Iowa Wesleyan College
December 2008*--Gifts
#--Free Gov’t Doc.
REFERENCE, INDEX, ETC*The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in the authorized King James version. Consolidated Book, 1977. (Ref BS185 1977 .C5)
*Ceram, C.W.
Archaeology of the cinema. Harcourt, Crace, & World, 1965. (Ref PN1993.5.A1 M383)
*Michael, Paul.
The Academy Awards: a pictorial history. Bonanza, 1968. (Ref PN1993.5.U6 M5 1968)
*Patrick, Richard. All color book of Greek mythology. Octopus Books, 1972. (qBL782 .P3 1972)
*Patrick, Richard. All color book of Egyptian mythology. Octopus Books, 1972. (qBL2421.2 .P37 1972b)
*Christie, Anthony. Chinese mythology. Paul Hamlym, 1968. (qGR335 .C568)
*Davis, Jerry C. Miracle in the Ozarks: the inspiring story of faith, hope, and Hard Work U. College of the Ozarks, 2007. (LD4450 .D38 2007)
*Tammet, Daniel. Born on a blue day: inside the extraordinary mind of an autistic savant: a memoir. Free Press, 2007. (RC553.A88 T36 2007)
*Boutelle, Sara Holmes. Julia Morgan, architect. Abbeville Press, 1988. (qNA737.M68 B68 1988)
*Hale, Nathan Cabot. Exploring the roots of human emotion in sculpture. White Whale Press, 2007. (qNB1930 .H354 2007)
*Dore, Gustav. Dore’s illustrations for Rabelais: a selection of 252 illustrations. Dover, 1978. (qNC248.D6 A4 1978)
*Dore, Gustav. Dore’s illustrations for Ariosto’s “Orlando Furioso”: a selection of 208 illustrations. Dover, 1980. (qNC980.5.D67 A4 1980)
*Rackham, Arthur. Rackham’s Color illustrations for Wagner’s “Ring”. Dover, 1979. (qND1942.R32 A4 1979)
*Oldfield, Barney. The Litton adventure that was: a tribute to the founder Charles B. “Tex” Thornton. Kinman-Oldfield Family Foundation, 2006. (HC102.5.T46 O43 2006)
*Nabokov, Vladimir. Lectures on Russian Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. (PG3012 .N3 1981)
*Kabuki: five classic plays. Harvard University Press, 1975. (PL782.E5 K3)
*Gates, Henry Louis. Colored people: a memoir. Alfred A. Knopf, 1994. (PS29.G28 A3 1994)
*Elie, Paul. The life you save may be your own: an American pilgrimage. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. (PS153.C3 E45 2003)
*Parini, Jay. Robert Frost: a life. Henry Holt, 1999. (PS3511.R94 Z868 1999)
*The complete plays of Charles Ludlam. Harper & Row, 1989. (PS3562.U258 A6 1989)
*Miller, Sue. The story of my father: a memoir. Afred A. Knopf, 2003. (PS3563.I421444 Z475 2003)
*Updike, John. Self-consciousness: memoirs. Alfred A. Knopf, 1989. (PS3571.P4 Z475 1989)
*Wolff, Geoffrey. The duke of deception: memories of my father. Vintage/Random House, 1990. (PS3573.O53 Z463 1990)
*Fetzer, John F. Romantic Orpheus: profiles of Clemens Brentano. University of California Press, 1974. (PT1825.Z5 F4)
*Vargas Llosa, Mario. The storyteller. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1989. (PQ8498.32.A65 H3413 1989)
*Byatt, A. S. Still life. Macmillan, 1991. (PR6052.Y2 S7 1991)
*Lansens, Lori. The girls: a novel. Little, Brown & Co, 2006. (PR9199.4.L36 G57 2006)
*Nabokiv, Vladimir. Strong opinions. Random House, 1990. (PS3527.A15 S7 1990)
*Desai, Kiran. The inheritance of loss. Grove Press, 2006. (PS3554.E82 I54 2006b)
*Englander, Nathan. For the relief of unbearable urges. Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. (PS35555.N424 F67 1999)
*Gilbert, David. The normals: a novel. Bloomsbury, 2004. (PS3557.I3383 N66 2004)
*Goodman, Allegra. Intuition: a novel. Dial Press, 2006. (PS3557.O5829 I58 2006)
*Guterson, David. East of the mountains. Harcourt, 2000. (PS3557.U846 E22 2000)
*Messud, Claire. The emperor’s children. Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. (PS3563 .E8134 E47
*O’Brien, Tim. July, July. Penguin Books, 2003. (PS3565.B75 J85 2003)
*Powers, Richard. The echo maker. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006. (PS3566.O92 E27 2006)
*Roth, Philip. Everyman. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. (PS3568.O855 E94 2006)
*Salter, James. A sport and a pastime. North Point Press/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1985. (PS3569.A4622 S6 1985)
*Chayes, Sarah. The punishment of virtue: inside Afghanistan after the Taliban. Penguin Press, 2006. (DS371.4 .C43 2006)
*Bayrd, Edwin. Kyoto. Newsweek, 1974. (qDS897.K857 B39)
*Vandenberg, Philipp. The curse of the pharaohs. J.B. Lippincott, 1975. (DT61 .V3613 1975)
*Sheehan, Bernard W. Seeds of extinction: Jeffersonian philanthropy and the American Indian. W. W. Norton, 1974. (E93 .S54 1974)
*Meyer, Karl E. Teotihuacan. Newsweek, 1973. (qF1219 .M756 1973)
*Barthel, Manfred. The Jesuits: history & legend of the Society of Jesus. Wm. Morrow, 1984. (BX3706.2 .B3413 1984)
*Armstrong, Karen. The spiral staircase: my climb out of darkness. Alfred A. Knopf, 2004. (BX4668.3.A75 A3 2004)
Kaliski, Burton S. (ed.). Encyclopedia of business and finance. Macmillan Reference Books, 2007. (E-book Ref HF1001 .E466 2007eb)
World of sports science. (E-book Ref RC1206 .W67 2007eb)
Gale encyclopedia of children’s health: infancy through adolescence. 2005. (E-book Ref RJ26 .G35 2005eb)