Monday, November 10, 2008

Chadwick Library
Iowa Wesleyan College
November 2008
#---Free Gov’t Doc.


APA. Graduate study in psychology, 2009. American Psychological Association, 2009. (Ref BF77 .G73 2009)

Knapp, Mark L. (ed.). Handbook of interpersonal communication. Sage Publications, 2002. (Ref BF637.C45 H287 2002)

Sider, Sandra. Handbook to life in Renaissance Europe. Oxford University Press, 2007. (Ref CB361 .S498 2007)

Downing, John D.H. (ed.). The SAGE handbook of media studies. Sage Publications, 2004. (Ref P90 .S18 2004)

Gudykunst, William B. (ed.). Handbook of international and intercultural communication. Sage Publications, 2002. (Ref P94.6 .H36 2002)

Dow, Bonnie J. (ed.). The SAGE handbook of gender and communication. Sage Publications, 2006. (Ref P96.S48 S34 2006)


*Simpson, William. The prince: the secret story of the world’s most intriguing royal, prince Bandar Bin Sultan. Regan/Harper Collins, 2006. (DS244.526.B55 S56 2006)

*Friedricks, William B. Investing in Iowa: the life and times of F. M. Hubbell. Iowan Books, 2007. (HC102.5.H877 F75 2007)


*Inclusive scholarship: developing Black studies in the United States: a 25th anniversary retrospective of Ford Foundation grant making, 1982-2007. Ford Foundation, 2007. (E184.7 .I53 2007)


Light, Steven Andrew. Indian gaming & tribal sovereignty: the casino compromise. University Press of Kansas, 2005. (E98.G18 L54 2005)


*DeVito, Joseph A. Brainstorms: how to think more creatively about communication. Harper Collins College Publishers, 1996. (BF441 .D49 1996)

*Scileppi, Patricia A. Values for interpersonal communication: how then shall we live? Star Publishing Company, 2005. (BF637.C45 S32 2005)

*Zelezny, John D. Communications law: liberties, restraints, and the modern media. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1993. (KF2750 .Z45 1993)

*Pearson, Judy C. Human communication. McGraw-Hill, 2003. (P90 .H745 2003)

*Scott, Michael D. Dimensions of communication: an introduction. Mayfield Publishing Company, 1997. (P90 .S3886 1997)

Cottle, Simon (ed.). Media organization and production. Sage Publications, 2003. (P96.E25 M426 2003)

*Beebe, Steven A. Public speaking: an audience-centered approach. Allyn & Bacon, 2003. (PN4121 .B385 2003)

*DeVito, Joseph A. The public speaking guide. Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. (PN4121 .D3893 1994)

*Lucas, Stephen E. The art of public speaking. McGraw-Hill, 1995. (PN4121 .L72 1995)

*Mandel, Steve. Effective presentation skills. Crisp Productions Inc, 1987. (PN4121 .M3194 1987)

*Daly, John A. Presentations in everyday life: strategies for effective speaking. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001. (PN4129.15 .D35 2001)

*Lee, Charlotte I. Oral interpretation. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. (PN4145 .L35 2001)

Kern, Jonathan. Sound reporting: the NPR guide to audio journalism and production. University of Chicago Press, 2008. (PN4784.R2 K47 2008)


Dallas, Gregor. 1945: the war that never ended. Yale University Press, 2005. (D755.7 .D36 2005)

Browning, Christopher R. The origins of the final solution: the evolution of Nazi Jewish policy, September 1939-March 1942. University of Nebraska Press, 2004. (D804.3 .B773 2004)

Orlow, Dietrich. The Nazi party 1919-1945: a complete history. Enigma Books, 2008. (DD253.25 .O75 2008)

Brucia, Margaret A. To be a Roman: topics in Roman culture. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 2007. (DG78 .B78 2007)

Goldsworthy, Adrian. Caesar: life of a colossus. Yale University Press, 2006. (DG261 .G584 2006)

*Larson, Chuck (ed.). Heroes among us: firsthand accounts of combat from America’s most decorated warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan. NAL Caliber, 2008. (DS79.76 .H46445 2008)

MacFarquhar, Roderick. Mao’s last revolution. Belknap Press, 2008. (DS778.7 .M33 2008)

Mayer, Henry. All on fire: William Lloyd Garrison and the abolition of slavery. W. W. Norton, 2008. (E449.G25 M39 2008)

Beatty, Jack. Age of betrayal: the triumph of money in America, 1865-1900. Vintage/Random House, 2008. (E661 .B37 2008)

Shlaes, Amity. The forgotten man: a new history of the Great Depression. Harper Perennial, 2008. (E806 .S52 2008)

*DeFrank, Thomas M. Write it when I’m gone: remarkable off-the-record conversations with Gerald R. Ford. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2007. (E866 .D43 2007)

Tooze, Adam. The wages of destruction: the making and breaking of the Nazi economy. Penguin, 2008. (HC286.4 .T66 2008)

Meyerson, Michael I. Liberty’s blueprint: how Madison and Hamilton wrote the Federalist papers, defined the Constitution, and made democracy safe for the world. Basic Books/Perseus, 2008. (KF4520 .M49 2008)


*Weiss, Piero. Music in the Western world: a history in documents. Schirmer Books/Macmillan, 1984. (ML160 .M865 1984)

*Vigeland, Carl A. In concert: onstage and offstage with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. University of Massachusetts Press, 1991. (ML1211.8.B72 B78 1991)

*Wilson-Dickson, Andrew. The story of Christian music: from Gregorian chant to Black gospel: an authoritative illustrated guide to all the major traditions of music for worship. Fortress Press, 1996. (ML3000 .W54 1996)

Sacks, Oliver. Musicophilia: tales of music and the brain. Vintage/Random House, 2008. (ML3830 .S13 2008)


*Guest, Ann Hutchinson. Your move. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2008. (GV452 .G83 2008)


*Brinkley, Douglas. Parish priest: Father Michael McGivney and American Catholicism. William Morrow/Harper Collins, 2006. (BX4705.M194 B75 2006)

Geanakoplos, Deno John. Byzantium: church, society, and civilization seen through contemporary eyes. University of Chicago Press, 1986. (DF503 .B983 1986)


Roberts, Paul. The end of food. Houghton Mifflin, 2008. (HD9000.5 .R578 2008)


Schneider, Jennifer P. Living with chronic pain: the complete health guide to the causes and treatment of chronic pain. Healthy Living Books, 2004. (RB127 .S365 2004)


*Guest, Ann Hutchinson. Your move. Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2008. (A-V CD GV452 .G83 2008)

*Kabul transit. Bullfrog Films, 2007. (A-V DVD DS375.K2 K33 2006 c.2-3)

Why ads work: the power of self-deception. Learningseed, 1996. (A-V DVD HF5822 .W49 1996)

Why you buy: 21st century advertising. Learningseed, 2002. (A-V DVD HF5822 .W5)
*Ben-Hur. MGM/UA, 1988. (A-V VHS PN1997 .B45 1988 pt.1-2)

*Do the right thing. Universal, 1998. (A-V DVD PN1997 .D52 1998)

*Leap of faith. Paramount Pictures, 2003. (A-V DVD PN1997 .L437 2003)

*Terms of endearment. Paramount Pictures, 2000. (A-V DVD PN1997.T47 T47 2000)

*Wall street. Twentieth-Century Fox, 2000. (A-V DVD PN1997 .W234 2000)


Kroski, Ellyssa. Web 2.0 for librarians and information professionals. Neal Schuman Publishers, 2008. (Z674.75.W67 K76 2008)