tangier. Harper Collins, 1992. (PS3552 .O874 Z65 1992)
*Lamb, Wally. I know this much is true. Regan Books/Harper Perennial, 1999. (PS3562 .A433 I3 1999)
*Mann, Thomas. Diaries, 1918-1939. Harry N. Abrams, 1982. (PT2625 .A44 Z46613 1982)
*Huygen, Wil. Gnomes. Harry N. Abrams, 1997. (qPT5881.I8 .U9 L4713)
History & Political Science
*Edwards, R.M. “Down the Tennessee,” : the Mexican War reminiscences of an East Tennessee Volunteer, which appeared in the Knoxville Tribune (newspaper between January 24th and March 17th, 1895, part 2 of each Sunday issue). Loftin and Company Printers, 1997. (E409.5 .T4 E23 1997)
*Meredith, Roy. Mathew Brady’s portrait of an era. W.W. Norton, 1982. (qE415.7 .M47 1982)
*Hemming, John. Machu Picchu. Newsweek, 1981. (qF3429.1 .M3 H45)
Religion & Philosophy
*Hill, Douglas. Magic and superstition. Paul Hamlyn, 1968. (qBF1775 .H5)
*Davidson, H.R. Ellis. Scandinavian Mythology. Hamlyn, 1969. (qBL860 .D384)
*MacCana Proinsias. Celtic mythology. Hamlyn, 1970. (qBL900 .M36)
*Gray, John. Near Eastern mythology. Hamlyn, 1969. (qBL1060 .G7)
*Lons, Veronica. Indian mythology. Hamlyn, 1967. (qBL2003 .I6)
*Hinnells, John R. Persian mythology. Hamlyn. 1973. (qBL2270 .H56)
*Parrinder, Geoffrey. African mythology, Hamlyn. 1967. (qBL2400 .P34)
*Cleary, Thomas. The essential Koran : the heart of Islam : an introductory selection of readings from the Qur’an. Harper San Francisco, 1993. (BP110 1993)
*Pamu, Amang Nopu. Dharma that every Buddist must follow. World Dharma Voice, 2001. (BQ4190 .P36 2001)
*Osborne, Harold. South America mythology. Hamlyn, 1968. (qF2230.1 R3 O8)
*Binder, Pearl. Magic symbols of the world. Hamlyn, 1972. (qGR600 .B5)
*The way things work book of nature: an illustrated encyclopedia of man & nature. Simon and Schuster, 1980. (QH541 .U4913)
Youth Literature
*Aylesworth, Jim. Old black fly. Henry Holt, 1995. (Youth Lit ALPH Ay4ol)
*Carter, David A. How many bugs in a box? : a pop-up counting book. Little Simon/Simon Schuster Children’s, 1988. (Youth Lit ALPH C24ho)
*Kasza, Keiko. The wolf’s chicken stew. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1987. (Youth Lit AN K15wo)
*Martin, Bill Jr. Polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear? Henry Holt, 1991. (Youth Lit AN M36po)
*Rylant, Cynthia. Little Whistle. Harcourt, 2001. (Youth Lit An R98li)
*Wells, Rosemary. McDuff goes to school. Hyperion Books for Children, 2001. (Youth Lit AN W64mc)
*Wilhelm, Hans. The royal raven. Scholastic, 1996. (Youth Lit AN W64ro)
*Parker, Jayne Hall. Sounds like fun. Interstate Printers and Publishers, 1962. (Youth Lit BEG P22so)
*Sailsbury, Kent. There’s a dragon in my wagon! McClanahan Book Co., 1998. (Youth Lit BEG Sq3th)
*Drachman, Eric. Leo the lightning bug. Kidwick Books, 2001. (Youth Lit CON D78le)
*Carter, David A. Bugs in space: a pop-up journey. Little Simon/Simon & Schister Children’s, 1997. (Youth Lit FAN C24bu)
*Wood, A.J. A night in the dinosaur graveyard. Templar, 1994. (Youth Lit FAN W85ni)
*Minarik, Else Holmelund. Little bear’s friend. Harper& Row, 1960. (Youth Lit FR M66li)
*Wolkstein, Diane. Step by step. Morrow Junior Books, 1994. (Youth Lit FR W83st)
*Abel, Jessica. Life sucks. First Second, 2008. (Youth Lit GRA Ab3li)
*Eisner, Will. A contract with God and other tenement stories. DC Comics, 2000. (Youth Lit GRA Ei8co)
*Folman, Ari. Waltz with Bashir: a Lebanon war story. Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA F72wa)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the banquet. Hodder & Stoughton, 1979. (Youth Lit GRA G69ba)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the big fight. Hodder & Stoughton, 1971. (Youth Lit GRA G69bi)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the cauldron. Hodder & Stoughton, 1976. (Youth Lit GRA G69ca)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and Cleopatra. Hodder & Stoughton, 1969. (Youth Lit GRA G69cl)
*Goscinny, Rene. Asterix and the Goths. Hodder & Stoughton, 1974. (Youth Lit GRA G69go)
*Goscinny, Rene. The twelve tasks of Asterix. Hodder & Stoughton, 1978. (Youth Lit GRA G69re)
*Guilbert, Emmanuel. The photographer. First Second, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA G94ph)
*Moore, Alan. Watchmen. DC Comics, 1987. (Youth Lit GRA M78wa)
*Sacco, Joe. Palestine.Fantagraphics Books, 2001. (Youth Lit GRA Sa1pa)
*Stolarz, Laurie Faria. Black is for beginnings. Flux, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA ST6bl)
*Yang, Gene Luen. The eternal smile : three stories. First Second, 2009. (Youth Lit GRA Ya1et)
*Oxenbury, Helen. The queen and Rosie Randall. William Morrow, 1979. (Youth Lit HUM Ox2qu)
*Viorst, Judith. Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Aladdin Paperbacks, 1987. (Youth Lit Hum V81al)
*Blood, Charles L. The goat in the rug. Parents’ Magazine Press, 1976. (Youth Lit IND B62go)
*Most, Bernard. There’s an ant in Anthony. Mulberry Paperbacks, 1992. (Youth Lit LANG M85th)
*Carle, Eric. The very busy spider. Philomel Books 1984. (Youth Lit PIC C19vr)
*Martin, Bill Jr. Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? Henry Holt, 1992. (Youth Lit PIC M36br)
PBS. The 1930s. PBS, 2009. (A-V DVD E169.1 .A1132 2009 v.1-2)
PBS. The panic is on: the great American depression as seen by the common man. PBS/Shanachie Entertainment, 2009. (A-V DVD E801 .P36 2009)
*Drachman, Eric. Leo the lightning bug. Kidwick Books, 2001. (Youth Lit CON D78le)
Friday, February 12, 2010
New Acquisitions--December 2009
Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
December 2009
#----Free Government Doc.
Reference, Index, ETC
Jaffe, Eugene D. Barron’s GMAT: graduate management admission text. Barron’s Educational, 2009. (HF1118 .J333 2009b)
Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s master the GMAT 2010 Peterson’s, 2009. (HF1118 .S745 2009)
Lurie, Karen. Cracking the GRE, with DVD Random House, 2009. (LB2367.4 .L87 2009)
Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s Master the GRE 2010 Peterson’s, 2009. (LB2367.4 S75 2009)
General Interest
*Eisnitz, Gail A. Slaughterhouse: the shocking story of greed, neglect and inhumane treatment inside the U.S. meat industry. Prometheus Books, 1997. (TS1963 .E37 1997)
*Guido, Ginny Wacker. Legal and ethical issues in nursing. Prentice Hall, 2001. (KF2915 . N8 G85 2001)
*Wardlaw, Gordon M. Perspectives in nutrition. Mosby 1996. (qQP141 .W38 1996)
*Whitney, Eleanor N. Nutrition for health and health care. West Publishing, 1996. (QP143 .N89 1996)
*Bellevue literary review: a journal of humanity and human experience New York University School of Medicine, 2005. (R702 .B45 2005 v.5 no. 1)
*Studer, Quint. Hardwriring excellence: purpose, worthwhile work making a difference Studer Group 2003 (RA 971 .S865 2003)
*Grodner, Michele. Foundations and clinical applications of nutrition: a nursing approach Mosby, 1996 (RM216 .G946 1996)
*Sullivan. Eleanor J. Becoming influential: a guide for nurses. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004. (RT86 .S85 2004)
*Bastable, Susan B. Nurse as educator: principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Jones and Bartlett, 2003. (RT90 .N86 2003)
*Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition throughout the life cycle. Mosby, 1996. (TX354 .N87 1996)
*Haynes, Charles C. The First Amendment in schools: a guide from the First Amendment Center. ASCD, 2003. (KF4124.5 .F57 2003)
*Parkison, Jami. The journey to our future: the history of Hickman Mills C-1 School District, 1902-2002. Hickman Mills C-1 School District, 2002. (qL903 .M5 P37)
Coulter, David L. (ed.) Why do we educate? : renewing the conversation. NSSE, 2008. (LB5 .N25 107th pt.1)
Smylie, Mark A. (ed.) Why do we educate? : voices from the converstation. NSSE, 2008. (LB5 .N25 107th pt. 2)
*Greenwood, Gordon E. Case studies for teacher decision making. Random House, 1989. (LB1025.2 .G675 1989)
Gift: Silverman, Rita. Case studies for teacher problem solving. McGraw-Hill, 1992. (LB1025.3 .S55 1992)
Gift: Eby, Judy W. Reflective planning, teaching, and evaluation for the elementary school. Merrill/Prentice-Hall, 1997. (LB1555 .E28 1997)
*The teacher educator. Ball State University, 1998. (LB1705 . S9 1998 v.34 no. 2)
*Roe, Betty D. Student teaching and field experience handbook. Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1998. (LB2157 .A3 R59 1998)
*Pitton, Debra Eckerman. Stories of student teaching: a case approach to the student teaching experience Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1998. (LB2157 .U5 P58 1998)
*Delvin, Maureen. (ed.) The internet and the university: forum 2001. Educause, 2002. (LB2395.7 .I57 2002)
*Reeves, Douglas B. Accountability for learning: how teachers and school leaders can take charge. ASCD, 2004. (LB2806.22 .R44 2004)
*Dimock, Elna M. Before you step into that classroom: a survival guide for teachers. Educational Development, 1988. (LB2844.1 .N4 D56 1988)
*Kellough, Richard D. Surviving your first year of teaching: guidelines for success. Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1999. (LB2844.1 .N4 K45 1999)
*Ackerman, Diane. A natural history of the senses Random House 1990. (BF233 .A24 1990)
Partridge, Kenneth. (ed.) The paranormal. H.W Wilson, 2009. (BF1031 .P325 2009)
Sociology & Anthropology
*Engelman, Robert. More: population, nature, and what women want. Island Press, 2008. (HB901 .E64 2008)
*Herman, Andrew. (ed.) The World Wide Web and contemporary cultural theory. Routledge, 2000. (HM621 .W67 200)
Roush, Margret. (ed.) U.S. national debate topic 2009-2010: social services for the poor. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (HV95 .U25 2009)
*Anderson, Mary B. Do no harm: how aid can support peace- -or war. Lynne Rienner, 1999. (HV544.5 .A53 1999)
*Harrison, Shirley. The diary of Jack the Ripper. Hyperion, 1993. (HV6535 .G6 L635 1993)
Business Administration Accounting & Economics
*Pakka, Kyle L. (ed.) The energy within: a photo history of the people of Saudi Aramco. Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2006. (qHD5716 .P42 S336 2006)
*Henning, Leo T. WGEM’s golden jubilee: 50 years of local television, 1953-2003. Quincy Broadcasting, 2003. (qPN1992.3 .U5 H45 2003)
English & Literature
*Stott, Bill. Write to the point, and feel better about your writing. Columbia University, 1991. (PE1408 .S7665 1991)
*Brownlow, Kevin. Napoleon, Abel Gance’s classic film. Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. (PN1997 .N3283 B77 1983)
*Perec, Georges. A void. Harvill Press, 1995. (PQ2676 .E67 D513 1995)
*Ruffin, Jean-Christophe. The siege of Isfahan. W.W. Norton, 2001. (PQ2678 .U357 S2813 2001)
*Cervantes, Miguel de. The first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight Don Quixote of the Mancha. P.F Collier, 1937. (PQ6329 .A2 1937)
*Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Love in the time of cholera. Penguin Books, 1989. (PQ8180.17 .A73. A813 1989)
*Harbage, Alfred. William Shakespeare: a reader’s guide. Hill and Wang, 1963. (PR2976 .H32 1963b)
*Gossett, Thomas F. Uncle Tom’s cabin and American culture. Southern Methodist University Press, 1985. (PS2954 .U6 G67 1985)
*Smiley, Jane. Moo. Fawcett Columbine, 1996. (PS3569 .M39 M66 1996)
History & Political Science
*Snow, Donald M. The shape of the future: world politics in a new century. M.E. Sharpe, 1999. (D860 .S66 1999)
*Muller, F. Max. India: what can it teach us? : a course of lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge. Book Tree, 1999. (DS425 .M9 1999)
*Debo, Angie. The road to disappearance: a history of the Creek Indians. University of Oklahoma Press, 1941. (E99 .C9 D4 1979)
*Fischer, David Hackett. Washington’s crossing. Oxford University Press, 2006. (E263 .P4 F575 2006)
*Garvey, Joan B. Louisiana: the first 300 years. Garmer Press, 2001. (F369 .G26 2001)
*Bernadete, Seth. Socrates’ second sailing : on Plato’s Republic. University of Chicago Press, 1992. (JC71 .P6 B47 1992)
Dvorak, William. (ed.) Immigration in the United States. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (JV6465 .I4755 2009)
Mathematics & Computer Science
Stein, Richard Joseph. (ed.) Internet safety. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (TK5105.875 .I57 I5735 2009)
*Adams, Joel. Alice in action: computing through animation. Thomson Course Technology, 2007. (TR897.7 .A3158 2007)
Religion & Philosophy
*Patka, Frederick. Existentialist thinkers and thought. Citadel Press, 1972. (B819 .P32 1972)
*Allison Henry E. Kant’s transcendental idealism: an interpretation and defense. Yale University Press, 1983. (B2798 .A634 1983)
*Ayer, A.J. Wittgenstein. University of Chicago Press, 1986. (B3376 .W564 A94 1986)
*Gallagher, Kenneth T. The philosophy of knowledge. Fordham University Press, 1982 (BD161 .G35 1982)
*Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Prentice-Hall, 2002. (BL80.2 .F57 2002)
*Smith, Christian. Soul searching: the religious and spiritual lives of American teenagers. Oxford University Press, 2005. (BL625.47 .S63 2005)
*Yun, Hsing. Buddhism: core ideas. Weatherhill, 2002. (BQ4133 .X5613 2002)
*Van de Wetering, Janwillem. Afterzen: experiences of a Zen student out on his ear. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2001. (BQ9286 .V36 2001)
*Van de Wetering, Janwillem. The empty mirror: experiences in a Japanese Zen monastery. St. Martin’s Griffin, 1999. (BQ9294.4 .J3 V3613 1999)
Science - - General
*Harding, Sandra. Is science multicultural? : postcolonialisms, feminisms, and epistemologies. Indiana University Press, 1998. (Q175.5 .H39 1998)
Science - -Biology
*Zimmer, Carl. Evolution: the triumph of an idea. HarperCollins, 2001 (QH361 .Z48 2001)
Partridge, Kenneth. (ed.) The brain. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (QP376 .B69542 2009)
Global Issues
*Renner, Michael. Green jobs: working for people and the environment. Worldwatch Institute, 2008. (GE60 .R455 2008)
*Pollan, Michael. The ominvore’s dilemma: a natural history of four meals. Penguin Books, 2007. (GT2850 .P65 2007)
*Halweil, Brian. Eat here: reclaiming homegrown pleasures in a global supermarket. W.W. Norton, 2004. (HD9000.5 H.3444 2004)
*Flavin, Christopher. Low-carbon energy: a roadmap. Worldwatch Institute, 2008. (HD9502 .A2 F528 2008)
*Renner, Michael. Beyond disasters: creating opportunities for peace. Worldwatch Institute, 2007 (HV553 .R386 2007)
*Allsopp, Michelle. Oceans in peril: protecting marine biodiversity, Worldwatch Institute, 2007. (QH91.8 .b6 O34 2007)
*Scherr, Sara J. Mitigating climate change through food and land use. Worldwatch Institute, 2009. (S598.7 .S337 2009)
*Halweil, Brian. Farming fish for the future. Worldwatch Institute, 2008. (SH136 .S88 H35 2008)
*Martinot, Eric. Powering China’s development: the role of renewable energy. Worldwatch, Institute, 2007. (TJ807.9 .C43 M37 2007)
Mari, Christopher. (ed.) The next space age. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (TL790 .N45 2008)
*Earley, Jane. Red, white, and green : transforming U.S. biofuels. Worldwatch, Institute 2009. (TP339 .R42 2009)
Youth Literature
*Ballard, Robert D. Finding the Titanic. Scholastic, 1993. (Youth Lit H B21fi)
*Dubowski, Mark. Ice mummy: the discovery of a 5,000-year-old man. Random House, 1998. (Youth Lit H D85ic3)
*Dubowski, Mark. Ice mummy: the discovery of a 5,000-year-old man. Random House, 1998. (Youth Lit H D85ic4)
*The power of community: how Cuba survived peak oil. Community Service, 2006. (A-V DVD HC152.5 .Z65 P6 2006)
*Paredes, Robert. Forgetting and remembering. Innova Recordings, 1999. (A-V CD M3.1 .P623 F67 1999)
*In Brahms’ apartment. Summit Records, 1998. (A-V CD m248 .B813 I5)
*Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. The horn concertos. Decca Record, 1998. (A-V CD M1028 .M93 H67 1998)
*Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Flute and harp concerto. Decca Record, 1998. (A-V CD M1040 .M8 K.315)
*Paredes, Robert. Roberts Paredes and Standard Air. Jazz Studios – University of Iowa, 2005. (A-V CD M1366 .P37 R63 2005)
*Jaffe, Eugene D. Barron’s GMAT: graduate management admission text. Barron’s Educational, 2009. (HF1118 .J333 2009b)
*Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s master the GMAT 2010. Peterson’s, 2009. (HF1118 .S745 2009)
*Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s Master the GRE 2010. Peterson’s, 2009. (LB2367.4 S75 2009)
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
December 2009
#----Free Government Doc.
Reference, Index, ETC
Jaffe, Eugene D. Barron’s GMAT: graduate management admission text. Barron’s Educational, 2009. (HF1118 .J333 2009b)
Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s master the GMAT 2010 Peterson’s, 2009. (HF1118 .S745 2009)
Lurie, Karen. Cracking the GRE, with DVD Random House, 2009. (LB2367.4 .L87 2009)
Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s Master the GRE 2010 Peterson’s, 2009. (LB2367.4 S75 2009)
General Interest
*Eisnitz, Gail A. Slaughterhouse: the shocking story of greed, neglect and inhumane treatment inside the U.S. meat industry. Prometheus Books, 1997. (TS1963 .E37 1997)
*Guido, Ginny Wacker. Legal and ethical issues in nursing. Prentice Hall, 2001. (KF2915 . N8 G85 2001)
*Wardlaw, Gordon M. Perspectives in nutrition. Mosby 1996. (qQP141 .W38 1996)
*Whitney, Eleanor N. Nutrition for health and health care. West Publishing, 1996. (QP143 .N89 1996)
*Bellevue literary review: a journal of humanity and human experience New York University School of Medicine, 2005. (R702 .B45 2005 v.5 no. 1)
*Studer, Quint. Hardwriring excellence: purpose, worthwhile work making a difference Studer Group 2003 (RA 971 .S865 2003)
*Grodner, Michele. Foundations and clinical applications of nutrition: a nursing approach Mosby, 1996 (RM216 .G946 1996)
*Sullivan. Eleanor J. Becoming influential: a guide for nurses. Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004. (RT86 .S85 2004)
*Bastable, Susan B. Nurse as educator: principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Jones and Bartlett, 2003. (RT90 .N86 2003)
*Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie S. Nutrition throughout the life cycle. Mosby, 1996. (TX354 .N87 1996)
*Haynes, Charles C. The First Amendment in schools: a guide from the First Amendment Center. ASCD, 2003. (KF4124.5 .F57 2003)
*Parkison, Jami. The journey to our future: the history of Hickman Mills C-1 School District, 1902-2002. Hickman Mills C-1 School District, 2002. (qL903 .M5 P37)
Coulter, David L. (ed.) Why do we educate? : renewing the conversation. NSSE, 2008. (LB5 .N25 107th pt.1)
Smylie, Mark A. (ed.) Why do we educate? : voices from the converstation. NSSE, 2008. (LB5 .N25 107th pt. 2)
*Greenwood, Gordon E. Case studies for teacher decision making. Random House, 1989. (LB1025.2 .G675 1989)
Gift: Silverman, Rita. Case studies for teacher problem solving. McGraw-Hill, 1992. (LB1025.3 .S55 1992)
Gift: Eby, Judy W. Reflective planning, teaching, and evaluation for the elementary school. Merrill/Prentice-Hall, 1997. (LB1555 .E28 1997)
*The teacher educator. Ball State University, 1998. (LB1705 . S9 1998 v.34 no. 2)
*Roe, Betty D. Student teaching and field experience handbook. Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1998. (LB2157 .A3 R59 1998)
*Pitton, Debra Eckerman. Stories of student teaching: a case approach to the student teaching experience Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1998. (LB2157 .U5 P58 1998)
*Delvin, Maureen. (ed.) The internet and the university: forum 2001. Educause, 2002. (LB2395.7 .I57 2002)
*Reeves, Douglas B. Accountability for learning: how teachers and school leaders can take charge. ASCD, 2004. (LB2806.22 .R44 2004)
*Dimock, Elna M. Before you step into that classroom: a survival guide for teachers. Educational Development, 1988. (LB2844.1 .N4 D56 1988)
*Kellough, Richard D. Surviving your first year of teaching: guidelines for success. Merrill/Prentice Hall, 1999. (LB2844.1 .N4 K45 1999)
*Ackerman, Diane. A natural history of the senses Random House 1990. (BF233 .A24 1990)
Partridge, Kenneth. (ed.) The paranormal. H.W Wilson, 2009. (BF1031 .P325 2009)
Sociology & Anthropology
*Engelman, Robert. More: population, nature, and what women want. Island Press, 2008. (HB901 .E64 2008)
*Herman, Andrew. (ed.) The World Wide Web and contemporary cultural theory. Routledge, 2000. (HM621 .W67 200)
Roush, Margret. (ed.) U.S. national debate topic 2009-2010: social services for the poor. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (HV95 .U25 2009)
*Anderson, Mary B. Do no harm: how aid can support peace- -or war. Lynne Rienner, 1999. (HV544.5 .A53 1999)
*Harrison, Shirley. The diary of Jack the Ripper. Hyperion, 1993. (HV6535 .G6 L635 1993)
Business Administration Accounting & Economics
*Pakka, Kyle L. (ed.) The energy within: a photo history of the people of Saudi Aramco. Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2006. (qHD5716 .P42 S336 2006)
*Henning, Leo T. WGEM’s golden jubilee: 50 years of local television, 1953-2003. Quincy Broadcasting, 2003. (qPN1992.3 .U5 H45 2003)
English & Literature
*Stott, Bill. Write to the point, and feel better about your writing. Columbia University, 1991. (PE1408 .S7665 1991)
*Brownlow, Kevin. Napoleon, Abel Gance’s classic film. Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. (PN1997 .N3283 B77 1983)
*Perec, Georges. A void. Harvill Press, 1995. (PQ2676 .E67 D513 1995)
*Ruffin, Jean-Christophe. The siege of Isfahan. W.W. Norton, 2001. (PQ2678 .U357 S2813 2001)
*Cervantes, Miguel de. The first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight Don Quixote of the Mancha. P.F Collier, 1937. (PQ6329 .A2 1937)
*Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. Love in the time of cholera. Penguin Books, 1989. (PQ8180.17 .A73. A813 1989)
*Harbage, Alfred. William Shakespeare: a reader’s guide. Hill and Wang, 1963. (PR2976 .H32 1963b)
*Gossett, Thomas F. Uncle Tom’s cabin and American culture. Southern Methodist University Press, 1985. (PS2954 .U6 G67 1985)
*Smiley, Jane. Moo. Fawcett Columbine, 1996. (PS3569 .M39 M66 1996)
History & Political Science
*Snow, Donald M. The shape of the future: world politics in a new century. M.E. Sharpe, 1999. (D860 .S66 1999)
*Muller, F. Max. India: what can it teach us? : a course of lecture delivered before the University of Cambridge. Book Tree, 1999. (DS425 .M9 1999)
*Debo, Angie. The road to disappearance: a history of the Creek Indians. University of Oklahoma Press, 1941. (E99 .C9 D4 1979)
*Fischer, David Hackett. Washington’s crossing. Oxford University Press, 2006. (E263 .P4 F575 2006)
*Garvey, Joan B. Louisiana: the first 300 years. Garmer Press, 2001. (F369 .G26 2001)
*Bernadete, Seth. Socrates’ second sailing : on Plato’s Republic. University of Chicago Press, 1992. (JC71 .P6 B47 1992)
Dvorak, William. (ed.) Immigration in the United States. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (JV6465 .I4755 2009)
Mathematics & Computer Science
Stein, Richard Joseph. (ed.) Internet safety. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (TK5105.875 .I57 I5735 2009)
*Adams, Joel. Alice in action: computing through animation. Thomson Course Technology, 2007. (TR897.7 .A3158 2007)
Religion & Philosophy
*Patka, Frederick. Existentialist thinkers and thought. Citadel Press, 1972. (B819 .P32 1972)
*Allison Henry E. Kant’s transcendental idealism: an interpretation and defense. Yale University Press, 1983. (B2798 .A634 1983)
*Ayer, A.J. Wittgenstein. University of Chicago Press, 1986. (B3376 .W564 A94 1986)
*Gallagher, Kenneth T. The philosophy of knowledge. Fordham University Press, 1982 (BD161 .G35 1982)
*Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Prentice-Hall, 2002. (BL80.2 .F57 2002)
*Smith, Christian. Soul searching: the religious and spiritual lives of American teenagers. Oxford University Press, 2005. (BL625.47 .S63 2005)
*Yun, Hsing. Buddhism: core ideas. Weatherhill, 2002. (BQ4133 .X5613 2002)
*Van de Wetering, Janwillem. Afterzen: experiences of a Zen student out on his ear. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2001. (BQ9286 .V36 2001)
*Van de Wetering, Janwillem. The empty mirror: experiences in a Japanese Zen monastery. St. Martin’s Griffin, 1999. (BQ9294.4 .J3 V3613 1999)
Science - - General
*Harding, Sandra. Is science multicultural? : postcolonialisms, feminisms, and epistemologies. Indiana University Press, 1998. (Q175.5 .H39 1998)
Science - -Biology
*Zimmer, Carl. Evolution: the triumph of an idea. HarperCollins, 2001 (QH361 .Z48 2001)
Partridge, Kenneth. (ed.) The brain. H.W. Wilson, 2009. (QP376 .B69542 2009)
Global Issues
*Renner, Michael. Green jobs: working for people and the environment. Worldwatch Institute, 2008. (GE60 .R455 2008)
*Pollan, Michael. The ominvore’s dilemma: a natural history of four meals. Penguin Books, 2007. (GT2850 .P65 2007)
*Halweil, Brian. Eat here: reclaiming homegrown pleasures in a global supermarket. W.W. Norton, 2004. (HD9000.5 H.3444 2004)
*Flavin, Christopher. Low-carbon energy: a roadmap. Worldwatch Institute, 2008. (HD9502 .A2 F528 2008)
*Renner, Michael. Beyond disasters: creating opportunities for peace. Worldwatch Institute, 2007 (HV553 .R386 2007)
*Allsopp, Michelle. Oceans in peril: protecting marine biodiversity, Worldwatch Institute, 2007. (QH91.8 .b6 O34 2007)
*Scherr, Sara J. Mitigating climate change through food and land use. Worldwatch Institute, 2009. (S598.7 .S337 2009)
*Halweil, Brian. Farming fish for the future. Worldwatch Institute, 2008. (SH136 .S88 H35 2008)
*Martinot, Eric. Powering China’s development: the role of renewable energy. Worldwatch, Institute, 2007. (TJ807.9 .C43 M37 2007)
Mari, Christopher. (ed.) The next space age. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (TL790 .N45 2008)
*Earley, Jane. Red, white, and green : transforming U.S. biofuels. Worldwatch, Institute 2009. (TP339 .R42 2009)
Youth Literature
*Ballard, Robert D. Finding the Titanic. Scholastic, 1993. (Youth Lit H B21fi)
*Dubowski, Mark. Ice mummy: the discovery of a 5,000-year-old man. Random House, 1998. (Youth Lit H D85ic3)
*Dubowski, Mark. Ice mummy: the discovery of a 5,000-year-old man. Random House, 1998. (Youth Lit H D85ic4)
*The power of community: how Cuba survived peak oil. Community Service, 2006. (A-V DVD HC152.5 .Z65 P6 2006)
*Paredes, Robert. Forgetting and remembering. Innova Recordings, 1999. (A-V CD M3.1 .P623 F67 1999)
*In Brahms’ apartment. Summit Records, 1998. (A-V CD m248 .B813 I5)
*Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. The horn concertos. Decca Record, 1998. (A-V CD M1028 .M93 H67 1998)
*Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Flute and harp concerto. Decca Record, 1998. (A-V CD M1040 .M8 K.315)
*Paredes, Robert. Roberts Paredes and Standard Air. Jazz Studios – University of Iowa, 2005. (A-V CD M1366 .P37 R63 2005)
*Jaffe, Eugene D. Barron’s GMAT: graduate management admission text. Barron’s Educational, 2009. (HF1118 .J333 2009b)
*Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s master the GMAT 2010. Peterson’s, 2009. (HF1118 .S745 2009)
*Stewart, Mark Alan. Peterson’s Master the GRE 2010. Peterson’s, 2009. (LB2367.4 S75 2009)
New Acquisitions--Novemeber 2009
Acquisitions List
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College *Gifts
November 2009 #--Free Gov’t Document
*Personal care for people who care. National Anti-Vivisection Society, 2005. (Ref HV4918 .N37 2005)
*Purnell, Larry D. Transcultural health care: a culturally competent approach. F.A. Davis, 1998. (RA418.5.T73 T73 1998)
*Environmental neurotoxicology. National Academy Press, 1992. (RC347.5 .E58 1992)
*Bermosk, Loretta Sue. Interviewing in nursing. Macmillian, 1964. (RT42 .B45)
*Orlando, Ida Jean. The dynamic nurse-patient relationship: function, process and principles. G.P. Putnam, 1961. (RT86 .07)
*Kaplin, William A. The law of higher education: a comprehensive guide to legal implications of administrative decision making. Jossey-Bass, 1985. (KF4225 .K36 1985)
*Bensimon, Estela Mara. Redesigning collegiate leadership: teams and teamwork in higher education. John Hopkins University Press, 1993. (LB2341 .B4745 1993)
*Lewis, Ralph G. Total quality in higher education. St. Lucie Press, 1994. (LB2341 .L46 1994)
*Seymour, Daniel T. On Q: causing quality in higher education. Oryx Press, 1993.
(LB2341.93.U6 S49 1993)
*Astin, Alexander W. Assessment for excellence: the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. Oryx Press, 1993. (LB2366.2 .A89 1993)
*Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the company of educated women: a history of women and higher education in America. Yale University Press, 1985. (LC1752 .S65 1985)
*Feeney, Stephanie. Who am I in the lives of children? : an introduction to early childhood education. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2006. (LB1140.23 .F44 2006)
*Silverman, Phyllis Rolfe. Never too young to know: death in children’s lives. Oxford University Press, 2000. (BF723.D3 S58 2000)
*Helm, June (ed.) Pioneers of American anthropology: the uses of biography. University of Washington Press, 1966. (E51 .A556 v.43)
*Turner, Jonathon H. The emergence of sociological theory. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002.
(HM19 .T97 2002)
*Etzioni, Amitai. A comparative analysis of complex organizations: on power, involvement and the correlates. Free Press, 1975. (HM131 .E78 1975)
*Ritzer, George. Contemporary sociological theory and its classical roots: the basics. McGraw Hill, 2003.
(HM586 .R58 2003)
*Bendix, Reinhard (ed.) Class, status, and power: social stratification in comparative perspective. Free Press, 1966. (HT605 .B4 1966)
*Kindleberger, Charles P. The world in depression, 1929-1939. University of California Press, 1975.
(HB3717 1929 .K55 1975)
*Gardner, Gary T. Inspiring progress: religions’ contributions to sustainable development. W.W. Norton, 2006. (HC79. E5 G333 2006)
*Blanchard, Kenneth. The 3 keys to empowerment: release the power within people for astonishing results. Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 1999. (HD50.5 .B548 1999)
*Lord, Robert G. Leadership and information processing: linking perceptions and performance. Routledge London, 1993. (HD57.7 .L67 1993)
Land & food: the preservation of U.S farmland. American Land Forum, 1979. (HD256 .L36)
*Beard, Peter. Zara’s tales from Hog Ranch: perilous escapades in equatorial Africa. Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. (DT426 .B43 2004)
*Bloom, Lynn. The essay connection: readings for writers. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. (PE1417 .E78 2001)
*Moore, Mary Tyler. After all. G.P. Putnam, 1995. (PN2287.M697 A3 1995)
*Hurston, Zora Neale. Their eyes were watching God. Perennial Classics, 1998. (PS3515.U789 T5 1998)
*Neville, Katherine. The magic circle. Random House, 1999. (PS3564.E8517 M34 1999)
*Webster, John. Reverence for all life. Prell Books & Multimedia, 2005. (CT1098.S411 W42 2005)
*McCullough, David. John Adams. Simon & Schuster, 2008. (E322 .M38 2008)
*Bernstein, Arnie. The hoofs and guns of the storm: Chicago’s Civil War connections. Laek Claremont Press, 2003. (F548.18 .B46 2003)
*Gloeckner, Olaf (ed.) Russian-Jewish emigrants after the Cold War: perspectives from Germany, Israel, Canada, and the United States. Center for German and European Studies, 2006. (JV8190 .R969 2006)
*Reisman, Fredricka K. Teaching mathematics: methods and content for grades K-8. Waveland Press, 1987. (QA135.5 .R455 1987)
*Schickele, Peter. The definitive biography of P.D.Q. Bach, 1807-1742. Random House, 1976. (
ML65 .S34)
*Shermer, Michael. Sport cycling: a guide to training, racing, and endurance. Contemporary Books, 1985. (GV1049 .S483 1985)
*Bradford,Roderick. D.M. Bennett: the truth seeker. Prometheus Books, 2006. (BL2790.B46 B72 2006)
*Barraclough, Geoffrey. (ed.) The Christian world: a social and cultural history of Christianity. Thames & Hudson, 2003. (qBR115.C5 C47 2003)
*Lorenz, Konrad Z. King Solomon’s ring: new light on animal ways. Thomas Y.Crowell, 1952.
(QL751 .L69413 1952)
*Brown, Joseph M. The grand unified theory of physics. Basic Research Press, 2004. (QC794.6.G7 B76 2004)
*Naipaul, V.S. India: a million mutinies now. Penguin Books, 1992. (D3414.2 .N35 1992)
*Casanova, Mary. Some dog! Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit AN C26so)
*Kirk, Daniel. Library mouse. Scholastic, 2008. (Youth Lit AN K63li)
*Brown, Roberta. Hide and seek. Scholastic, 1994. (Youth Lit BEG B81hi)
*O’Connor, Jane. Sir small and the dragonfly. Random House, 1988. (Youth Lit BEG Oc5si)
*Fritz, Jean. The double life of Pocahontas. Scholastic, 1983. (Youth Lit BIO P75fr 1983)
*Rowland, Della. The story of Sacajawea, guide to Lewis and Clark. Bantam Doubleday, 1989.
(Youth Lit BIO Salro)
*Trelease, Jim. (ed.) Hey! listen to this: stories to read aloud. Penguin Books, 1992.
(Youth Lit COL T71he)
*Zavos, Judy. Murgatroyd’s garden. St.Martin’s Press, 1986. (Youth Lit CON Zalmu)
*Berenstein, Stan. The Berenstain Bears’ home sweet tree. Readers’ Digest Kids, 1992.
(Youth Lit FAM B46bh)
*Good, Merle. Amos and Susie: an Amish story. Good Books, 1993. (Youth Lit FAM G59am)
*Schumacher, Julie. The book of one hundred truths. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit FAM Sch8bo)
*Mull, Brandon. The candy shop war. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit FAN M91ca)
*Hubbard, Patricia. My crayons talk. Scholastic, 1997. (Youth Lit FICT H86my)
*Caldecott, Randolph. Babes in the wood. Barron’s, 1989. (Youth Lit FOLK C12ba)
*McDermott, Gerald. Zomo the Rabbit: a trickster tale from West Africa. Scholastic, 1992.
(Youth Lit FOLK M14zo)
*Yolen, Jane. Sleeping ugly. Coward-McCann, 1984. (Youth Lit FOLK Yo7sl)
*Medearis, Angela Shelf. Dare to dream: Coretta Scott King and the Civil Rights Movement. Scholastic, 2000. (Youth Lit H (U.S.) M46da)
*Alexander, Robert. The kitchen boy. Penguin, 2004. (Youth Lit HF Al2ki)
*Bishop, Claire Huchet. Twenty and ten. Scholastic, 1990. (Youth Lit HF B54tw)
*Cushman, Karen. Matilda bone. Dell Yearling, 2002. (Youth Lit HF C95ma)
*Holt, Kimberly Willis. When Zachary Beaver came to town. Dell Yearling, 2001. (Youth Lit HF H74wh)
*Konigsburg, E.L. The second Mrs. Gioconda. Aladdin Paperbacks, 2005 (Youth Lit HF K83se)
*Mochizuki, Ken. Baseball saved us. Scholastic, 1996. (Youth Lit HF M71ba)
*Myers, Walter Dean. The journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: a World War II soldier. Scholastic, 2007.
(Youth Lit HF M99jo)
*Patneaude, David. Thin wood walls. Houghton Mifflin, 2004. (Youth Lit HF P27th)
*Paulsen, Gary. Mr. Tucket. Bantam Doubleday, 1995. (Youth Lit HF P28mr)
*Philbrick, Rodman. The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Zigg. Blue Sky Press/Scholastic, 2009.
(Youth Lit HF P54mo)
*Krasilovsky, Phyllis. The Christmas tree that grew. Western Publishing, 1989. (Youth Lit HOL C46kr)
*Speregen, Devra. Arielle and the Hanukkah surprise. Scholastic, 1992. (Youth Lit HOL H19sp)
Hesse, Karen. Brooklyn Bridge: a novel. Feiwei & Friends, 2008. (Youth Lit HS H46br)
*Hobbs, Will. Crossing the wire. HarperTrophy, 2007. (Youth Lit HS H65cr)
*Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki. Farewell to Manzanar: a true story of Japanese American experience during and after the World War II internment. Bantam, 1995 (Youth Lit HS H81fa 1995)
*Paulsen, Gary. Brian’s winter. Scholastic,1998. (Youth Lit HS P28br 1998)
*Paulsen, Gary. Harris and me: a summer remembered. Bantam Doubleday, 1995. (Youth Lit HS P28hr)
*Zindel, Paul. The gadget. Random House, 2003. (Youth Lit HS Z6ga 2003)
*Macaulay, David. Why the chicken crossed the road. Houghton Mifflin, 1987. (Youth Lit HUM M11wh)
*Wolf, A. The true story of the 3 little pigs. Scholastic, 1991. (Youth Lit HUM Sci2tr 1991)
*Goble, Paul. Buffalo woman: story and illustrations. Aladdin Paperbacks, 1986. (Youth Lit IND G53bu)
*Bulla, Clyde Robert. Squanto; friend of the pilgrims. Scholastic, 1982. (Youth Lit IND Sq2bu)
*Gwynne, Fred. A chocolate moose for dinner. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Children, 1976.
(Youth Lit LANG G99ch)
*Cristaldi, Kathryn. Even Steven and odd Todd. Scholastic, 1996.
(Youth Lit MATH C86ev)
*Delacre, Lulu. Arroz con leche: popular songs and rhymes from Latin America. Scholastic, 1989.
(Youth Lit MUS D37ar)
*Levy, Elizabeth. The karate class mystery. Scholastic, 1996. (Youth Lit MYS L57ka)
*Cole, Joanna. The magic school bus: inside a beehive. Scholastic, 1998. (Youth Lit N C67mc)
*Severnty, Vincent. Whale and dolphin. Scholastic, 1984. (Youth Lit N Se8wh)
*North, Sterling. Rascal. Scholastic, 1991. (Youth Lit NEW N81ra c.2)
*Taylor, Mildred. Roll of thunder, hear my cry. Scholastic, 1976. (Youth Lit NEW T21ro 1976)
*Prelutsky, Jack. The new kid on the block: poems. Greenwillow Books, 1984. (Youth Lit P P91ne)
*Cole, Joanna. The magic school bus blows its top: a book about volcanoes. Scholastic, 1996.
(Youth Lit SCI C67mv)
*Needham, Kate. The dinosaurs. Copper Beech, 1995. (Youth Lit SCI N28di)
*Feeney, Stephanie. Who am I in the lives of children? : an introduction to early childhood education. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2006. (A-V CD LB1140.23 .F44 2006)
Recognizing heart rhythms. Cine-Med, 2008. (A-V DVD RC685.A65 R43)
Emergency cardiac care & mock arrest. Cine-Med, 2008. (A-V DVD RC685.C173 E44)
Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College *Gifts
November 2009 #--Free Gov’t Document
*Personal care for people who care. National Anti-Vivisection Society, 2005. (Ref HV4918 .N37 2005)
*Purnell, Larry D. Transcultural health care: a culturally competent approach. F.A. Davis, 1998. (RA418.5.T73 T73 1998)
*Environmental neurotoxicology. National Academy Press, 1992. (RC347.5 .E58 1992)
*Bermosk, Loretta Sue. Interviewing in nursing. Macmillian, 1964. (RT42 .B45)
*Orlando, Ida Jean. The dynamic nurse-patient relationship: function, process and principles. G.P. Putnam, 1961. (RT86 .07)
*Kaplin, William A. The law of higher education: a comprehensive guide to legal implications of administrative decision making. Jossey-Bass, 1985. (KF4225 .K36 1985)
*Bensimon, Estela Mara. Redesigning collegiate leadership: teams and teamwork in higher education. John Hopkins University Press, 1993. (LB2341 .B4745 1993)
*Lewis, Ralph G. Total quality in higher education. St. Lucie Press, 1994. (LB2341 .L46 1994)
*Seymour, Daniel T. On Q: causing quality in higher education. Oryx Press, 1993.
(LB2341.93.U6 S49 1993)
*Astin, Alexander W. Assessment for excellence: the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. Oryx Press, 1993. (LB2366.2 .A89 1993)
*Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the company of educated women: a history of women and higher education in America. Yale University Press, 1985. (LC1752 .S65 1985)
*Feeney, Stephanie. Who am I in the lives of children? : an introduction to early childhood education. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2006. (LB1140.23 .F44 2006)
*Silverman, Phyllis Rolfe. Never too young to know: death in children’s lives. Oxford University Press, 2000. (BF723.D3 S58 2000)
*Helm, June (ed.) Pioneers of American anthropology: the uses of biography. University of Washington Press, 1966. (E51 .A556 v.43)
*Turner, Jonathon H. The emergence of sociological theory. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002.
(HM19 .T97 2002)
*Etzioni, Amitai. A comparative analysis of complex organizations: on power, involvement and the correlates. Free Press, 1975. (HM131 .E78 1975)
*Ritzer, George. Contemporary sociological theory and its classical roots: the basics. McGraw Hill, 2003.
(HM586 .R58 2003)
*Bendix, Reinhard (ed.) Class, status, and power: social stratification in comparative perspective. Free Press, 1966. (HT605 .B4 1966)
*Kindleberger, Charles P. The world in depression, 1929-1939. University of California Press, 1975.
(HB3717 1929 .K55 1975)
*Gardner, Gary T. Inspiring progress: religions’ contributions to sustainable development. W.W. Norton, 2006. (HC79. E5 G333 2006)
*Blanchard, Kenneth. The 3 keys to empowerment: release the power within people for astonishing results. Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 1999. (HD50.5 .B548 1999)
*Lord, Robert G. Leadership and information processing: linking perceptions and performance. Routledge London, 1993. (HD57.7 .L67 1993)
Land & food: the preservation of U.S farmland. American Land Forum, 1979. (HD256 .L36)
*Beard, Peter. Zara’s tales from Hog Ranch: perilous escapades in equatorial Africa. Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. (DT426 .B43 2004)
*Bloom, Lynn. The essay connection: readings for writers. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. (PE1417 .E78 2001)
*Moore, Mary Tyler. After all. G.P. Putnam, 1995. (PN2287.M697 A3 1995)
*Hurston, Zora Neale. Their eyes were watching God. Perennial Classics, 1998. (PS3515.U789 T5 1998)
*Neville, Katherine. The magic circle. Random House, 1999. (PS3564.E8517 M34 1999)
*Webster, John. Reverence for all life. Prell Books & Multimedia, 2005. (CT1098.S411 W42 2005)
*McCullough, David. John Adams. Simon & Schuster, 2008. (E322 .M38 2008)
*Bernstein, Arnie. The hoofs and guns of the storm: Chicago’s Civil War connections. Laek Claremont Press, 2003. (F548.18 .B46 2003)
*Gloeckner, Olaf (ed.) Russian-Jewish emigrants after the Cold War: perspectives from Germany, Israel, Canada, and the United States. Center for German and European Studies, 2006. (JV8190 .R969 2006)
*Reisman, Fredricka K. Teaching mathematics: methods and content for grades K-8. Waveland Press, 1987. (QA135.5 .R455 1987)
*Schickele, Peter. The definitive biography of P.D.Q. Bach, 1807-1742. Random House, 1976. (
ML65 .S34)
*Shermer, Michael. Sport cycling: a guide to training, racing, and endurance. Contemporary Books, 1985. (GV1049 .S483 1985)
*Bradford,Roderick. D.M. Bennett: the truth seeker. Prometheus Books, 2006. (BL2790.B46 B72 2006)
*Barraclough, Geoffrey. (ed.) The Christian world: a social and cultural history of Christianity. Thames & Hudson, 2003. (qBR115.C5 C47 2003)
*Lorenz, Konrad Z. King Solomon’s ring: new light on animal ways. Thomas Y.Crowell, 1952.
(QL751 .L69413 1952)
*Brown, Joseph M. The grand unified theory of physics. Basic Research Press, 2004. (QC794.6.G7 B76 2004)
*Naipaul, V.S. India: a million mutinies now. Penguin Books, 1992. (D3414.2 .N35 1992)
*Casanova, Mary. Some dog! Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit AN C26so)
*Kirk, Daniel. Library mouse. Scholastic, 2008. (Youth Lit AN K63li)
*Brown, Roberta. Hide and seek. Scholastic, 1994. (Youth Lit BEG B81hi)
*O’Connor, Jane. Sir small and the dragonfly. Random House, 1988. (Youth Lit BEG Oc5si)
*Fritz, Jean. The double life of Pocahontas. Scholastic, 1983. (Youth Lit BIO P75fr 1983)
*Rowland, Della. The story of Sacajawea, guide to Lewis and Clark. Bantam Doubleday, 1989.
(Youth Lit BIO Salro)
*Trelease, Jim. (ed.) Hey! listen to this: stories to read aloud. Penguin Books, 1992.
(Youth Lit COL T71he)
*Zavos, Judy. Murgatroyd’s garden. St.Martin’s Press, 1986. (Youth Lit CON Zalmu)
*Berenstein, Stan. The Berenstain Bears’ home sweet tree. Readers’ Digest Kids, 1992.
(Youth Lit FAM B46bh)
*Good, Merle. Amos and Susie: an Amish story. Good Books, 1993. (Youth Lit FAM G59am)
*Schumacher, Julie. The book of one hundred truths. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit FAM Sch8bo)
*Mull, Brandon. The candy shop war. Scholastic, 2009. (Youth Lit FAN M91ca)
*Hubbard, Patricia. My crayons talk. Scholastic, 1997. (Youth Lit FICT H86my)
*Caldecott, Randolph. Babes in the wood. Barron’s, 1989. (Youth Lit FOLK C12ba)
*McDermott, Gerald. Zomo the Rabbit: a trickster tale from West Africa. Scholastic, 1992.
(Youth Lit FOLK M14zo)
*Yolen, Jane. Sleeping ugly. Coward-McCann, 1984. (Youth Lit FOLK Yo7sl)
*Medearis, Angela Shelf. Dare to dream: Coretta Scott King and the Civil Rights Movement. Scholastic, 2000. (Youth Lit H (U.S.) M46da)
*Alexander, Robert. The kitchen boy. Penguin, 2004. (Youth Lit HF Al2ki)
*Bishop, Claire Huchet. Twenty and ten. Scholastic, 1990. (Youth Lit HF B54tw)
*Cushman, Karen. Matilda bone. Dell Yearling, 2002. (Youth Lit HF C95ma)
*Holt, Kimberly Willis. When Zachary Beaver came to town. Dell Yearling, 2001. (Youth Lit HF H74wh)
*Konigsburg, E.L. The second Mrs. Gioconda. Aladdin Paperbacks, 2005 (Youth Lit HF K83se)
*Mochizuki, Ken. Baseball saved us. Scholastic, 1996. (Youth Lit HF M71ba)
*Myers, Walter Dean. The journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: a World War II soldier. Scholastic, 2007.
(Youth Lit HF M99jo)
*Patneaude, David. Thin wood walls. Houghton Mifflin, 2004. (Youth Lit HF P27th)
*Paulsen, Gary. Mr. Tucket. Bantam Doubleday, 1995. (Youth Lit HF P28mr)
*Philbrick, Rodman. The mostly true adventures of Homer P. Zigg. Blue Sky Press/Scholastic, 2009.
(Youth Lit HF P54mo)
*Krasilovsky, Phyllis. The Christmas tree that grew. Western Publishing, 1989. (Youth Lit HOL C46kr)
*Speregen, Devra. Arielle and the Hanukkah surprise. Scholastic, 1992. (Youth Lit HOL H19sp)
Hesse, Karen. Brooklyn Bridge: a novel. Feiwei & Friends, 2008. (Youth Lit HS H46br)
*Hobbs, Will. Crossing the wire. HarperTrophy, 2007. (Youth Lit HS H65cr)
*Houston, Jeanne Wakatsuki. Farewell to Manzanar: a true story of Japanese American experience during and after the World War II internment. Bantam, 1995 (Youth Lit HS H81fa 1995)
*Paulsen, Gary. Brian’s winter. Scholastic,1998. (Youth Lit HS P28br 1998)
*Paulsen, Gary. Harris and me: a summer remembered. Bantam Doubleday, 1995. (Youth Lit HS P28hr)
*Zindel, Paul. The gadget. Random House, 2003. (Youth Lit HS Z6ga 2003)
*Macaulay, David. Why the chicken crossed the road. Houghton Mifflin, 1987. (Youth Lit HUM M11wh)
*Wolf, A. The true story of the 3 little pigs. Scholastic, 1991. (Youth Lit HUM Sci2tr 1991)
*Goble, Paul. Buffalo woman: story and illustrations. Aladdin Paperbacks, 1986. (Youth Lit IND G53bu)
*Bulla, Clyde Robert. Squanto; friend of the pilgrims. Scholastic, 1982. (Youth Lit IND Sq2bu)
*Gwynne, Fred. A chocolate moose for dinner. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Children, 1976.
(Youth Lit LANG G99ch)
*Cristaldi, Kathryn. Even Steven and odd Todd. Scholastic, 1996.
(Youth Lit MATH C86ev)
*Delacre, Lulu. Arroz con leche: popular songs and rhymes from Latin America. Scholastic, 1989.
(Youth Lit MUS D37ar)
*Levy, Elizabeth. The karate class mystery. Scholastic, 1996. (Youth Lit MYS L57ka)
*Cole, Joanna. The magic school bus: inside a beehive. Scholastic, 1998. (Youth Lit N C67mc)
*Severnty, Vincent. Whale and dolphin. Scholastic, 1984. (Youth Lit N Se8wh)
*North, Sterling. Rascal. Scholastic, 1991. (Youth Lit NEW N81ra c.2)
*Taylor, Mildred. Roll of thunder, hear my cry. Scholastic, 1976. (Youth Lit NEW T21ro 1976)
*Prelutsky, Jack. The new kid on the block: poems. Greenwillow Books, 1984. (Youth Lit P P91ne)
*Cole, Joanna. The magic school bus blows its top: a book about volcanoes. Scholastic, 1996.
(Youth Lit SCI C67mv)
*Needham, Kate. The dinosaurs. Copper Beech, 1995. (Youth Lit SCI N28di)
*Feeney, Stephanie. Who am I in the lives of children? : an introduction to early childhood education. Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall, 2006. (A-V CD LB1140.23 .F44 2006)
Recognizing heart rhythms. Cine-Med, 2008. (A-V DVD RC685.A65 R43)
Emergency cardiac care & mock arrest. Cine-Med, 2008. (A-V DVD RC685.C173 E44)
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