Thursday, October 16, 2008

September Acquisitions


Chadwick Library

Iowa Wesleyan College

October 2008


#---Free Gov’t Doc.


Mandel, David. Who’s who in the Jewish Bible. Jewish Publication Society of America, 2007. (Ref BS570.M36 2007)


Mann, Michael E. Dire predictions : understanding global warming. DK Adult, 2008. (QC981.8.G56 M35 2008)

Stein, Richard Joseph (ed.). Water Supply. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (TD355 .W385 2008)

McCaffrey, Paul (ed.). U.S. national debate topic 2008-2009 : alternative energy. H.W. Wilson, 2008. (TJ808 .U82 2008)


Hunter, Mary Stuart. Academic advising : new insights for teaching and learning in the first year. National Resource Center, 2007. (LB2343 .A294 2007)

*Everston, Carolyn M. Classroom management for elementary teachers. Pearson, 2009. (LB3013 .C5288 2009 C.1-2)

*Emmer, Edmund T. Classroom management for middle and high school teachers. Pearson, 2009. (LB3013 .C533 2009 C.1-2


Turner, Mark (ed.). The artful mind : cognitive science and the riddle of human creativity. Oxford University Press, 2006. (N71 .A762 2006)


Schlesinger, Robert. White House ghosts : presidents and their speechwriters. Simon & Schuster, 2008. (E176.1 .S345 2008)

Keen, Andrew. The cult of the amateur : how blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today’s user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values. Doubleday Business, 2007. (HM851 .K43 2007)

Gitelman, Lisa. Always already new : media, history, and the data of culture. MIT Press, 2006. (P90 .G4776 2006)

Brummett, Barry S. (ed.). Uncovering hidden rhetorics : social issues in disguise. Sage Publications, 2008. (P301.5.S63 U96 2008)


McCloud, Scott. Understanding comics : the invisible art. Harper Perennial, 1994. (PN6710 .M335 1994)

*Landolfi, Tommaso. Words in commotion and other stories. Viking, 1986. (PQ4827.A57 A24 1986)

*Kinnell, Galway. Selected poems. Houghton Mifflin, 1982. (PS3521.I582 A6 1982)

*Gurganus, Allan. White people. Alfred A. Knopf, 1991. (PS3557.U814 A6 1991)

*Harrison, Jim. Returning to earth. Grove Press, 2007. (PS3558.A67 R4 2007)

*Haruf, Kent. Plainsong. Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. (PS3558.A716 P58 1999)

*Haruf, Kent. The tie that binds : a novel. Vintage Books, 2000. (PS3558.A716 T5 2000)

*Jones, Thom. The pugilist at rest : stories. Little, Brown and Company, 1993. (PS3560.O546 1993)

*Mason, Bobbie Ann. Clear Springs : a memoir. Random House, 1999. (PS3563.A7877 Z77 1999)

Stover, Lois Thomas. Teaching the selected works of Katherine Paterson. Heinemann, 2007. (PS3566.A779 Z86 2007)

Crowe, Chris. Teaching the selected works of Mildred D. Taylor. Heinemann, 2007. (PS3570.A9463 Z65 2007)


Spiegelman, Art. Maus : a survivor’s tale. Pantheon, 1997. (DS135.P63 S68 1997)

*Hoffman, Eva. Lost in translation : a life in a new language. Penguin Books, 1990. (E184.J5 H63 1990)

*Wiencek, Henry. An imperfect god : George Washington, his slaves, and the creation of America. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003. (E312.17 .W6 2003)

Mari, Christopher (ed.). The American presidency. H.W, Wilson, 2008. (JK516 .A86 2008)

*Habegger, Alfred. My wars are laid away in books : the life of Emily Dickinson. Random House, 2001. (PS1541.Z5 H32 2001)


Harold, Elliotte Rusty. Java network programming. O’Reilly Media, 2005. (QA76.625 .H367 2005)

Gamma Erich. Design patterns : elements of reusable object-oriented software. Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995. (QA76.64 .D47 1995)

Bloch, Joshua. Effective Java™ programming language guide. Prentice Hall, 2001. (QA76.73.J38 B57 2001 C.2)

Vieira, Robert. Beginning SQL server 2005 programming. Wiley, 2006. (QA76.9.C55 V54 2006)


Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. The black swan : the impact of the highly improbable. Random House, 2007. (Q375 .T35 2007)

Scott, Jacqueline (ed.). Critical affinities : Nietzsche and African American thought. State University of New York Press, 2006. (B3317 .C685 2006)

Grob, Leonard (ed.). Women’s and men’s liberation : testimonies of spirit. Greenwood Press, 1991. (BL625.7 .W65 1991)

*Robinson, Marilynne. The death of Adam : essays on modern thought. Houghton Mifflin, 1998. (E169.12 .R583 1998)

Lott, Tommy L. African-American philosophy : selected readings. Prentice Hall, 2002. (E184.6 .A335 2002)

Barboza, Steven (ed.). The African American book of values : classic moral stories. Doubleday, 1998. (E185.86 .B35 1998)

Pearsall, Marilyn (ed.). Women and values : readings in recent feminist philosophy. Wadsworth, 1993. (HQ1190 .W68 1993)

Souaiaia, Ahmed E. Contesting justice : women, Islam, law, and society. State University of New York Press, 2008. (KBP50 .S68 2008)


Weinberger, David. Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder. Holt Paperbacks, 2008. (HD30.2 .W4516 2008)


*Luther. MGM, 2004. (A-V DVD BR327 .L77 2004b)

*Paper Clips. Hart Sharp Video, 2006. (A-V DVD D804.33 .P37 2006)

*Amistad. DreamWorks, 2004. (A-V DVD E447 .A6 2004)

*Bowling for Columbine. MGM Home Entertainment, 2003. (A-V DVD HV7436 .B69 2003)

*Thank you for smoking. Twentieth Century Fox, 2006. (A-V DVD PN1995.9.C55 T4365 2006)

*Manderlay. IFC Films, 2005. (A-V DVD PN1995.9.M45 M36 2005)

*Nine lives. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2006. (A-V DVD PN1995.9.W6 N564 2006)

*Invincible. New Line Home Entertainment, 2003. (A-V DVD PN1997.2 .I68 2003)

*TransAmerica. Weinstein Company, 2006. (A-V DVD PN1997.2 .T73 2006b)

*Grizzly man. Lions Gate Entertainment, 2005. (A-V DVD QL737.C27 G7588 2005)

Friday, October 10, 2008

All this just in the first month of school

It's been awhile since I posted anything and part of that has to do with the intense schedule the library has been experiencing, coupled with learning various new software of both the major and minor variety (more about that later) and, oh yes, a vacation.

First things first--the librarians, Paula, Paula and Sherril have conducted nearly 40 information literacy sessions in just the month of September. Whew! Program areas that we have been collaborating with include: WES 100, Nursing, Philosophy, Business Administration, Psychology, History, and Religion and Forum. We have done a variety of presentations from tours to powerpoints to specifically targeted resources and stand-alone guides. If you have any assignments on the near horizon that we could assist your students with, please let us know!

Secondly, we have been "playing" with and learning our new databases from the Proquest family in the areas of Psychology, Nursing, and Religion. I recently gave four InfoLit sessions that demonstrated these databases and how to use them to our students. I'm happy to report that they have been well received and constituted over 20% of our total database use for the month of September. Not a bad first showing for our newbies!

Finally, some of you may be hearing inklings about new library software. Some of you may have already gotten a first hand look at this software. We're very excited about our new LibGuide software. Two guides have already been written and I invite you to take a look at them. You can find them here. Can't miss them--they're marked by the big purple boxes. Several more are forthcoming as is more information in a later blog.

Enjoy your fall break!